Preparation of Technical Cooperation Programme Completed
Fenniche: Success requires Cooperation
and a Favourable Climate
In the framework of technical cooperation between the UN’s Office
of the High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Bahrain, an
OHCHR delegation visited Bahrain and held several consultative activities
to identify priorities and challenges and present recommendations
on the preparation of a capacity building program in Bahrain. The
head of the visiting delegation, Mr. Frej Fenniche, executive director
of the Middle East Department at the OHCHR, delivered the following
“Under the directions of Ms. Navi Pillay, the High Commissioner
for Human Rights, and in response to the request of the Bahraini
government, the OHCHR’s team has worked, in the course of the two
months, to develop a technical cooperation project. This has been
done through bilateral and collective consultations with a large
number of institutions, decision-makers, individuals concerned with
human rights affairs and stakeholders at the level of the three
authorities and the level of civil society with all i?s variations.
All this should give strong support for the project upon implementation.
It should also enable project outputs and outcomes to have a positive
impact with respect to the protection of human rights, cessation
of abuses and holding perpetrators accountable as well as strengthening
institutions operating in the field of human rights to exercise
their functions in full.
It is our belief that this program, if implemented under favourable
conditions, will lead to the establishment and strengthening of
the national system for the protection of human rights, that is
dependent on independent national institutions led by individuals
of recognized honesty and professional integrity; a fair and independent
judiciary and a civil society freely and independently expressing
its positions in a responsible manner and drawing the attention
of the relevant authorities and public opinion?to any infringement
or violation that may occur. Thus, the programme may become a supporting
tool that compliments the efforts of the government as well as the
efforts of the rest of the official national institutions, in order
to strengthen the rule of law and institutions and support national
unity, equality and the spirit of citizenship and loyalty to the
Mr. Frej Fenniche in Bahrain |
This project is a purely national production brought about by
the participation of various institutions, associations and entities
in Bahrain, through consultations organized by the OHCHR with the
full cooperation of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR)
and the approval of the Bahraini government. The OHCHR had no role
other than to facilitate dialogue and drive different, and sometimes
contradictory, opinions towards a level of conciliation between
all; and a conviction that national intere?ts come above those of
individuals or groups and that human rights is the core ground for
building the future of the people of Bahrain with all its groups,
spectra, variations and affiliations.
The most important outcome of the presence of our delegation
in Bahrain for a period of two months has been the rapprochement
that occurred between the various parties and their engagement in
discussions around the same table. Such discussions were held in
the spirit of mutual respect and high national responsibility and
respect for the rights to holding opposing views and to free expression.
All this provides proof that male and female Bahrainis, regardless
of the scope of their differences, firmly adhere?to the belief that
appropriate solutions can be arrived at through dialogue.
An added value of this programme, has been its response to the
aspirations of all those who are active or concerned with the issue
of human rights. This programme is based on the political will expressed
by His Majesty, the King, through the adoption of the recommendations
of the BICI’s report and by issuing high royal decrees and orders
towards their implementation. In that context, a number of institutions
have been established, including the National Institution for Human
Rights (NIHR) and the Commissio? for the Rights of Prisoners and
Detainees , in addition to the adoption of a number of positive
If “appropriate conditions” are made available for this project,
it will serve to strengthen these institutions, as well as civil
society organizations to make them more feasible and effective in
protecting human rights, confronting abuses and particularly in
bridging the huge gap between the stipulations and practice.
In this regard, we would like to recall what Ms. Navi Pillay
has proposed to the Bahraini government on several occasions in
respect of taking concrete steps and measures to create the appropriate
conducive climate to enable this project to achieve its objectives.
Consultations have provided the opportunity to be acquainted
with the human rights situation in Bahrain through the Bahrainis
themselves. Consultations also allowed the expression of many concerns
and legitimate demands, including the presence of a large number
of prisoners detained for exercising their rights; mistreatment
of detainees; the excessive use of force; the harsh sentences against
many, including children under the age of 18 years; the issue of
citizenship, freedom of the media and the independ?nce of civil
associations such as the Bar Association and others.
Other problems have also been expressed, such as violence and
assaults on public property and on law enforcement officials and
the presence of rhetoric that encourage violence and the incitement
to hatred, discrimination or exclusion. These are all major challenges
that ought to be faced. Perhaps the most serious of these challenges
is the resort to violence and acts of terrorism, as we have seen
recently. We believe that this project, under the right circumstances,
would be able to address the issues of the spread of violence, counter-violence
and acts of terrorism. It will also make it possible, via legal
means and under full respect of human rights, to protect young people
from slipping into the spiral of violence,. In this regard, the
United Nations condemns all forms of violence and terrorism, regardless
of their source or justification; and c?lls for the protection of
children who should not be involved in political conflicts.
A key point of this process, in which we may engage with Bahrain,
is that the programme itself is based on the gradual build-up of
achievements and the continuous follow-up of results on the ground.
We have had available to us the opportunity to raise all these
issues and challenges with all the officials in the state, and at
high levels. We talked openly and transparently, and informed the
State’s officials of Ms. Navi Pillay’s concerns over the human rights
situation in Bahrain and of the need to take urgent measures to
address them.
We believe that the natural place for a child is family and school
, not a prison; the natural place for a doctor is a hospital or
clinic, not a prison; the natural place for a journalist and blogger
is a newspaper, not a prison and that the natural place for human
rights activists and leaders of opinion is the community and public
space, not a prison.
In this regard, we believe that the proposed project requires
the provision of a climate conducive to its success; otherwise all
our efforts will be lost in vain. We believe that it is possible
to create such a climate.
● We encourage the authorities to take concrete measures, and
deliver a positive message to everyone, particularly inside Bahrain,
that there exists a real political will to overcome this critical
stage and prepare for a new dawn where all Bahrainis can enjoy security,
justice, equality and freedom.
● We call on all institutions, official and unofficial, and political
associations, to publicly express their rejection of violence and
adherence to human rights as a common reference.
● We call on the press, media institutions and bloggers to adhere
to a positive discourse that keeps away from violence, hatred, discrimination
and exclusion.
● We call on the clerics of various denominations to welcome
this program and focus, in their sermons, on tolerance and mutual
respect, and to refrain from using divisive phrases such as (us
and them) or (you and us).
We shall present this proposed project to government agencies
so as to discuss the priorities, as well as the implementation mechanisms
and conditions. In addition to the appropriate and conducive climate,
this program requires the government’s willingness to fully cooperate
with the OHCHR. As for the implementation mechanisms and conditions,
the OHCHR will have the last word, in the context of an agreement
with the Bahraini government.
After more than two months of residence in Bahrain in which we
have shared with you, the people of Bahrain, your concerns, pains,
hopes and wishes, we have come to discover the kind nature of the
Bahraini people with all their spectra and ethnic, religious, political
and cultural diversity, a diversity that enriches the community
and is envied by many. After this period, and on behalf of my colleagues
and in the name of the High Commissioner, I would like to extend
our deepest thanks to the Bahraini govern?ent, especially the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, for extending the invitation and for cooperating
with us. I would also like to thank the National Institution for
Human Rights (NIHR) for its cooperation and facilitation of our
work throughout our stay, and we congratulate the NIHR and congratulate
Bahrain and the House of Representatives on the recently endorsed
NIHR law. I further extend thanks and sincere greetings to human
rights activists and representatives of civil society, including
associations, jo?rnalists, lawyers and activists in the women’s
movement. I would like to emphasize the UN’s and the High Commission’s
principled stance on the importance of the role played by civil
society in building a democratic society and protecting human rights.
I would also like to emphasize that the United Nation’s partnership
with civil society is a partnership of principle.
I extend a special greeting to Georgia and Mazen, of the OHCHR
team, for their high level of professionalism and their keenness
to arrive at concrete results in this project, in spite of the difficulties
they had faced. I congratulate both of them on this achievement.
I conclude by saying that overcoming the current crisis is possible;
and that the success of a serious and responsible national dialogue
is possible, as has been confirmed by this modest experience and
all those outcomes we have agreed upon. We encourage all parties
to take that decisive step in the direction of the other, now and
not tomorrow”.