Journalist Lamees Dhaif Faces Charges under Penal Code
Deputy of the Supreme Judicial Council has filed a legal suit
against journalist Lamees Dhaif. The well known columnist wrote
Lamees Dhaif |
a series of articles in AL- Waqt newspaper entitled ‘Shameful case:
The Time for Silence is Over’, which criticized the practices of
the judiciary within the context of her call for the adoption of
a Family Law in order to alleviate the suffering of women in the
Sharia Courts.
Dhaif, a board member of the Bahrain Journalists Association
(BJA) said that she received the Public Attorney’s letter and was
shocked to find that she was being accused of insulting the Judiciary
according to the Penal Code and not the 2002 Press Code, which unlike
the former does not impose jail sentences or fines.
Dhaif defended herself by saying that the Supreme Court was attempting
to charge her as a citizen and not as a journalist expressing her
views on public issues within the framework of the rule of law which
protects the right of free expression. She also stressed that her
cause was a just one and expressed her willingness to defend it.
In the meantime several civil and political societies have shown
their solidarity with Dhaif, notably the Bahrain Journalists Association.
On its part, The Public Prosecutor has stated that Dhaif will be
charged under the Press Law.