Bassiouni’s Report and the Responsibility of all Parties
to Implement It
George Ishak |
George Ishak
A member of the Egyptian National Council for Human
The outcomes of Bassiouni’s report are a big leap forward in
understanding human rights because it is an important shift in Arab
policy in dealing with human rights violations. These violations
cannot be ignored and should be criminalised on all levels. This
is a new chapter of individual responsibility and the ability to
highlight international crimes. Bassiouni’s report summarises the
human rights violations and presents solutions and recommendations.
It is important to realise that the report is the first of its
kind in the region and comes in a time when human rights are regarded
as a basic issue in the entire Arab world. Hence, it is the first
step towards solving the current situation in Bahrain and a framework
for the region. This is because it is the first time that an international
committee is brought to investigate an internal crisis. This is
a pioneering experience in the Arab region in the context of transitional
justice and the rule of law.
Transitional justice is also known as ‘reconciliational justice’
and is an important issue in international law and has been studied
greatly as well as the issues which arise during transitional periods
and the mechanisms and solutions which could be used. As a result
of this it is possible to view Bassiouni’s report as a big step
forward with regards to cooperation with international organisations
such as OHCHR and the HRC. It is also an opportunity to learn from
the international community how to solve ?our local problems.
Bassiouni’s report suggested the implementation of certain principles
and mechanisms of international law, including promoting justice,
compensation and restitution and to guarantee that violations don’t
re-happen. These principles and mechanisms still need a strong will
to put them into practice and hence all Bahraini parties need to
work together to find a common ground and agree on a number of principles
and laws which will support and help in the implementation process
of the recommendations. There is no doubt that some recommendations
have been implemented by the Government which is working towards
achieving reconciliation and reducing tension with the opposition.
If the Bahraini model succeeds, it will be looked upon as an
example of transitional justice in the Arab region. This success
depends on whether reconciliation can be achieved between the Government
and the opposition as well as putting into place modern laws and
legislations which respect human rights and bringing those who committed
violations to justice.