Mr. Shafaei with Boutros Boutros Ghali |
With Ambassador Mokhless Kotb |
With Hatem Zakaria |
With Hafez Abo- Seada |
With Mohsen Awad |
With Haggag Nayel |
With Gamal Eid |
With Abdulmenam Msalam |
With Mr Moataz El Fegieri |
President of BHRM Visits Cairo
On 15-25 November 2009, Mr. Shafaei visited Cairo and met with
the President of the National Council for Human Rights Boutros Boutros
Ghali Ambassador Mokhless Kotb, Secretary General of the National
Council for Human Rights and Ahmed Alawi Hassan. He also met with
a number of officials from Arab and Egyptian human rights organizations
including the Secretary General of the Arab Organization for Human
Rights Mohsen Awad; the General Director of the Arab Centre for
the Independence of the Judiciary and Legal Profession, Nasser Amin;
the President of research and studies in the Arabic Centre, Abdulmenem
Masalam; Chairman of the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists,
Haggag Nayel; Hatem Zakaria from the Federation of Arab Journalists;
the Secretary General of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights,
Hafez Abo-Seada; the Executive Director of the Arab Network for
Human Rights Information, Gamal Eid; the Executive Director of the
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Moataz El Fegieri; and
the President of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Beheydeen
Hassan. Mr. Shafaei related his interests and the activities of
the BHRM to his counterparts and discussed with them the human rights
situation in Bahrain; its political, cultural and social scope,
in addition to its development, challenges and obstacles.