No, to turning our Human Rights
Organisations into Political Parties
Hasan Moosa Shafaei
Hasan Moosa Shafaei |
A general screening of the political and human rights arena in
Bahrain today reveals the existence of two political camps, each
with its own set of political, media, human rights, religious and
popular tools. Two dissonant camps, each constitutes a clearly defined
solid mass within which the defining lines between political, human
rights, sectarian cultural or even ideological aspects are blurred
so that within each camp almost one voice prevails over all others
in such a way that makes the human rights activist feel that he/she
has lost his/her specificity, tools and distinctiveness; and seemed
more like a professional politician speaking the language of human
rights to attack either the regime or the opposition. In other words
the activist has become part of a distinctive political machine.
Thus, the matter is no longer a simple mix-up in approach between
the political and the human rights aspects. In the midst of the
political conflict, even the objectives of human rights activists
have been lost. By joining either of the two camps, the affiliated
human rights activists ultimately become so engrossed in the political
end game, that the methods and approach they adopt are determined
by the politician.
Today, everything is politicized in Bahrain. One may even dare
to say that each and every activist in public affairs has already
determined his/her political choices or has automatically become
part of one of the two camps.
In such an environment, we need to go back to the beginnings
and ask ourselves some basic and obvious questions, so as not to
lose our sense of direction any more than is the case so far.
It is the task of the human rights activist to develop human
rights conditions, but this does not necessarily mean clashing with
the political regime; as the need may arise to cooperate with it.
Otherwise a human rights activist may turn into a political activist,
because he/she decided from the outset that human rights objectives
can only be achieved through political tools, or through partial
or total political change; while acknowledging the impact of the
development of the political situation on the human rights one ,
and vice versa.
When I point out this fact to some human rights advocates in
Bahrain, they answer me back with a question: “But we have a dictatorial
regime that uses all the tools of oppression and repression against
activists, and therefore the regime needs to be changed first, otherwise
human rights activism becomes useless? “
What answer could I offer? Dictatorship is relative in each country.
Some political regimes have agreed to evolve into less repressive
regimes or ‘emerging democracies’, to use the more positive modern
expression. Consequently, there are two tracks that cannot be confused.
The political opposition track, either outside the law, or within
the permitted limits in the event of the existence of any legislation
permitting the establishment of political parties. The other track
is that of human rights activism in? the context of civil society
The error is that when conflict intensified in the political
process in Bahrain, the human rights track has been hijacked. The
human rights track failed to put up any resistance to salvage even
a tiny bit of its independence, as per the international human rights
standards which impose the reasonably possible degree of neutrality,
objectivity and professionalism.
Apart from this, any talk of human rights becomes little more
than political justifications. Thus, a human rights advocate is
critical of the regime or the opposition, not with a view to improving
the human rights situation, but rather for a goal that is pre- determined
by a politician in one camp or the other. As a result, the humanitarian
value of human rights work is degraded as it becomes merely a means
of indicting one party or the other. This goes to the extent where
some rejoice over the occurrence of more violations by the regime,
as the latter’s mistakes supply them with material for defamation
and political condemnation.
So, who really cares for the pain of the victims, the blood and
the security unrest; or feels the pain of ordinary people? I am
not asking the politician to cease activities or abandon their goals;
but rather say to the human rights activist: “Why did you abandon
your goals? Why have you dropped the humanitarian dimension in your
fight for human rights? Your true goal is to reduce the size of
human rights violations, and to expand the space of benefits to
citizens in the civil and political rights spheres.?Your goal is
not political in the sense that is explained by the politicians
on either side of the political divide”.
As a human rights defender myself, I am confronted with several
questions, from my colleagues as well as others, such as: “Why did
you choose to cooperate with the Bahraini Government?” “Is there
any benefit from what you are doing?” … “Is not what you are doing
a justification and an attempt to polish the image of the behaviour
and conduct of the government; and to cover up its violations?”
Also, some Bahraini human rights activists do not hesitate at
throwing allegations at me such as been an infiltrator, a plant,
a political broker, or an opportunist who exploits the pains of
others to achieve personal gains, in addition to other allegations
they happily feed to regional and international human rights entities.
The essence of the dispute lies in what I mentioned above. In
other words, it is a dispute over the methodology and approach to
the human rights issue. No one can overbid someone with a political
opposition background, who has spent nearly a quarter of a century
in defence of Bahraini human rights. I understand the difference
between political and human rights work. I do realize that my job
and specific task is to improve human rights conditions through
communication with the government, international organizations,
United Nation’s institutions and an extensive network of contacts
, while relying on a professional human rights discourse.
Working with the government does not mean acceptance or cover
up of the violations that occur. In fact, I am doing what other
fellow human rights activists are doing. The difference is that
I convey documented information and put them in their proper context.
I provide solutions to solve human rights issues and have been successful
in many of them. But most importantly is that my purpose in all
of this is not political. My purpose in essence and core is purely
humanitarian, national and focused on human rights. My human rights
work is not intended for the purposes of defamation, embarrassment
nor political exploitation.
A balanced relationship with the government is indispensable
for a human rights advocate. How do you expect to develop a human
rights situation by clashing with the government? All International
human rights organizations do not clash with governments, but open
channels of dialogue and communication with officials, even in the
most notorious of dictatorial regimes. It is even more so as we
live in a homeland whose political fundamentals we have accepted,
and where there is a wide margin for civil society, ?political parties
and the media. Would it then be reasonable and wise, if we genuinely
want to serve the cause of human rights, to sever relationships
with the government and opt to clash with it? How could that possibly
be right?
In any case, this debate is not new. It has started between me
and my colleagues in the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR)
since we established it together in early 2000. Due to differences
in methodology I withdrew from the BCHR. I would like to remind
my BCHR colleagues to re-read the objectives and methods of the
Centre, which are included in the BCHR Statutes (published in the
Official Gazette), so that we could all realize how far or how close
we have come towards achieving those objectives, and whether or
not we actually use the correct methods and approaches to achieve
Based on the relationship with the Bahraini government, and through
long personal experience, it could be said that there is willingness
by the country’s leadership to develop the human rights situation
to a large extent. I have discovered that the prime deficiency lies
in the lack of understanding of this new paradigm called “human
rights according to international standards”. All the State’s institutions
have, for more than half a century, been founded on a totally different
culture. Hence, the question is how to reshape all these official
institutions? How to correct the behaviour of individuals in accordance
with human rights standards and controls? How to compel individuals
to comply with these standards?
I have had the opportunity to meet closely with senior ministers
and officials concerned with human rights dossiers. I have talked
and listened to them on dozens of emergent or heated human rights
issues, pointing out errors, suggesting solutions and criticizing
some of the behaviours and legislation. Such activity has contributed
to the resolution of several issues.
Someone may ask: Why should the regime agree to listen to you?
I would think that perhaps the officials have realized that our
approach and ends are different. In any case, I am grateful to all
those officials for availing me of the opportunity to meet with
them and for bearing my sometimes painful criticism and candour.
I am grateful to them for enduring my constant irritation and persistence,
and for allowing me a window of opportunity to serve human rights
in my homeland by accepting little or much of m? demands, proposals
and calls.
I should also point out, that my human rights’ activities and
operational methodology are widely accepted among all international
human rights organizations, including the UNHRC. Many of the officials
of those organizations closely follow and realize what I am doing,
and appreciate the joint cooperation, views and the suggestions
I propose.
Finally, while we observe that politicians, especially from the
opposition, are engaging in human rights activity; human rights
activists are also engaging in political action, albeit under human
rights pretences. This, once again, raises the question about the
need to review the way human rights work is exercised in Bahrain.
Without this, we risk having our human rights societies turning
into political parties, as their core business. Worse still, we
all risk losing our human rights credibility.