Political Societies Condemn the Use of Molotov Cocktails
In a meeting on 7 March 2009, all six major political opposition
Societies (al-Ikha, Amal, al-Qawmi, al-Wifaq, al-Taqadumi and Wa’ad)
condemned the violent means used by some citizens to express their
refusal of the ‘wrong’ policies of Government, as well as the use
of the Molotov Cocktail against security forces or civilians, vandalism
of public properties, electric power stations, street lights and
the assault of foreign workers.
The Societies called upon the Government and the security forces
as well as citizens to respect the right to life and to refrain
from the use of violence to solve political disputes. They also
demanded that the Government should stop using excessive force with
the public and that it should prohibit its forces from using live
or plastic ammunition and tear gas in populated areas, and to avoid
the use of collective punishment against the inhabitants of villages
and neighbourhoods where confrontations take place. On its part,
the Ministry of Interior has denied the use of excessive force against
protests and demonstrations and replied to the Societies’ statement
by saying that it uses force exclusively against outlaws and takes
into consideration all human rights aspects.