SG of the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt:
Human Rights Improved, and Egypt at a Historic Juncture
Seven years have elapsed since the establishment of the National
Council for Human Rights (NCHR) in Egypt, yet the foreign observer
Dr. Mahmud Makarim |
does not perceive any radical changes in the status of human rights
in the country. How true is this assumption? The BHRM posed a series
of questions to His Excellency, the Ambassador Dr. Mahmud Makarim,
Secretary General of the National Council, to which he responded
with the belief that the experience has in fact been a positive
one. He added that the NCHR has made great strides in the human
rights field, despite many difficulties, and considering that it
is a relatively new institution.
How does the Council evaluate its achievements,
considering the national plan devised for this purpose?
It is important to be fair when evaluating the efforts of the
Council, as it operates in a society, in which there were accumulated
negative human rights practices in the past. However, this does
not excuse the slow pace of the human rights reform project in society.
The Council is aware of the circumstances surrounding its establishment,
especially the fact that its role as an advisory one, meaning that
it does not have the power to achieve the hopes that many wish of
it. Being a new and unprecedented institution, the Council also
had to pay attention to the requirements of its establishment, such
as preparing its internal organizational regulations, setting up
its administrative basis, forming its committees and units, preparing
a comprehensive national plan for the promotion and support of human
rights, setting up branches for the Council in different provinces,
and striving to establish partnerships with human rights organizations,
both at home and abroad. All these activities occupied much of the
Council’s time and attention, but they were necessary to establish
its foundation, and put into place a strategic human rights vision
for the future to enable us to continue working within its governing
Despite this, what has been achieved on the issue of human rights
in Egypt is an important step on the long road of reforms in a country
which is currently undergoing the most crucial political, social
and cultural transformation in its modern history. Any achievements
or failures attributed to the Council form the essence of the human
rights debate in Egypt, which is something we welcome and hope to
learn from.
At the end of 2006, the Council prepared a national plan, aiming
to merge it with the State’s five-year plan. The Council also set
up a unit to follow up and evaluate the implementation of the goals
contained in the national plan with the cooperation of Government
bodies and civil society. Recently, this unit continued its discussions
with related ministries and institutions in order to follow the
plans they presented for discussion and review. Such plans aim to
promote the status of human rights by using performance indicators,
timetables and identifying obstacles to the reform project. The
unit also organised discussions with some civil society organisations
concerned with human rights, due to their participation in the successful
outcomes of the plan, and invited them to a round-table meeting
in order to establish a framework for mutual cooperation. It may
be useful to note that preparations by the Council are currently
underway to modernize and develop a plan in 2010, with the cooperation
of the UNDP and the participation of various related governmental
and non-governmental sectors and experts.
Has the Council succeeded in encouraging the Government
to make national legislations conform to international treaties
and agreements, and how can the development of human rights be measured?
Since its inception, the Council has paid particular attention
to reviewing the Egyptian Constitution and legislations, in an effort
to make them conform to international human rights standards. We
have also presented six proposals to the Legislative Authority about
altering the rules on preventive detention, as well as some aspects
of the Penal Code regarding combating torture. The proposals also
included a Supervising Judge system to supervise execution of punishments,
the founding of unified prayer areas, a bill on equal opportunities
and prohibiting discrimination, and the alteration of some sections
in the Penal Code related to the promotion of free speech and thought.
The Council also presented a number of studies and researches on
articles of some laws which require review and alteration in order
to conform to human rights standards.
In your last meeting with the EU Ambassador on 27
March, you discussed the issue of spreading human rights culture
and plans for merging the national plan for human rights with the
State’s general plans. Can you please shed some light on this?
The Council is aware that cultural rights, primarily the right
to education and knowledge are indispensible, and that spreading
the culture of human rights in society is both an enlightenment
mission and developmental need. The Council has made great efforts
within the framework of the National Project for Spreading Human
Rights Culture, including organizing cultural seminars, meetings
and workshops as well as cultural weeks and competitions, and launching
research projects to integrate human rights culture in school syllabuses.
We have also organized tens of training courses for groups concerned
with the implementation of human rights.
The issue of illiteracy is currently considered a priority for
the Council, as Egypt has the highest rate of illiteracy in the
Arab world. The Council also believes in the necessity of finding
alternative ideas and means of funding initiatives to improve the
quality of education in the country. We also consider it necessary
to combat private tuition, which has become almost a parallel system
of education and a financial burden on poorer families, as well
as negating the principle of equal opportunities.
The Council is working to integrate a human rights culture in
school syllabuses, religious discourse and the media, and within
the standards of professional performance for policemen, Government
officials and the Public Prosecutor, in addition to all law enforcement
agencies and services providers.
Egyptian civil society has a particular view towards
official institutions. Considering that the Council was established
by an official decree, has this in any way affected your relations
with civil society? And to what extent have you been able to convince
civil society institutions of the Council’s independence?
The Council considers continued cooperation with civil society
organisations a priority, and has attempted to achieve this by organizing
and participating in their activities and signing 69 protocols in
this regard so far. The NCHR has also organized five forums with
civil society organizations under the leadership of the President
of the Council, Dr. Boutros Ghali. The forums aimed to exchange
views and expertise, and explore means of cooperation between the
Council and these organizations for the promotion and protection
of human rights, as well as discussing the latest developments in
the human rights field in Egypt.
The forums also discussed the obstacles facing the activity of
civil society organizations in Egypt under Law 84 of 2002, which
governs the establishment and work of civil society organizations;
and evaluated the two experiences of parliamentary and presidential
elections held in the country. These forums took place in order
to improve mutual cooperation between the Council and civil society
organizations. The Council cooperated with the following: the Coptic
Salam Society, Al Raja Centre for the Care of People in Special
Needs, the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists, One World Foundation
for Development and Civil Society Care, the Egyptian Society for
Equality, Muhiby Misr Society, Ma’at for Juridical and Constitutional
Studies, The Human Rights Centre for Research and Studies at Assiut
University and the Lawyer’s Syndicate, among others.
What is the methodology used by the Council in relation
to monitoring and following the status of human rights and citizens’
complaints? And what mechanisms are utilized for dealing with the
appropriate authorities for solving any problems?
The Council established a permanent and organized mechanism for
receiving and dealing with citizens’ complaints by coordinating
with other institutions and concerned bodies in the State to find
appropriate solutions. We have also attempted to diversify the means
through which complaints could be voiced, so we set up a free hotline
for complaints and created mobile offices for complaints in far
or isolated areas of the country.
These many complaints, however diverse, offer important and useful
findings on the status of human rights in Egypt, and must be taken
into account in any strategy designed to support and promote human
rights in the country. A statistical study of these complaints revealed
that most were related to violations of economic and social rights,
as outlined in the Council’s annual reports.
As for the extent of the Council’s achievements on this issue,
this necessarily depends on the extent of cooperation from the authorities
and concerned bodies in the State, which at first was weak in the
early years of our establishment but has improved in the last two
years. The Council still hopes and urges state authorities and ministries
to increase their cooperation with us in this regard, and to show
more concern in investigating these complaints.
How far along is the (Insan) project, which was
signed with the UNDP in December 2009, and was aimed at increasing
the powers of the Council. And what programs have been implemented
to achieve this aim?
The (Insan) project aimed to support the NCHR only a few months
after its establishment as an independent national institution for
the promotion and protection of human rights in Egypt, and as a
national mechanism for the achievement of this goal. The project’s
aims corresponded with the international frameworks and aims of
the UNDP namely, democratisation and justice and human rights.
The central aim of the project is to enable the NCHR to achieve
its goals by supporting it and developing it institutionally, establishing
an administrative and financial system, and establishing firm ties
with civil society institutions and donors. The project also helps
the Council suggest the appropriate means to develop human rights,
work on monitoring the implementation of related international obligations
and agreements and present suggestions to the authorities so as
to guarantee their effective implementation. In addition the project
also helps the Council cooperate with national and international
bodies and authorities, spread awareness by participating in the
fields of education, media and culture, participating with Egyptian
delegations in international human rights forums and coordinating
activities with similar institutions, such as the National Council
for Women and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood,
among others.