Western Concerns over the Situation in Bahrain
Many Western countries such as the USA, UK, France
and Germany, all considered friends of Bahrain, have strongly criticised
the Kingdom’s recent security measures. The statements issued by
these governments reflect an increasing concern that these measures
could lead to the failure of the reform project and cause long-lasting
instability. There was also concern that these measures could aggravate
tensions in the region in a way that would serve the interests of
the enemies of the West and its allies.
On the other hand, some Bahraini journalists regarded
these statements as interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs and
added that they are biased towards a specific social group. Some
also claimed that the USA aims to radically change the Kingdom’s
political system.
The general fear of the West’s position parallels
some regional views which claim that Washington is willing to sacrifice
its friends, such as Egypt, on the pretext of defending human rights
and promoting democracy.
An impartial reading of Western views on the crisis
in Bahrain has led to the following conclusions:
1. Countries in the West generally support the
current regime in Bahrain and are keen for its stability. They are
also in favour of establishing a constitutional monarchy, which
allows a reasonable amount of freedom, promotes democracy and respects
human rights. The West is not ready to compromise Bahrain’s security
at the expense of regional conflicts.
2. The West also wishes to see Bahrain as a country
that is heading towards democracy (which it indeed was before the
recent painful events). Democracy is a product of humanity and is
the best available system, bearing in mind Bahrain’s gradual transition
towards it, which takes into consideration the aspirations and the
makeup of Bahraini society.
3. The West also does not want to see grave violations
to human rights in Bahrain, because any violation will not only
affect Bahrain but the reputation of its allies as well. Many Western
capitals have come under the pressure of international human rights
organizations and Arab public opinion especially in light of the
Arab Spring. There has also been an increase in political and media
pressure, and from local MPs, which demand that Western Governments
take a clear and/or extreme position regarding human rights violations
in the country. In summary, Western countries require a reasonable
amount of human rights and a control on the violations in any ally
country, including Bahrain.
4. The West has a different vision regarding the
stability of political systems, especially friendly ones. They believe
that the absence of democracy and human rights will eventually lead
to instability and without democracy it is difficult to justify
their friendly relations with some countries. They also believe
that adopting extreme measures will result in disorder and the interference
of foreign regional powers. Hence, responding to the legitimate
aspirations of the people and respecting human rights is what ultimately
guarantees political stability in Bahrain in the long term.
5. It is noticeable that the Western countries’
statements adopt harsh language and attempt to apply political pressure
on Bahrain, which raises the following question: why put pressure
on Bahrain and not on other neighbouring counties that have not
even started reforms yet and live in a state of political oppression
and lacks public participation in politics? The West seems to believe
that a setback in democratization is much worse than an authoritarian
state. Moreover, the West also seems to put pressure on their allies
as well as their enemies if there is public political movement,
regardless of how authoritarian a State is.
6. The strong criticisms of Bahrain focus on human
rights issues which have become an important part of international
politics and an influential aspect in relations between States.
Relations between Western countries, including their allies, are
determined by their adherence to their citizens’ rights according
to international conventions. From this analysis, we can now read
the political positions of Western countries and the statements
of their foreign ministers and parliaments. Their reactions do not
represent animosity towards Bahrain nor are they a call for political
instability because in short, this is not in the interest of the
West itself.
Examples of Statements from the West
British Foreign Secretary meet HH Crown Prince in London |
The British Foreign Secretary, 21/4/2011:
“I remain concerned at events in Bahrain. Although the immediate
situation appears calmer, there continue to be many credible reports
of human rights abuses. The arrests of opposition figures, the reports
of deaths in custody, allegations of torture and the denial of medical
treatment, are extremely troubling. I call on the Government to
investigate them fully and transparently. I urge the Bahraini authorities
to act in accordance with the law and to meet international standards
for the treatment of detainees.
I am also concerned about the Government’s move to investigate
prominent licensed, political opposition parties – which may lead
to their suspension, and by reports that human rights activists
have been arrested. The civil rights of peaceful opposition figures
and the rights of freedoms of expression and assembly must be respected.
I urge the Government of Bahrain to meet all its human rights
obligations and uphold political freedoms, equal access to justice
and the rule of law. Events across the Middle East have shown that
governments need to respond with reform and not repression if they
are to enhance the long-term stability and prosperity of their countries.
I encourage the Bahraini Government and leaders of both communities
to show real leadership in promoting tolerance and to demonstrate
a shared commitment to the future of Bahrain.
A continuation of the political reform process initiated by King
Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa is essential. It is important that the
people of Bahrain are allowed to decide their future themselves.
Dialogue is the pathway to meeting the aspirations of all Bahrainis.
I urge all sides to engage in it.”
The President of the European Parliament, 28/4/2011:
“I condemn the sentencing to death of the four protesters
in Bahrain and I call for their sentences to be reviewed.”The European
Parliaments calls on the Government of Bahrain and other parties
to engage in a meaningful and constructive dialogue without delay
or preconditions, in order to bring about reforms”
Jacob Sylvain, US Department of State, 29/4/2011:
“ we are concerned about the hastiness of the trial and the
sentences that were passed. It is important that trials are conducted
legitimately and with transparency and credibility. It is investable
that all parties will move towards a comprehensive political dialogue.
This is the message we sent to the highest authority in the Bahraini
Bernard Valero, 29/4/2011:” we call
on the Bahraini authorities to not carry out the death sentence.
Calm is restored now and it is time for a meaningful dialogue and
reconciliation between all concerned parties. This is the only permanent
solution for the political crises in Bahrain”.
The British Foreign Office spokesperson, 30/4/2011:
“The UK is concerned by the death sentences given to four Bahrainis.
We support Bahrain’s right to bring to justice those responsible
for the death of two policemen. But it is our longstanding policy
to oppose the death penalty in all circumstances. It undermines
human dignity, there is no conclusive evidence of its deterrent
value, and any miscarriage of justice leading to its imposition
is irreversible and irreparable.
We are concerned that emergency laws allow civilians to be tried
before military tribunals. We urge the Bahraini authorities to ensure
that due process are carefully and transparently followed in all
cases and that civil liberties are protected, particularly where
severe penalties are proposed. He added “We call on the Government
of Bahrain to guarantee its citizens universal human rights and
freedoms to which they are entitled, and that it has committed to.”
President Obama, 1/5/2011: the United
States “believes that Bahrain’s stability depends upon respect for
the universal rights of the people of Bahrain, and a process of
meaningful reform that is responsive to the aspirations of all Bahrainis,”
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs, Catherine Ashton, 3/5/2011: the death sentences
will only increase tension in Bahrain and will become an obstacle
to national reconciliation. Reconciliation requires engaging in
dialogue without preconditions or delays. Also, it requires the
implementation of real reform which is the only possible solution
in confronting challenges. In accordance with international human
rights conventions that Bahrain has signed up to, every person has
the right to a fair trial including the right of effective appeal.
The FDFA, 6/5/2011: “the FDFA calls
on the authorities in Bahrain to commute the death sentences....Switzerland
has already expressed its concern over the tense political situation
in Bahrain in a number of bilateral demarches and will continue
to call on the Bahraini authorities actively to continue their efforts
to engage in a national dialogue”.
The Chairperson of the Liaison Unit of the
Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq at the European Commission, Patrikia
Kosas,10/5/2011: “ the Commission looks forward to implementation
of the comprehensive national dialogue to continue in the process
of reform and development adopted by the Kingdom of Bahrain over
the past ten years. The project’s reform as a model of democracy
and peaceful coexistence, which concern to UNHCR in the countries
of Persian Gulf”
British Foreign Office spokesperson, 13/5/2011:
“The UK Government remains deeply concerned by reports of human
rights abuses in Bahrain, particularly the widespread arrest of
political activists and a large number of doctors and nurses. It
is essential that medical personnel can treat their patients free
from political interference. Those accused should have access to
legal counsel and be tried before independent and impartial courts.
We continue to urge the Government of Bahrain to meet all its
human rights obligations and uphold political freedoms, equal access
to justice and the rule of law. Those who have been detained should
now have full access to the due process of law. The Government of
Bahrain should also take swift, concrete steps to carry out the
investigations into alleged abuses by Bahraini security forces to
which it has already committed.
The announcement by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa,
that the State of National Safety in Bahrain will be removed on
1 June, is potentially a welcome step towards achieving longer term
stability. We look forward to the practical actions that will support
this move. The Bahrain Government’s recent announcement on accelerating
the investigation into deaths in detention and ensuring accountability
for any wrongdoing is also welcome.”
US Department of State, 17/5/2011: Deputy
Secretary Steinberg affirmed the long-standing commitment of the
U.S. to a strong partnership with both the people and the Government
of Bahrain and stressed the importance of full respect for universal
human rights. He urged all parties to pursue a path of reconciliation
and comprehensive political dialogue.
The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth
Office (Lord Howell of Guildford during discussion of the situation
in Bahrain in the House of Lords said that: “The British
Government are aware of allegations about the Bahraini Government’s
actions towards some Bahraini students studying in the United Kingdom.
These are clearly of considerable concern. Our ambassador in Bahrain
raised the issue with the Bahraini Minister of Justice on 4 May,
saying that it was wrong for students to be punished for exercising
a right to peaceful demonstration, as recognised by the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We will continue to make
our concerns clear to the Bahraini authorities.”
US Department of State, 19/5/2011: State
Department has a long history of supporting reform efforts in Bahrain,
through direct diplomatic engagement and projects of the Middle
East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).
During the past eight years, MEPI has worked strategically with
Bahraini partners on a reform agenda focused on political pluralism,
women’s rights, youth empowerment, labor, civil society strengthening
and legal and judicial reform. Engagement around these issues has
included opportunities for dialogue and collaboration between government
and non-government stakeholders.
MEPI supports the growth and aspirations of Bahrain’s peaceful
civil society. Recent programming with civil society partners has
focused on raising awareness of women’s rights at the community
level; developing documentary films and public service announcements
on domestic violence; conducting trainings on disability rights,
strengthening civil society, governance and transparency, human
rights and media monitoring, and training for female candidates..
Since September 2009, the American Bar Association, with MEPI
funding, has been working with the Ministry of Justice and local
bar associations to increase judicial capacity, improve legislative
drafting, and promote professionalism among Ministry officials.
Diplomatic Outreach
The U.S. Embassy has emphasized youth programs, including enhanced
collaboration with academic institutions, and exchange and scholarship
programs focused on potential young Bahrainis.
Secretary Clinton delivered a keynote address at the Manama Dialogue
in Bahrain on December 3, 2010, in which she highlighted “human
security” as one of four main principles critical to maintaining
Gulf security. She defined human security as including participatory
governance, freedom of expression, free access to education and
employment, and women’s empowerment. While in Manama, the Secretary
also held a town hall meeting to directly engage with civil society
and youth.
DRL Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathy Fitzpatrick visited Bahrain
on January 11 to engage the Government of Bahrain and advocate for
reforms, including on its incarceration policies, commitment to
transparent judicial proceedings, and civil society development.
Assistant Secretary Feltman has visited Bahrain five times since
demonstrations began in February to address unrest and political
The State Department has expressed deep concern about the detention
of civil society leaders and opposition politicians, as well as
Bahraini moves to clamp down on opposition political activities
and independent media. Secretary Clinton issued a statement on March
19 in support of political reform in Bahrain, saying “our goal is
a credible political process that can address the legitimate aspirations
of all the people of Bahrain.”
Deputy Secretary Steinberg visited Bahrain May 17 and affirmed
the long-standing commitment of the United States to a strong partnership
with both the people and government of Bahrain and stressed the
importance of full respect for universal human rights. He urged
all parties to pursue a path of reconciliation and comprehensive
political dialogue.
President Obama, 22/5/2011: “we have
insisted publically and privately that mass arrests and brute force
are at odds with the universal rights of Bahrain’s citizens, and
will not make legitimate calls for reform go away.
The only way forward is for the government and opposition to
engage in a dialogue, and you can’t have a real dialogue when parts
of the peaceful opposition are in jail. The government must create
the conditions for dialogue, and the opposition must participate
to forge a just future for all Bahrainis”
Council of the European Union, 23/5/2011:
“The European Union strongly encourages Bahrain to ensure
full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including
freedom of expression, and accountability regarding allegations
of human rights violations including reported cases of torture and
The EU also encourages fair and transparent administration of
justice including in cases involving charges against medical professionals.
Access for independent observers to ongoing legal proceedings should
be allowed.
The EU welcomes the decree issued by King Hamad of Bahrain, according
to which the state of emergency will be lifted on 1 June. We look
forward to the practical actions which will support this move.
The EU once again urges all parties to engage rapidly in meaningful
dialogue with a view to bringing about reforms which offer real
prospects for successfully addressing the country’s challenges.”
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson,
24/5/2011: “France, like its European partners, is resolutely
opposed to the death penalty everywhere and under all circumstances.
I remind you that we had, April 24, denounced the death sentence
at trial of several people following the events of recent weeks
have shocked and saddened Bahrain.
We call on the Bahraini authorities not to apply this sentence
upheld on appeal by a military court against two Bahraini nationals.
It is time to seek ways of a sincere dialogue between the parties
and reconciliation, the only lasting solution to the political crisis
in Bahrain. Respect for fundamental freedoms and the fair administration
of justice and transparency are essential to carry out such a process”.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague after
meeting the Crown Prince, 26/5/2011: “The Crown Prince and
I had a constructive meeting. I made clear the UK’s strong concern
over the recent arrests of protestors and medical staff and the
nature of the charges brought against them. I also expressed my
belief that responding to the legitimate aspirations of Bahrain’s
people – through reform not repression - was the best way to guarantee
stability. We agreed on the need for a long term political solution
in Bahrain and I welcomed the role the Crown Prince intends to play
in building a dialogue. I call on the Government of Bahrain to create
the conditions under which this can take place and on all sides,
including opposition groupings, to engage.”
Ban Ki-moon meet HH Crown Prince in New York |
Ban Ki-moon 3/6/2011, welcomed the King’s
call for national dialogue and called on all parties to participate
in it in order to reach general reconciliation. This is in order
to benefit the Bahraini society and guarantee stability, security
and progress.
Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov 7/6/2011:
“There’s no use in adopting new resolutions that will reflect
the position of one of the parties to these internal controversies,”
This will bluntly contradict the UN principles. Although the developments
in Bahrain don’t attract attention at first sight, they are nonetheless
quite serious. We think reliance should be looked for in the principles
of national reconciliation and concord and in a fruitful role played
by neighbouring states.”
White House statement after meeting the Crown
Prince, 7/6/2011: The President met today and had a productive
discussion with His Highness Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown
Prince of Bahrain, He also expressed strong support for the Crown
Prince’s ongoing efforts to initiate the national dialogue and said
that both the opposition and the government must compromise to forge
a just future for all Bahrainis. the President emphasized the importance
of following through on the government’s commitment to ensuring
that those responsible for human rights abuses will be held accountable
British Foreign Secretary William Hague, 7/6/2011:
“We are also concerned about developments in Bahrain, particularly
the arrest and trial of a large number of politicians, doctors and
nurses and allegations of torture. I raised our concern and the
need for the Government to meet all its human rights obligations
when I saw the Crown Prince of Bahrain last month. I also emphasised
the need for a long-term political solution that builds bridges
between the different religious communities. I welcome the lifting
of the State of National Safety on 1 June and the announcement by
The King of Bahrain that a comprehensive and inclusive National
Dialogue will start on 1 July. Urgent dialogue on genuine political
reform is the only way to address the legitimate concerns of the
Bahraini people and ensure long-term stability.”
US Secretary of State after meeting with the
Crown Prince, 7/6/2011: “it is very significant to have these
discussions, to hear directly from the Crown Prince about the plans
that Bahrain is pursuing with respect to dealing with the issues
that it currently is considering at home, and to create the conditions
for political and economic reform.
Bahrain is a partner, and a very important one, to the United
States, and we are supportive of a national dialogue and the kinds
of important work that the Crown Prince has been doing in his nation,
and we look forward to it continuing.”