Strong Criticism against the University of Bahrain
The University of Bahrain decided to suspend the student, Noor
Hussain, for a term after passing her exams. Due to its decision,
the University received a torrent of criticism from various civil
society institutions (especially the youth). Noor’s only crime was
the distribution of a written statement to students critical of
the University - which is porhipeted by the Universities regulations.
Noor has also received universal support from most of the students,
as well as a number of MPs, civil society institutions, writers
and journalists who have criticised and viewed the decision as an
un-justifiably severe reaction. Some believe that it is necessary
to allow students within the University the opportunity to express
themselves, taking into account that there are concerns that political
societies might influence activities in intellectual centres. As
a result of the decision, youth societies have expressed their solidarity
with Noor on websites such as facebook, where they condemned the
strict rules adopted by the University officials, and also threatened
to take part in student strikes.