Bahrain is Committed to Dialogue and Human Rights
The current setback in the reform project and the
deterioration of Bahrain’s image abroad due to human rights violations
has disappointed everyone, including the King and the Crown Prince.
The crisis was the result of dominant extremist discourse, sectarian
feelings and the influence of the demonstrators on the political
decisions. The King and the Crown Prince had attempted to initiate
dialogue as a solution to the problem in order to curb feelings
on the street and achieve stability and the rule of law with minimal
losses. Unfortunately, this dialogue did not succeed due to the
tense atmosphere in the country and widespread sectarian feelings.
It is clear that the Government has realized the
faults and negative effects in applying security measures, which
raised concerns among Bahrain’s friends abroad. Both the King and
the Crown prince have attempted to restore order and solve existing
problems by embarking on a series of corrective steps including
affirming the rule of law, confronting violations, and returning
once again to the reform project. It also include promoting human
rights and fundamental freedoms and initiating national dialogue
as a crucial step towards solving the country’s political crisis.
This was also apparent in the statements of the
political leadership and several officials. We have recently witnessed
the beginnings of corrective measures on the ground, which will
hopefully continue and create a favourable environment for national
reconciliation. The following are excerpts from the statements made
by the officials:
His Majesty the King, 31/5/2011: ‘we
should only pause at what we have recently been through to learn
lessons from it. The reform project was first initiated on the basis
of a historical consensus on the National Action Charter where Bahraini
citizens decided to start a new chapter in their history. This included
a comprehensive modernization program and attention to providing
a dignified living for all, whilst promoting public representation
and participation in decision-making and developing the present
and future for generations of Bahrainis. Reform is the project that
we have not and will not flinch from; it is the faith and the will
between us and the people. Who does not want a more efficient government
performance? Who does not want a more effective legislative representation?
Or political associations and civil society groups that work in
the framework of national unity and the rule of law? Anyone who
rejects this does not believe in development and will be unable
to stop the natural progress of people. Dialogue is a strategic
choice in order to reach solutions. We call upon both the Legislative
and Executive authorities to call for a national reconciliation
dialogue regarding the ideal situation for the Kingdom of Bahrain
and to take all the necessary procedures to prepare for this comprehensive
and serious dialogue without preconditions. Dialogue should start
in July and everyone should participate in order to push reform
forward and to achieve more development in all fields as well as
participating in strengthening the foundations of the reform project’.
The Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman, 5/6/2011:
called upon all parties to participate positively in the
Kings’ comprehensive national dialogue and to present their proposals
for the country’s interest. He also encouraged all parties to persevere
in the dialogue and work hard into making it a success because it
is the safe way out of the crisis and will lay the foundation for
the new period.
His Highness the Crown Prince, after his meeting
with the British Foreign Secretary on 25/05/2011, stated
that: (there is great activity to deal comprehensively with issues
of fundamental concern at the national and international levels,
as our goal is to build on the historical process of development
and reform, which is clear and evident when we look at it from a
wide regional perspective. The Kingdom of Bahrain is fully committed
to the continuing reform within the framework of the reform project
led by His Majesty the King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. The progress
in this project depends on reconciliation, stability, sustainability
and responsibility, coupled with the development of realistic goals,
which are achievable and acceptable to all Bahrainis. Bahrain was
able to overcome the difficulties in the past, and will be able
to do that again as a united country under the leadership of His
Majesty the King. The unfortunate events that took place were different
in nature, and came as a result of rejection by one party of the
initiative of His Majesty the King to begin a comprehensive national
dialogue, which I was honoured and entrusted by His Majesty the
King to carry out. This rejection affected the Bahraini society,
caused unacceptable polarization, and gave way for the militants
to create turmoil and violence, which necessitated the application
of the National Safety Law to prevent escalation of the situation
and the occurrence of clashes that divide the community).
The Crown Prince after his meeting with the
British Foreign Secretary, 25/5/2011: ‘I welcome the support
of President Obama and his understanding with regards to the national
dialogue. I also welcome his comments on the required conditions
for the success of the dialogue. I completely share the President’s
views that international rights treaties should be respected and
that Bahrain should continue its serious reform process, which is
a priority in the Kingdom. The United States is a historical ally
of a country which is about to engage in new phase of reform. Bahrain’s
continued commitment to the reform project which was initiated by
the King a decade ago will not change. The announcements made by
various political parties in the Kingdom welcoming dialogue is an
important indicator that democratic development in Bahrain is continuing.
However, this development must go hand in hand with stability and
must be based on consensus. The reform process is not an easy and
will face many obstacles, including tackling the issues that divided
the Bahraini society and led to society polarization. Bahrain is
learning lessons from the recent events, and has undertaken steps
to guarantee a better future; we have decided to go forward with
more reforms’.
The Crown Prince, 4/6/2011: His Royal
Highness the Crown Prince affirmed that Bahrain is steadily moving
towards a new era due to the efforts to enhance the democratic gains
of the country, which are continuing through the reform project
led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. In a meeting with
the SG of the UN, Ban Ki-moon on 3 June 2011, His Royal Highness
also underlined the commitment of the Kingdom of Bahrain to a comprehensive
national dialogue called for by His Majesty the King to reach a
consensus among all segments of society through democratic bodies.
His Royal Highness added that this would reinforce national unity
and maintain stability. His Royal Highness also emphasized the solid
belief and commitment of the Kingdom of Bahrain to human rights
principles and respect for basic freedoms, such as those of assembly
and opinion within the framework of legitimacy, law and the constitution.
The Crown Prince 4/6/2011: “The National
Dialogue will be comprehensive, serious and without preconditions.
I welcome the broad political support and the willingness of all
to engage in this process. I believe it is essential that we embark
on an inclusive and open dialogue which recognizes all viewpoints
and is developed along the lines of a broad national consensus for
its results to be sustainable. We have a strong economic framework
in place, and with further political and social reforms developed
through dialogue, I believe we must look to the future with confidence.”
After meeting the President of the United States,
the Crown Prince stressed on 7/6/2011 that “Obama’s support
and understanding regarding Bahrain’s forthcoming national dialogue
was most welcome, as were his comments on the circumstances required
to ensure its success,”.
The Crown Prince also said that he shared the President’s “outlook
concerning respect for universal rights and the continuation of
Bahrain’s process of meaningful reform, which is a fundamental priority
for the Kingdom.” He added that Bahrain’s commitment to reform “remains
steadfast”: “His Majesty has already made clear that a national
dialogue will start next month and that it will be serious and without
pre-conditions. Most significantly, Bahrain’s leading political
groups have welcomed dialogue and are committed to joining this
process; providing a critical indication, from all sides of the
political spectrum, that the country’s continued democratic development
should be underpinned by stability and driven by consensus.”
The Crown Prince after meeting with Secretary
of State Hilary Clinton, 7/6/2011: “It is a great pleasure
to be here. I am honoured to be here as a representative of my country
during this challenging time. It is a great test, but also a great
opportunity to lead the nation forward. We are committed to reform
in the political and economic areas, and I reaffirm our position
to work with the US to achieve that.
The Crown Prince, 8/6/2011: “in order
to guarantee the success of dialogue, both the participation and
the agreement of all parties is required, in addition to the determination
of all Bahraini people to remain united and moderate”.
His Excellency the Foreign Minister Sheikh
Khalid bin Ahmed Al- Khalifa, in an interview with PBS News Hour:
“Bahrain is currently considering the release of some detainees.
Our Government is not looking for a government-opposition dialogue,
we are instead working towards a government that aims for a comprehensive
reconciliation for our people.” The Minister also commented on the
statements made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in
which she described the security measures in Bahrain as harsh and
she called for investigation by international institutions: “we
pay attention to everything been said, and do not claim that these
statements are untrue. Undoubtedly, we see and hear many exaggerations,
but we are not angels, and are trying to see the bigger picture.
If there had been any mistakes, we will ensure that they are duly
His Excellency the Foreign Minister, 2/6/20011,
said that Bahrain is committed to the national dialogue announced
by His Majesty the King and to international human rights standards.
He added that Bahrain aims to implement such standards, encouraged
the private sector to reinstate dismissed workers, formed a ministerial
complaints committee to investigate redundancy cases and released
many accused of various cases. He also affirmed that Bahrain is
willing to develop its democratic experience, stressing at the same
time that national dialogue in the context of democratic institutions
is enough to fulfill citizens’ aspirations. He also added that Bahrain
is working to calm sectarian tensions in order to prepare for national
dialogue. The Minister also stressed that Bahrain will continue
to promote human rights, and is currently cooperating with all human
rights institutions as it is committed to international human rights
The Minister of Justice in a press interview,
2 June 2011: “His Majesty the King desires that all Bahrainis
participate positively and effectively in the dialogue, and that
recent events will not affect mutual relations between Bahrainis
and the ways in which they debate with each other. Dialogue should
not be hijacked by inciting people to take to the streets as this
can only lead to social polarization. Everyone has felt the pain
of recent events and we do not want to go back to it. We would also
like to stress that the doors are still open for a dialogue which
is based on national consensus. We should concentrate on how we
want to see Bahrain after this crisis and in the coming phase we
will witness major changes and wide and transparent debates which
will provide an opportunity for the people to end their suffering
and emerge with a more mature experience”.
The Minister of Justice, 2 June 2011:
The Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs announced a month before
the speech of the US President that it would rebuild places of worships
as part of its development plan: “this is not a reaction to international
statements. We are fully aware of our country’s needs, including
the need to establish places of worship appropriately”.
Deputy Prime Minister Jawad bin Salem Al-Areed
and the Chairman of the Committee formed to consider the events
that have occurred since 14 February 2011 (on 8/6/2011):
the committee meetings will continue during the next period in order
to ascertain the reasons and circumstances which resulted in the
deaths of a number of citizens and residents during recent events.
The Minister of Labour, 11/5/2011: “the
door is open for anyone who has evidence proving his/her dismissal
to be arbitrary, and the Complaints Committee is following dismissal
cases which have currently been registered with the Ministry. Many
companies have already formed their own committees to reinvestigate
and verify the legal procedures of dismissals, and have allowed
their employees the right to file complaints according to the law.
The Ministry expects more companies to reconsider their dismissal
procedures, especially those which have violated regulations, and
to reinstate individuals who were unfairly made redundant. During
the upcoming period, the Committee will verify companies’ documents
and the procedures, which led to their dismissal decisions. What
is most important for the Committee is to provide all possible legal
guarantees for those dismissed and not to violate their rights,
which are laid out in the Kingdom’s law and regulations”.
The Minister of Labour, 26/5/2011 affirmed
that unemployment insurance will be paid out to anyone proven to
be arbitrarily dismissed during the regrettable events. He added
that all companies are in the process of revising their procedures
with the coordination of the newly formed Committee. He noted that
mistakes were made in this regard which can be corrected.
The Ministry of Municipalities 25/5/2011: in
response to published articles on the demolition of some worship
premises, the Ministry affirmed that demolishing unlicensed
constructions was part of the Ministry’s responsibility to ensure
that all buildings are in line with development regulations. The
Ministry strongly denies causing any unnecessary damage, adding
that the demolitions were conducted in order to organise streets
and neighbourhoods, to improve the appearance of the area and to
prevent the hindering of some infrastructure projects. The Ministry
also denied any claims that it was targeting places of worships,
stressing that such allegations are untrue and stir public opinion.
The Ministry said that only the unlicensed parts of the places of
worships were removed and that the Ministry has photographs and
documents to prove this.