The Trial of Human Rights Activist Abdulhadi Al Khawaja:
7 January Speech Determines the Fate of Next Sessions
On 8 March 2009, the Supreme Criminal Court began the first public
hearing of human rights activist Abdulhadi Al Khawaja, the former
President of Bahrain Centre for Human Rights-officially dissolved
in November 2004. The session was held in the presence of a number
of international human rights organisations including Human Rights
Watch and Front Line, as well as the defence lawyers Mohamed Ahmed
and Hafiz Ali, and the media and family of the accused.
The judge read out all the Public Prosecutor’s charges against
Khawaja. According to the charges, Khawaja made a public speech
in the morning of 7 January 2009 during a religious event in which
he promoted the overthrow of the political system of the country
by force, publically incited hatred and contempt for the regime
and intentionally spreading lies and rumours about the internal
affairs of the country which could disturb public order and harm
public interest. After this the judge asked Khawaja if he was guilty
of the charges to which he pleaded not guilty. At this point the
Public Prosecutor requested to play a DVD containing Khawaja’s speech,
which all the accusations were based on, but the lawyer Muhammad
Ahmad refused to do so because it was not shown to the defence counsel
beforehand as the main evidence for the accusations.
The Defence team relied on two main issues their defence. Firstly,
they challenged all the accusations against Khawaja and said they
were unconstitutional as they violate article 23 of the Constitution
regarding freedom of expression, noting that what their client said
Abdulhadi Al Khawaja |
is a mere expression of a personal opinion. The second point related
to the authority of the Public Prosecution. Lawyer Mohamed Ahmed
said: “Public Prosecution cannot be considered as part of the Judiciary
as this counters any legal logic. Public Prosecution is part of
the executive authority, and, therefore, cannot be considered a
branch of the Judiciary”. The hearing was adjourned to 15 April
2009 when the DVD content could be shown.
Andrea Rocca from Front Line attended the session and felt that
’the Khawaja trial and the charges against him are based on the
practice of his right to express his views, which are guaranteed
under the right to freedom of expression, regardless of the content
of the statements made Khawaja. The government needs to be more
receptive to criticism, especially with regards to charges of attempt
to overthrow the government, which is not supported by evidence
on the ground considering that Khawaja did not call for the use
of force). He continued by saying that preventing Khawaja from leaving
the country hinders his work as member of Front Line.
Advocate-General, Abdulrahman Al Sayid, replied to Rocca’s statements
by saying they were ‘incorrect, and stem from a misinterpretation
of the nature of the accusations and from failing to grasp the Prosecution’s
evidence’ adding that ‘all the accusations have nothing to do with
freedom of expression or any human rights’, noting that there is
a huge difference, from the point of view of the law and Constitution,
between the legitimate criticism of state practices and between
‘the direct call to violently and forcefully oppose and change the
regime’. He also excused Front Line’s representative by saying ’it
is obvious that Andrea Rocca made his statement without looking
into the case papers or referring to official sources in order to
comprehend the evidence available against the accused. Had he done
this, he would not have said that the accused did not call for the
use of violence because there is a video tape of his provocative
speech showing that he was clearly and publically calling for regime
change using violent means’.
Human Rights Watch have issued a statement regarding the trial
of Khawaja in which they demanded all charges against him be dropped
and for the travel ban against him to be lifted, calling for the
expansion of the margin of freedom of expression in Bahrain. They
added that ’putting Khawaja on trial is one procedure amongst many
which limits freedom of expression despite the fact that the country’s
Constitution protects this right’. The Deputy Executive Director
of the Middle East and North Africa at Human Rights Watch, Joe Stork,
said that; (The profess to speak forcefully about the rulers of
the country should not be considered a crime, and the government,
which claims that it promotes democracy and human rights, such as
Bahrain, should not send people to prison as a result of their spoken
or written words).
He added that ‘a government which claims to be promoting democracy
and human rights , as Bahrain does, should not be putting people
in jail for what they say or write’. In any case, it is crucial
that standards of fair trial take place during future hearings as
well as the presence of representatives of international organizations
in order to ensure the fairness of the procedures, to discover the
truthfulness of the allegations and to determine whether they merit
punishment. This is what the next hearing sessions will unveil.