Bahrain: Inciting Violence and its Impacts on Human Rights
Bahrain remains trapped in a circle of violence and riots, to
the extent that incidents of violence are now occurring on an almost
weekly basis. This includes streets being blocked with burning tires
and rubbish bins, clashes with the security forces, the use of fire
bombs and vandalizing public properties such as electric generators
and street lamps.
At the beginning of the New Year, the political situation escalated
and police cars were attacked with Molotov bombs which resulted
in a number of human casualties, including the burning to death
of a policeman in Karazcan and a foreign worker in Al Ma’ameer.
A substantial number of citizens and residents were also wounded
and burned, and some even lost their sight (publicly known as the
Beni Jammrah incident).
The jeep in which the security man burned to death
Regardless of the reasons behind the current political and social
violence, these incidents are generally unjustifiable and unacceptable,
especially in a country that has an open political atmosphere and
a political process in which the vast majority of the people are
participating. This article discusses inciting violence which many
political parties and human rights activists are believed to be
involved in. An example of this is the speech of Abdulhadi Al Khawaja,
former president of Bahrain Human Rights Centre, on the occasion
of Ashura in January 2009.
This kind of incitement has mostly been imported, and is not
only responsible for political and security tensions in the country,
but most importantly, is also responsible for the human rights violations
that have occurred. This is because it provides a suitable environment
for breeding violence and is one of the main obstacles facing the
natural development of civil human rights institutions. It is notable
that some extremely politicized parties and individuals have established
offices under the pretext of defending human rights, but at the
same time use a purely political rhetoric. It is also clear that
political incitement has attracted local human rights institutions
in a strange kind of alliance, as it is unusual for advocates of
violence to form alliances with human rights defenders, who should
defend the principles of justice.
The objectives and the language used for inciting violence will
be addressed here. Although it is not possible to go into the details,
it is sufficient to point out some of the main points based on the
example of one particular public statement. This statement, which
contains subversive and violent content, was issued by the London-based
Bahrain Freedom Movement (Harakat Ahrar al-Bahrain) under the title
‘Thank You: Youth of Molotov’. The statement was issued on 12 April
2009, after the royal pardon of 178 detainees involved in clashes
and riots. Generally, the title is stunning and self explanatory.
However, we have the following remarks about the statement:
1) The incitement is directed at the youth in particular, as
they are adventurous and less mature. The statement praises them
as follows: ‘you are a source of pride, dignity and freedom. You
have taught us many lessons and proved that the regime is as weak
as a spider’s are heroes etc’. As much as these youths
are exploited as tools of the incitement, they are also its victims.
2) The statement contains a truly ugly description of the enemy,
whether a ruler or a competing body. Descriptions of the enemy that
contained in the statement include: ‘cruel’, ‘corrupt’, ‘torturers,
killers, invaders, occupiers, tyrants’. Such a description renders
confronting the enemy not only desirable, but also a duty, as those
who embody these attributes should undoubtedly be opposed despite
all difficulties. The statement promises people that victory can
be achieved by removing the regime: ‘your heroism has broken the
enemy and a dedicated few are able to weaken the regime and overturn
it’. The statement continued: ‘those who perpetrate crimes against
humanity, especially the main tyrant and his ministers and torturers’
have been exposed ‘and you have paved the way for international
trials of the regime, just like the Nazis after World War Two. The
Nuremburg trials will be repeated with the help of Allah’.
3) The incitement in the statement is direct; otherwise it would
lose its effect on the youth. The amount of verbal incitement and
praise for violence is shocking such as: ‘thank you to the youth
of cylinders and burning tires ... without you, newspapers and news
agencies would not have been alerted to the injustice facing our
people. Never give in to the enemies of Allah, the people and humanity.
We are now more determined to confront injustice, oppressors, occupiers
and occupation’. The statement went on to tell the youth (to prepare
for a more decisive confrontation.. and that your choice to take
to the streets is what broke the enemy’s backbone , and that the
correct attitude [towards the rulers] is to smack their mouths,
and spit in their faces)!
Riots and Violence: Attack on the Rights of Others |
4) Advocates of violence fear that they will be accused of incitement,
which is why we find in the statement references to ‘the peaceful
movement’ as though all that is being said can be justified as freedom
of speech and thus does not contradict human rights standards and
charters: ‘thank you to the youth of cylinders and burning tires
for your commitment to the peaceful movement which has amazed the
whole world’. The objective of those inciting violence is to convince
these youths that their behaviour is acceptable and legitimate in
the eyes of the world with the exception of the Government of Bahrain
‘thank you for refusing to abandon the use of peaceful means of
5) The incitement discourse sees violence and riots as a ‘useful
means’ of confronting the Government. The regime is viewed as an
‘occupier’ and hence it should be confronted with violence, declaring
war and deportation from the country. Violence is perceived by the
Freemen of Bahrain Movement as the only means available to the youth
to change the reality of the situation. Moreover, this rhetoric
incites against those who object to the use of violence and riots
and even against the mediators who are perceived by the statement
to be the puppets of the regime: ‘you have not been put down by
the so called ‘societal’ committees which aim to protect the regime
by silencing you, even if this requires the issuing of a religious
6) This rhetoric also depends on religious language in legitimizing
itself and the activity of those responsible of it, not only against
the Government, but also against politicians and human rights activists
who oppose them. Verses from the holy Koran and religious vocabulary
are used for example, as the regime is said to target ‘religion,
social values and the country’s culture’; those practicing violence
are freedom fighters, sacrificing themselves for the sake of Allah
by confronting the pharaoh and their actions will earn them rewards
in the Day of Judgment.
All statements and speeches similar to this one, be they from
political or human rights bodies, represent a clear violation of
human rights standards and the principles of justice. This is because
they encourage, legitimize and blatantly justify the use of violence.
They also contain unacceptable attacks on the rights of others,
regardless of their identity, which includes insulting and defaming.
The responsibility of human rights activists in Bahrain is to
refrain from this kind of rhetoric which is contrary to the spirit
of justice, and to condemn it and all those involved in it. However,
this does not deny the fact that human rights activists should monitor
the course of justice with regards to those detained on rioting
and violence charges; especially as there are currently individuals
imprisoned for the killing of a policeman and a foreign worker and
are still awaiting trial. Regardless of their accusations, it is
necessary to implement fair trial standards in these cases including
examining the evidence, providing lawyers, public trials etc.