Study: Future Vision for Human Rights
The Bahrain Centre for Studies and Research has issued a study
entitled 'A Future Vision for Human Rights'. Former UN Secretary
General and current president of the National Council for Human
Dr Mohamed No'man Jalal |
Rights in Egypt Dr. Boutris Boutris Ghali introduced the study.
Dr Mohamed No'man Jalal, head of strategic studies in the Centre,
has commented by saying: the study includes three thorough researches:
the first is entitled 'the need for concerted international efforts
in the light of the worsening threat of organized terrorism' written
by Mr. Ahmad Mustafa; 'Prevention as a New Mechanism to Protect
Human Rights' by Mr. Ahmad Ameen Al Maydani and 'A Comprehensive
and Periodical Review of Human Rights' by Ibrahim Ali Badwi Al Shakh.
In this regard, Dr. Jalal observed that Bahrain has complied
with the Universal Periodical Report's requirements and presented
its report in February 2008 for discussion in April of the same
year. He added that the report itself has gained the approval of
the UN member states attended the discussion and concluded that
Bahrain's report, and the way in which it was prepared, could make
it a model for other States.