Hasan Moosa Shafaei |
Bahrain: Human Rights Organizations and the Relationship Strategy
with the Government
Hasan Moosa Shafaei
It is customary for international human rights organizations,
such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, among others
to differ in the way of dealing with various countries around the
world. On one hand, they adopt a method based on co-operation and
constructive criticism in their relationship with some countries.
But on the other hand, they use a confrontational approach with
others which includes escalation via the media, mobilization of
public and political pressure as well as the use of blunt language.
The nature of the relationship between international organizations
and various countries, as well as the differences in discourse is
determined by the human rights record of each country. Two categories
of countries can be identified in this area. With respect to authoritarian
countries, and in order to create gradual change, it is necessary
for international human rights organizations to adopt a strict approach
which includes escalation in discourse, confrontation and strict
scrutiny. In addition to this, it is also important to constantly
follow up the events taking place and regularly issue public statements
and reports etc; as in such countries oppression is widespread and
unlikely to stop in the near future. Additionally, strict authoritarian
policies prevail in such countries - as revealed by their human
rights record.
The second category includes countries where human rights violations
are limited, or those trying to reform their human rights record,
develop their legislations, do not restrict the opposition and exert
efforts to improve the human rights situation. Such countries can
achieve these developments through inventing new mechanisms, filling-in
legal gaps and committing to the minimum limits of their human rights
obligations at both national and international levels. With regards
to such countries, international organizations avoid any kind of
confrontation and help them improve their human rights situation
through encouragement without undermining the importance of both
private and public constructive criticism. It seems that this distinction
in the treatment of countries has been resolved on by international
human rights organizations and still represents a disagreement among
human rights defenders in the Arab world, such as Egypt, Morocco,
Tunisia, Algeria, Palestine, Jordan as well as Bahrain among others.
In some Arab countries, local human rights organizations have
opted for the use of constructive criticism and co-operation for
developing the country’s human rights record. Morocco is an example
of this where it is apparent that it has progressed a great deal
in democratization and respect for human rights. However, other
human rights organizations in other countries are still caught between
choosing the approach which uses confrontation and escalation or
the one based on co-operation and constructive criticism.
It is likely that the root of the problem stems from the fact
that human rights organizations have different evaluations of the
performance of the political system at all levels (politically,
legally, socially and legislatively). Thus, it becomes important
to answer the following question: is it possible to build on the
regime’s policies in order to promote reform, development and respect
for human rights? Or is the regime uncompromising in its position
and does not want change and reform? Therefore, it is not possible
to depend on the use of moderate discourse as a means of changing
the Government’s position.
In Bahrain, human rights organizations differ, till this day,
with respects to the evaluation of the situation. And hence, they
differ in determining the nature of the relationship between them
and the Government. In our evaluation, the dissolved Bahrain Centre
for Human Rights believes that nothing important was accomplished
with respects to the political, civil and social rights of the citizens.
Therefore, there is no other away than confronting the regime and
escalating the political and human rights discourse and mobilizing
the public towards confrontation. On the other hand, Bahrain Society
for Human Rights evaluates the situation differently and feels that
- despite its flaws and shortcomings - the current political regime
is not the same system of the 80s and 90s. For it has clearly developed
mentally, practically as well as in theory and practice. Thus, it
is necessary to co-operate with the regime, criticize it in a constructive
manner, encourage it, push it towards making bigger reforms and
benefit from the available margin of freedoms in promoting a human
rights culture in order to achieve more progress in the future.
We believe that it is necessary to discuss the disagreements
between the Bahrain human rights organizations regarding this subject
in order to unify their efforts when adopting the best suited approach
for the situation in Bahrain. Of course, there are some human rights
activists who believe that both ways are correct. However, the Bahrain
Human Rights Monitor believes in adopting constructive dialogue
with the authority and the use of developed, balanced and impartial
human rights discourse. As this is the most effective approach to
develop human rights and push it forward as well as develop the
political system itself.