Post-crisis Compensations
Their importance in creating stability and promote national
Izzeldin eltayeb Adam |
Associate Prof, Izzeldin eltayeb Adam
Dean of Faculty of law, El-Neelain University,
The idea of compensating the victims of the events in Bahrain
was raised, since the king announced the establishment of a fund
to compensate those affected , vide the royal decree No. 30 issued
on 22/9/2011; followed by another royal decree No. (13) for the
year 2012 on the system of the Fund’s work. The work of the Fund
was activated last month, and was started with paying of cash compensation
to those affected. The following article highlights the concept
of reparations in both the International ?aw, and human rights organizations’
perception. It does also emphasize the significance of compensation
in addressing post- crisis problems.
The concept of post-crisis compensation embodies the idea of
the interrelationship between development, security and human
rights, by removing the effects of destruction and devastation left
by the wars between nations, and the civil conflicts that may assume
various banners and objectives , e.g. resources, identity, liberation
, self-determination , etc., but share the same characteristics
of violence and brutality and the tendency to cause mass destruction
to the institutions of both the state and society, that could lead
sometimes to the obliteration of the state’s foundation and infrastructure
The concept of compensation in the law:
It’s an obligation imposed by international or national law to
reflect the impact of international responsibility, civil or criminal
liability under national norms, as a result of a violation by a
legal person to their commitments under the law. As such it is a
consequential commitment that follows the commission of an unlawful
act. Therefore, if proven, the injured party would be authorized,
in the face of the perpetrator of the illegal act, an access to
compensation adequate enough to redress the damage?
The reparation in damages may take the form of a return in kind,
by re-as to what it was before the occurrence of an unlawful act,
and it is called (compensation in kind) .; Compensation may come
in the form of a cash payment when the return in kind is not possible
or impossible, or does not cover the entire damage, and is called
(Cash Compensations); compensation may take the form of appeasement
or sometimes an apology by the person responsible for the illegal
act to the victim. Finally, compensation may be provided in the
form of guarantees of non repetition of such an act in the future.
The concept of compensation according to International Organizations:
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental,
have a special definition to the compensations associated with human
rights and the issues of full compensation. In this regard Amnesty
International defined full compensation by saying: (The right to
full and effective compensation is a fundamental right of all victims
of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes
of aggression, torture, and cases of extrajudicial executions and
enforced disappearance).
Amnesty emphasizes the significance of compensation as an important
and necessary mean to address and remove the effects of the suffering
of the victims caused by the grievous crimes, so as to help them
rebuild their lives and forget about the psychological effects,
in order to integrate back into society.
Amnesty International Classification of compensation:
Case response to restore situation that existed: means the set
of actions aimed at restoring the victim to the normal original
position that existed before the crime, including the restoration
of freedom first, and then returning to their original residence
or to a function they had occupied, along with restoration of the
property that was taken away or been destroyed.
Compensation: It is a financial grant (monetary payments) made
as compensation for damages that can be estimated economically,
such as physical or mental injury, along with the loss of opportunities
in education, employment, and other social benefits, and loss of
income. The moral damages include compromising human dignity, reputation
and honor.
Rehabilitation: Is intended to provide medical and psychological
care, alongside other legal and social services.
Satisfaction: It means the provision of public apology to the
victims of conflicts and the revival of their memory, and the search
for places of the abducted persons, and to locate the bodies of
the victims who were killed.
Guarantees of non repetition of crimes: A set of legal procedures
seeking to extend a guarantee not to repeat the crimes or expose
the victims to other crimes. Among these procedures:
• Strengthening the independence of the judicial authorities.
• Training law enforcement officers from police, army or security
forces on human rights issues. • Reforming the norms that have contributed
to the occurrence of crimes or allowed its occurrence , to make
compatible with international standards regarding the independence
of the judiciary and respect for international conventions and agreements
on human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Legal nature of the compensation:
The International jurisprudence and judiciary confirmed the legal
nature of compensations through decisions of arbitration and the
decrees of international courts; where the English jurist Oppenheim
confirmed that: (The basic legal effects of violation of international
law are compensation for material and moral damage that has occurred).
In other words, it is a legal obligation that falls upon the state,
which shoulders the international responsibility for violating an
international obligation for compensation for damage caused.
In that respect, the Permanent Court of International Justice
in one of its famous rulings in 1927, stated that :- ( The violation
by the State of its obligations entails an obligation to repair
the damage).
General principles in the identification and quantification
of compensation:
The Permanent Court of International Justice Established, the
above-mentioned general principles that can be referred to when
assessing and determining the compensation to be performed due to
breach of international law. It said: (the fundamental principle
upon which stands the theory of an illegal act, is the principle
which has settled in international practice, and was applied in
international arbitration decisions that the compensation is required
whenever it is possible to restore the situation that existed before
the unlawful act was committed and is called compensation in kind,
especially in property and economic loss. When the restore is not
possible or it does not cover the full damage, compensation shall
be in cash, a so-called : material compensation. Compensation may
be in the form of moral satisfaction or an official apology provided
by the person responsible for the unlawful act to the injured person).
It is noted that the damage , whether material or moral , can
always be compensated financially.
On the other hand, with regard to the draft law of international
responsibility, Arangio Ruiz, Special Reporter of the International
Law Commission explained that the compensation and satisfaction:
( are not classified as sentences , because the purpose of reparations
is the return of peace between countries and not for punishment
and revenge. He said that a distinction has been made with absolute
certainty between paying money by way of compensation, or for the
purposes of punishment, with complete exclusion of the latter from
the concept of compensation).
The scope of compensation:
The determination of the scope of compensation is linked primarily
to the investigation of the damage caused by the unlawful act; the
rules of legal liability of all kinds (international - civil - criminal)
constitute a legal range for compensation that entails obliging
the persons who commit acts against the law, to compensate for the
damage that resulted from such illegal acts.
According to this concept the jurists agreed unanimously on the
importance of the occurrence of injury before a claim of responsibility
could be presented. However, this Agreement did not, in fact, prevent
the emergence of three trends of jurisprudence on the necessity
for the presence of damage within the scope of responsibility.
The first trend: the view that the presence of damage is a necessary
condition for the establishment of responsibility. In other words,
the mere breach of a person legal obligation is not sufficient for
the establishment of responsibility. In accordance with this trend
injury is a fundamental element without which no responsibility
could be established (No liability without damage).
The second trend: Considers the damage to be a fundamental element
in the presence of the illegal act itself, along with two other
elements:- (a) the objective, which means that the content of the
illegal act is in violation of international obligations. (b) The
personal element: The attribution of that conduct to an international
legal person. According to this view (The illegal act exists only
if it was contrary to the obligations of an international person
towards another international one that results in causing damage
to the latter).
The third trend: View the damage as inextricably linked to the
internationally illegal act. Wherever the latter is found the damage
would be there. Proponents illustrate by saying: (The right to compensation
arises from the moment you commit the illegal act).