Reforms and challenges in Bahrain
Hasan Moosa Shafaei
Hasan Moosa Shafaei |
The challenges facing democratization in Bahrain are not unlike
those faced by developing countries around the world, despite the
individual characteristics of each country. When King Hamad bin
Isa ascended the throne in 1999, a political reform project was
initiated. In 2001 the National Action Charter was launched, and
many political and human rights societies were established, freedom
of expression and assembly were expanded and parliamentary and council
elections took place. Today, the main challenges ?acing democracy
in Bahrain can be summarised as follows:
With regards to political societies and civil society organizations
- Contrary to popular belief, social organisations and political
parties have not agreed on the details and the extent of the
democratization process. Some view democracy itself as a danger
which could undermine their interests and very existence. For
some, more democracy would entail the dominance of one sect-
specifically the Shia. For this reason some parties have rejected
the idea of an elected Government because it will inevitably
lead to a Shia Government or be dominated by the Shia majority.
- Political parties after the reforms have failed to overcome
narrow sectarian affiliations even when their charters theoretically
reflect openness. In practice however, religious and sectarian
affiliations continued to determine the political positions
of all parties. This can be attributed to a weakness in the
national culture and democracy in Bahrain. It was hoped that
with time democracy would yield civil political parties which
are able to overcome narrow affiliations.
- Political societies failed to establish meaningful political
alliances or to even share decisive political common grounds
before and after reforms. There was no clear consensus with
regards to the ultimate target of the political reforms: is
it the establishment of a constitutional monarchy or just the
improvement of the existing system. As such there had been no
agreement on the form and the content of an alternative democratic
system. The establishment of any democratic system requires
as a prerequisite ?n agreement between the various components
of society, and between these components and the government.
The means through which a consensual political system can be
achieved is an issue that has yet to be addressed.
- The experience of civil society organizations in Bahrain
failed because it was trapped in past political affiliations
and could not overcome social divisions. This can be attributed
to the fact that it is an experience that did not have enough
time to mature; therefore it had a limited impact on the democratization
process and social development, even though the number of civil
society organizations was significantly large.
- From the outset ,there were those among the opposition who
raised serious doubts about the political process, viewing the
reforms as insufficient, and taking the decision, not only to
boycott the democratic process (Al wefaq boycotted the first
elections then), but also to reject it fundamentally, present
radical demands and refuse the gradual approach towards democracy,
demanding radical change instead. This resulted in more tension
strengthening the positions of those opposed to democratization,
as wel? as leading to added restrictions on political societies
involved in the political process. All of this has weakened
the momentum towards the desired change.
The Executive Authority
- As is the case with all democracies, the beginning in 2000
was encouraging, but conservative groups within the system rejected
the process and hindered the reformists’ project. Unfortunately,
they succeeded and fears regarding the continuation of the reform
project increased.
- One of the obstacles facing democratization includes the
presence of heavy baggage and problems inherited from the pre-reform
era. Reformists succeeded in solving many of these, but others
remained unsolved such as: compensating pre-reform victims and
finding ways and means to create some sort of balance by accommodating
all segments of the society in the state’s institutions based
on the principle of equality as stated in the National Action
Charter and the Constitution. These problems, in addition to
oth?r factors were used to inflame the street for many years
and resulted in radical political demands.
- Democratic developments have failed to improve the Government’s
performance with regards to providing public services. This
raised questions and doubts about the seriousness and the benefit
of democracy.
- The popular movement in February 2011 was influence by the
Arab Spring in combination with the failure of both Government
and opposition, as well as the inadequacy that characterized
the performances of the official institutions including the
newly elected parliament. Tensions on the street have proved
to be a serious obstacle facing democracy, especially after
the withdrawal of the opposition from the political process
and the occurrence of human rights violations. The events also
resulted in huge social ?nd sectarian schism, as well as political
divisions. However, this movement has opened a window of opportunities
to establish a political system which is more stable, responsive
to the needs of the current phase, and capable of overcoming
the mistakes and shortcomings. In short, the opportunity is
still there for Bahrain to cross to the other side and reach
out for democracy, security and stability.
- The opposition believes that the political authority has
unjustifiable concerns regarding the outcome of the democracy.
The Government believed that it was necessary to accommodate
the Shia politically, but it was not sure of their political
performance, and whether the concept of a gradually implemented
political process would be acceptable to them. This resulted
– in the opinion of the Shia opposition- in complicating the
political process and in deepening the mistrust by taking some
measures that the o?position deem incorrect such as the ratification
of the constitution, the division of constituencies and the
placement of parliamentary mechanisms which slowed the pace
of the ratification of laws and legislations. As for the Government,
it is talking about efforts to make the interim democratic political
process run smoothly and succeed with minimum loss .This would
entail catering for regional concerns as well as for the concerns
of the political forces within or outside the system i.e. assurances
that t?e whole matter has nothing to do with targeting the Shia
and everything to do with driving the reform project towards
The situation in the region
The regional factor was and will remain a major obstacle facing
democratization in Bahrain. The fact that Bahrain lies in a region
where democracy is not only discouraged but faces active hostility,
has inevitably put pressure on the Bahraini experience. Democracy
does not agree with the nature of existing regimes in the Arab world,
which fear that the same experience will be repeated in their countries.
During the transitional phase which took place in 2011, Iran
took advantage of the unrest in Bahrain and through its media escalated
the political conflict and deepened social divisions. Western political
and human rights pressures were so relentless that they’ve nearly
become counterproductive as in many instances the Government could
not cope and preferred to ignore them.
The absence of a democratic culture
- Despite relative freedom, the activities of civil society
organizations and the promotion of a national culture and democracy
by newly established government institutions, the Government
and civil society organizations did not exert enough efforts
towards the development of a democratic culture. Political transition
should be accompanied with cultural changes which can be achieved
through education, the media and public cultural activities.
A national democratic culture which encourages the acceptance
of d?versity and tolerance has not developed as much as developments
in freedom of expression and political freedoms. It is possible
to say that all political parties were occupied with politics
and ignored the task of spreading awareness and educating the
public, which is very important for a society taking its first
steps towards democracy.