Dr. Lolwa Al Awadi Praises the Role of Bahraini Women:
The Quota System Violates the Constitution and has Many Disadvantages
In an interview with Bahrain Human Rights Monitor, the General
Secretary of the Supreme Council for Women Dr. Al Awadi said that
women’s success in the next parliamentary election depends on many
factors, most importantly the support of official and civil society
institutions. She believes that the quota system commits the voters
to a specific candidate, and that there is no harm that some or
all the members of parliament are women or men as long as they reflect
the public will.
The interview revolved around several important issues with regards
to women’s activism in Bahrain and the role of the Supreme Council
for Women (SCW). Following is the text of the interview:
There is a constantly repeated question about why
women don’t elect their female counterparts? And what is your role
in persuading women of their abilities and that they are fit to
reach high governmental positions?
I’d like to point here to the findings of the research conducted
by the SCW in cooperation with UNDP, which is the main partner in
implementing the program of empowerment of Bahraini women in 2006.
This scientific research was aiming at assessing the previous experience
and coming up with a vision to what is required in the next phase
specifically the participation in the 2010 elections. The results
showed that 62% of the polled men and women affirmed that they will
not vote for women, whilst 30.7% supported voting for women. This
reveals an obvious gap between the values, attitudes and perception
towards women from a theoretical point of view and the willingness
to practically support her in the ballot boxes.
The same attitude was also expressed by 29% of youths aged (20-30),
which reveals negative indications with regards to the attitudes
of an important social segment towards the nomination of women.
The results of the survey showed that 34.3% of women will not
vote for women in the next elections compared to 21.9% of men. Whilst,
14.5% will vote for women in the next elections compared to 13.9%
of men. We would like to stress that the SCW proposals with regards
to the empowerment of women program will take into consideration
the results of this study, hence the success of women during the
forthcoming elections will depend on many factors, most importantly
is the support from all the concerned institutions including official,
civil society, political, religious and professional institutions
with special emphasis on social awareness programes. It is noteworthy
that the Bahraini society, men and women alike, tends to take positions
in line with the positions of the societies that they are affiliated
with, whether they are religious or political; the first is more
influential than the latter. Therefore, these societies bare a greater
responsibility and they should coordinate more with the other civil
or official societies concerning women (particularly women’s societies).
With regards to the issue of the political empowerment
of women, why do you propose the quota system?
Forgive me for saying that you have not been following what has
been discussed in the media about the issue of political empowerment
of women. The SCW has never supported the issue of female quota.
The SCW was, and still is, opposing the ratification of such system
and we believe in the need for women to win parliamentary seats
through the electoral system already in place in the Kingdom of
Bahrain. The SCW has a clear and final opinion, which is reaffirmed
by the Constitution, which calls for equality. The quota system
will commit the voters to specific candidates, and this will have
a negative effect on the participation of women in the elections.
Bahraini women are considered as role models because of their
active and positive contribution in all fields. Bahraini women were
and still are self-made and the official support that they gained
is a token of appreciation highlighting their efforts and accomplishments.
Thus the adoption of the quota system contradicts the nature of
constitutional rules, which are stable and relatively static. In
addition to what has already been said, the survey included a question
to assess the experience of countries that adopted the quota system
as a transitional phase but they dropped it. This is in order to
show the effect of this system on the progress of women in the elected
councils and the result was negative, therefore, in line with the
essence of the democratic system we believe in leaving the door
open so that the voters can choose whatever they see fit according
to the proposed manifestos regardless of gender as long as this
represents the will of the public which has the final say. We hope
that women win parliamentary seats based on their strong will and
efforts and the will of the Bahraini society, which we hope it will
join forces with the Government for electing women for municipal
councils and Parliament.
Dr. Al Awadi |
How do you assess the activities of civil societies
concerned with Women and Children in Bahrain?
Historically speaking the civil activism of Bahraini women cannot
be ignored and must be praised since its beginning in the fifties
of the last century. Women’s activities in the past were solely
charitable in nature, but thanks to the reform project of his Royal
Highness, which expanded and transformed the process into diverse
women’s institutions that deal with many crucial issues in relation
to Bahraini women and societal needs. We in the SCW strive to achieve
more coordination and cooperation in order to support these institutions
through the relevant official channels. Also a memorandum of understanding
was signed with the Bahraini Women’s Union which aims at cooperating
in the planning programs that serve Bahraini women.
We were also able to setup a cooperative committee between the
SCW and other women’s societies and committees in order activate
the role of these societies and committees, the board of trustees
of Islamic societies and women’s committees in various societies.
We hope that through coordination and cooperation we will be
able to remove any misunderstanding that appears in the media from
time to time regarding this issue. The SCW and through its specific
and clear program has proven its strong desire to cooperate with
all official and civil institutions and that the SCW was not established
to replace any party but to compliment the work according to its
speciality and mutual benefit of all parties considering that civil
society institutions possess the mechanisms to act fast.
To what extent have you succeeded in putting in
place legislation that serves women, and what are the obstacles
that you face?
Initially, it must be clarified that the SCW does not specialize
in putting in place legislations. The SCW was established by a Royal
Decree which restricted its role to giving recommendations and proposals
concerning amendments to current legislations regarding women, giving
opinions on bills before they’re being presented to the concerned
authority, to recommend the proposal of draft laws and decisions
necessary for the advancement of women. Despite the fact that the
first article of the Royal Decree defined the jurisdiction of the
SCW, which is giving opinions on women’s issues directly or indirectly
and that all official parties should take into consideration the
opinion of the SCW before taking any decision, but there are some
legislations and proposals that are not presented to the SCW despite
the existence of formal mechanisms that govern the relation between
the SCW and the concerned parties, this represented in cooperation
agreements which are adopted by the SCW as a practical means to
execute national strategies in order to elevate the stature of Bahraini
Through the guidance of Her Royal Highness, the President of
the SCW and with the determination of the SCW members and the executive
committee, the SCW was able to fill some of the gaps by proposing
bills or activating existing ones. For example: the executive order
No. (12) for 2004 on women’s rights to use housing services, and
Act No. 35 for 2009 on the equal treatment of children of Bahraini
women who are married to foreigners in government transactions,
as well as, Alimony Fund Act; amendments to the Sharia court procedures;
amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure and Trade. Some of the
main recommendations made by the SCW include: the swift determination
of Islamic related cases; and increase the number of Islamic courts;
amending the marriage document;, as well as the joint effort between
the SCW and civil society institutions concerned with women’s issues
with regards pushing towards the issuing of the first section of
Family Law.
There are some rumours about disagreements between
the Women’s Union and the SCW, is it true?
What’s between the SCW and Women’s Union cannot be called a disagreement
but a difference in points of view in determining the priorities
of women’s action in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The SCW is an official
institution concerned with women’s issues in Bahrain and the Women’s
Union is an umbrella for civil organizations for several women’s
organizations. I would like to stress here that there are common
grounds between the SCW and the Union with regards to many important
women’s issues. For example the nationality laws, family law and
the reservations on the CEDAW. However, differences exist on how
to deal with these issues, their details and priorities. For this
reason the SCW strives to sign a memorandum of understanding with
the Women’s Union on the 30th of August 2007, which aims at cooperation
between the two sides in drawing plans and programs that would serve
Bahraini women.
Your previous study regarding the 2006 elections
blamed religious parties and the big political societies for preventing
women from winning seats in Parliament. Has the SCW made an effort
to convince the political societies to nominate women? And why instead
of this you suggested in the study the idea of equality between
the Governmental support to political societies and between the
latter efforts to achieve political empowerment for women?
First, we must read the result of the study correctly and objectively,
the final recommendations of the study were directed to all official
and civil parties. The study did not blame any particular party,
but stressed that the participation of women in the elections is
a joint responsibility. The study shows that 77.8% see an increase
in the chances of success of independent female candidates if supported
by political societies. This indicates that it is necessary to include
women in the political societies; hence the study recommendations
were directed to all parties. It is noteworthy that in the last
elections the Bahraini women proved to be strong competitors and
close to winning in some constituencies. Also, the SCW is in the
process of studying the literature of political empowerment programme
in light of the previous experiences and the possibility to introduce
a new concept to this programme.
There are many women organizations, but not all
of them are active, what are the reasons for this? And what is the
SCW role in activating the political societies?
Women’s action in Bahrain has long history, and women’s societies
adopted and introduced many important issues concerning women, for
example the role of the Committee of Personal Status in the 1980s.
The SCW looks forward to achieve integration between the SCW and
women’s societies and committees through the implementation of programs
and projects of the national strategy to promote Bahraini women.
From this comes the importance of the memorandum which was signed
by the SCW and Bahraini Women’s Union. As well as the establishment
of a cooperation committee between the SCW and women’s societies
as a suitable tool to achieve the ambitions of Bahraini women. This
committee specializes in monitoring the programs directed to women
and the compatibility of such programs with the Bahraini women’s
needs and with the national plan to implement the strategy in order
to elevate women’s status. The committee should propose an annual
work plan according to its terms of reference, as well as suggesting
areas and the appropriate means to cooperate with other civil society
institutions in order to provide the necessary support for the advancement
of Bahraini women and enhance their role in public life as well
to exchange experiences, and the optimum utilization of resources
provided by international and regional organizations to serve the
implementation of programs adopted in the annual plan.
What is the role of the SCW in supporting the second
section of the law?
The efforts and demands to issuing family law started since the
1980s from local initiatives through Personal Status Committee established
at that time and carried out some activities and programs to spread
awareness in society regarding the importance of this law. The Committee
was run by successive figures amid increased demands emphasizing
the importance of issuing this law. The demands are still continuing
from the civil society institutions concerned with women’s issues
(particularly women’s societies) and from officials through the
SCW, which conducted a survey resulted in the need to codify the
personal status as a necessity for the society. The SCW organized
awareness campaigns to introduce and explain the concept of ‘personal
status’ legislation, this is in addition to the official support,
which ended in issuing the first part of Family Law through the
constitutional channels. We hope that the second section of the
law will be issued in the near future and that official and non-official
forces will meet in achieving this important demand which can lead
to security and stability for Bahraini families.