The High Cost of Human Rights violations
Hasan Moosa Shafaie |
Hasan Moosa Shafaei
It is obvious that maintaining the rule of law will prevent human
rights violations from taking place. It is possible to say that
when countries violate human rights of their citizens under the
pretext of protecting the security of the state, the opposite effect
is achieved. In other words, violations destabilize the regime and
the security of the country; and help deteriorate the situation
as opposed to bringing about stability and peace.
The route taken by human rights violators to achieve stability
and security is wrong. Thus, the claim that adherence to International
human rights standards will only weaken the State’s security, is
false. It is for this reason that the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights stresses that the enjoyment of the protection of legal system
of human rights prevents individuals from resorting to rebel against
tyranny and oppression.
It is worth remembering this fact especially at a time when there
is fierce debate concerning torture in Bahrain. Understanding the
amount of loss inflicted by the occurrence of human rights violations
is an issue that deserves deep thought. Violating human rights is
costly to any state and to any society, not only at the moral level
but also harms Bahrain’s reputation abroad. Human rights violations
have huge implications including:
- They weaken the society’s confidence in the Government and its
security forces as well as impeding cooperation between society
and Government. Additionally, violations encourage some citizens
to violate and disrespect the law and help develop hostility towards
the security and judicial apparatus.
- Violations increase tension in the street and escalate violence
and rioting. Historically, violations represent the fuel and justification
for extremism. We have noticed that extremists in Bahrain attempt
to involve the police in clashes in order to create a suitable environment
for violating the law. Hence, respecting the law by Government organs
help solve the problems and disagreements peacefully and promote
a better relationship between the State and its citizens.
- Violations harm the reputation of the judicial system even if
it is not directly involved. This because the Judiciary is a refuge
for individuals and symbolizes justice. Therefore, people will question
the role of the Judiciary in safeguarding and protecting human rights.
In other words, violating human rights harms many Governmental bodies,
distort their reputation and weaken their credibility.
- There have been some serious attempts by the Ministry of Interior
to improve the relationship between society and the police to help
combat and prevent crime through the recently established program
‘Community Policing’. If violations occur, this cooperation and
efforts will be undermined and will isolate the police and the security
system from society.
- The violations harm the reputation of the State and provide an
opportunity for criticizing it by international human rights organizations
and the media, which is something extremists try to accomplish.
The violations also increase political pressure on the State which
could perhaps be exploited to achieve goals that affect the State’s
sovereignty and independence.
We are confident that there is a political will to respect human
rights in Bahrain and also a public and official consensus in condemning
torture. There is a clear interest in preventing the occurrence
of any form of violation. However, there remains a missing link
which is the weak transparency regarding the individual breaches
that take place, which then lead to exaggerating the situation and
presenting these breaches as systematic. If sufficient transparency
existed, it would reveal that the breaches are minimal. Such breaches
occur in most countries of the world and there is no way to completely
eradicate them. We demand the concerned bodies to prevent the occurrence
of violations by taking preventative steps and procedures. We also
demand that they deal with the issue with open-mind and open their
files as this is the only way to promote their credibility.