The Way Out of the Bahrain Human Rights Society Crisis
Hasan Moosa Shafaie
On 8 September 2010, and in a sudden move, the Ministry of Social
Development issued an order dissolving the Bahrain Human Rights
Society’s Board of Directors, and appointed a temporary director
for a period of eight months. This new administrator is an employee
in the Ministry, and has been given the authority to run the affairs
of the Society from its headquarters including processing applications
for new memberships. This order, which was based on Law 21 of 1989
concerning societies, came as a shock to both local and international
organizations, many of whom have issued statements urging the Bahraini
Government to reconsider its decision.
Secretary General of the BHRS Abdulla Drazi and his Deputy |
The Ministry gave many reasons justifying this measure, including:
the failure of the Society to comply with the aforementioned law
including failure to prepare an annual budget; the existence of
financial breaches and the receipt of money from abroad without
informing the Ministry; training human rights activists from GCC
countries on human rights; the failure to present final account
to a Certified Accountant; engaging in politics; failing to call
for a General Assembly or hold elections; failing to provide the
Ministry with the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors.
According to the Ministry, there were other complaints by citizens
due to the Society’s failure to condemn violence; limiting membership
to specific political groups; insulting journalists; and coordinating
with illegitimate movements; mixing politics with human rights,
which undermined its impartiality and professionalism; publishing
statements on its website for illegal movements, which attack the
political system. Finally, the Ministry outlined several irregularities
in the Society’s regulations, such as the failure to renew the licence
for its affiliated body (Al Karama Centre), cooperating with foreign
entities, and presenting unfounded complaints to foreign organizations.
The BHRS has rejected all these accusations, as well as the decision
to dissolve its Board of Directors and appoint a Government administrator
to run its affairs. Consequently, the Society filed a lawsuit against
the Ministry’s order on 19 September 2010, to which the Ministry
responded on 6 October by filing an urgent lawsuit in order to force
the Society to comply with its order. However, the court did not
find the Ministry`s suit urgent considering that there was already
a lawsuit against the Ministry, so the latter dropped the case.
On 26 October 2010, the first court held its first session to
look into the BHRS’ complaints, during which the Ministry requested
the case be postponed in order to study the case. The case has now
been adjourned to 4 January 2011, which will allow both parties
to reach a settlement, something they both seem to desire.
Real irregularities and hasty measures
It is obvious that the BHRS has made several mistakes, and some
of the Ministry’s allegations are indeed true and undeniable. These
mistakes include politicization of the Society, the dominance of
a single political party, limiting membership, the existence of
certain financial irregularities, and the failure to condemn violence
for political reasons. On the other hand, some accusations were
deliberately exaggerated and do not justify taking such a tough
decision without previous warning.
The Ministry of Social Development should act in a paternal spirit
towards civil society, and should not hold it accountable for every
trivial mistake. It is the duty of the Ministry to guide and not
to punish. This necessitates wise behaviour, even if this requires
turning a blind eye to some small breaches. It is equally important
that the overall work of the organizations is correct, and it is
also crucial to anticipate the effect of any decision, even if it
complies with regulations, on the reform project as a whole, as
well as being aware of the negative repercussions of any decision.
Minister of Social Development
Dr. Fatima Al Blooshi
Punishment cannot solve the politicization problem, for anyone
studying the situation in Bahrain and the political and ideological
background of the leaders of civil society organizations, will understand
that political and human rights projects need the time and environment
to mature. Undoubtedly, the BHRS bears part of the responsibility,
however, in its current situation, it cannot be separated politically
from its founder: Wa‘d. I do not think that dissolving the Society
is the solution, as this harms human rights and the reputation of
Bahrain. We hope that human rights activists in Bahrain will realise
the harm inflicted on the credibility and development of their cause,
as a result of politicising human rights. We also hope that in the
future, Bahraini society itself will be able to punish whoever manipulates
human rights for narrow political purposes. Hence, we believe that
the decision to dissolve the Society’s Board of Directors came at
the wrong time, and was also executed in an incorrect manner. It
was possible to deal with the problem in a different way in order
to safeguard Bahrain’s reputation, by guiding and supervising the
development of the BHRS, despite any legal or administrative mistakes.
The Ministry in question should realise that the nature of the
work of such societies obliges them to gather and publish information
regarding human rights violations, and that it is the essence of
their work to train and educate. Moreover, the margin of freedom
in Bahrain encourages others, including countries and regional and
international organizations, and even individuals, to benefit from
this current openness.
The problem lies in the law
The Ministry of Social Development can refer to law 21 when addressing
the breaches of the BHRS, so that its actions can be interpreted
as an honest and professional implementation of that law. We also
know that Law No. (21) of the year 1989 was issued long before the
reform period, and that the amendments that were made to it in 2002
were not sufficient to constitute a modern law and were inadequate
to meet the radical changes in Bahrain since 2001. Most Bahraini
civil society organizations are not satisfied with it, and the Ministry
of Social Development has realised that the law is not suitable
for the current period. Therefore, the Ministry has presented a
bill, which was discussed with civil society organizations, and
we hope that this new bill will be urgently forwarded to the Parliament
for ratification.
One of the most negative points of the current law is the fact
that it gives the Executive Authority extensive power to interfere
directly in the details of the work of all NGOs. This makes adherence
to its articles a burden for these societies, and even for the Ministry
itself. This is because focusing on the details of the law, such
as wanting to know everything in advance, and giving permission
to all activities, is costly, time consuming and indicates a lack
of trust in civil organizations. Any kind of pressure, censorship
and direct interference in the internal affairs of NGOs will prevent
them from achieving their objectives. Bahraini civil society organizations
in general need the trust of the Government, freedom and social
support in order to achieve great strides in their work.
Looking for a way-out and a compromise
The disagreement between the Ministry and the BHRS is now in
the hands of the Court, and only the Court can have the final say
in the decision to dissolve the Board, among other breaches. We
believe that the Court rulings will be fair, and will satisfy both
parties. However, we believe there is also an opportunity to resolve
the issue through mutual dialogue. An impartial party such as the
National Institution for Human Rights can also play a positive role
in reconciling opinions, and it seems that both parties should reach
a concession. We hope that the Ministry will revoke its decision,
and that the BHRS addresses its irregularities in accordance with
the law.