Activities of the President of the BHRM in Bahrain
With Dr Hassn Madan
(The Progressive Democratic Forum)
With Saeed Al Hamad
(Alayam newspaper)
With both Mr. Al Ekri and Mr. Al Drazi
With Sheikh Ali SAlman (Al Wefaq)
With Maryam Al Rowayee (women union)
With Mr. Sayyed Agha (UNDP)
In Bahrain Centre for Research
and Studies
With Jameela Salman
(Bahrain Bar Society)
With the Editor- in- Chief of Al-Waqt newspaper and his Deputy |
With the Editor-in -chief- of Al Watan newspaper and journalists
The President of the Bahrain Human Rights Monitor (BHRM), Hasan
Shafaei, visited Bahrain on 15-27 August 2009. The objective of
the visit was to have a close look at the human rights situation
and also meet the heads of a number of civil society organizations
(CSOs), political activists, officials, media people, research and
studies centers and a number of academics.
Mr. Sahfaei discussed the political and human rights situation
in Bahrain, the scope of cooperation and suggestions regarding the
development of human rights in the country. He also received assessments
of the current political process and its impact on the human rights
situation as well as the challenges facing CSOs.
Mr. Shafaei presented a detailed description of the BHRM, its
current activities, publications, future plans and also discussed
mutual cooperation. The meetings culminated in agreement with a
number of CSOs to carry out a number of activities at the national
and international level, which promote and enhance the human rights
situation in Bahrain.
Additionally, Mr. Shafaei met representatives of some political
societies, i.e. political parties, including Sheikh Ali Salman,
MP and Secretary General of Wefaq ; Dr. Hassan Madan, Secretary
General of the Progressive Democratic Forum; and Abdulnabi Al Ekri
from the Democratic Action Society.
Moreover, a meeting took place with Sayyed Agha (UNDP Permanent
Representative in Bahrain) () and his assistant, Mohamed Al- Sharif
in the former’s office. Mr. Shafaei also visited the Bahrain Centre
for Studies and Research and met its Security General, Dr. Abdulla
Al Sadiq, and Dr. M. Galal- an international strategic studies advisor
-as well as Hussamuddin Salem, Editor of the Strategic Studies Journal.
Among others who were visited by Mr. Shafaei included: Dr Baquer
Al- Najjar- a Professor of Sociology at Bahrain University; Jameela
Salman, Head of Bahrain Bar Society; Mariam Al-Rowaie, President
of Bahrain Women’s Union; and Dr. Abdualla Al Drazi, Secretary General
of Bahrain Human Rights Society. Mr. Shafaei also met the board
members of the Bahrain Transparency Society including Abdulnabi
Al Ekri, President of the Society and Vice-President Yousif Zainal.
In addition to this, meetings also took place with the Editor-in-
Chief of Al-Ayam newspaper, Isa Al- Shaiji; Saeed Alhamad, Editor-in-
Chief of Al-Bilad newspaper; Moanes Al Mardi, the Editor- in- Chief
of Al-Waqt newspaper; Ibrahim Bashmi , Editor- in- Chief of Al-Watan
newspaper Abdualla Salman.