Political Consensus is Needed to Pass the Shii Section of Family
On the occasion of the adoption of the Sunni section of Family
Law, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Women, Lulwa
Al Awady, hoped that the approval of the second section concerning
the Shias will follow shortly. She explained that Bahraini families
have suffered greatly due to many problems which could have been
resolved in a better manner had a legislation, which better suited
Lulwa Al Awady & Mariam Al-Ruay |
this modern day, existed. She also added that the ‘State cannot
impose a certain law on a whole sect in society’.The President of
Bahrain Women’s Union, Mariam Al-Ruay commented on this subject
by saying that ‘passing a law with one section only enhances the
fragmentation of society, divides its people further and prolongs
the suffering of a large section of women’. In the same line, Ms.
Fawzeya Al-Saleh, member of the Shura Council, drew attention to
the fact that the Family Law includes two sections - political and
religious (the latter relates to Islamic jurisprudence). She stated
that the State should agree with the opposition in order to resolve
the political section of the law. As for the religious section which
has not been agreed upon, this should remain under discussion. Among
the controversial articles included in the Family Law, is the right
of women to annul marriage and ask for divorce. In the case of divorce,
the woman must remain in her house until the ex-husband provides
her with another form of residence. In addition to this, the man
has no right to force his ex-wife to relinquish the custody of the
children. The law also allows the testimony of women as proof of
marriage or divorce.