United Nations Coordinator and UN Resident Representative in
It is necessary to amend laws in order
to fulfill international obligations
Sayed Aqa
■ Masters degree in Business Administration.
■ 23 years in voluntary humanitarian
■ Founder of two national organizations
in Afghanistan: the Mine Clearance Planning Agency
(MCPA) and the Afghan Campaign to Ban Landmines(ACBL)
■ Worked in a number of countries
such as Yemen, Chad and Thailand.
■ Joined the United Nations in
2001to work in Azerbaijan.
■ Served as an advisor to a number
of international and inter-governmental organizations.
BHRM interviewed Mr. Sayed Agha, U.N. Resident Co-ordinator and
UNDP Resident Representative, in which he highlighted many relevant
issues such as the fulfilment by Bahrain of most of its obligations
under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process and the obstacles
facing the implementation of some recommendations related to the
process, including the politicization of human rights and the need
for legislative amendments. He also discussed the positive relationship
between the UNDP and Bahrain, and UNDP’s continuous support to national
institutions and local NGOs. He further addressed the important
role of citizens and private sector in promoting human rights, sustainable
development and the empowerment of women politically and economically.
Since your presence in Bahrain, how do you value
the cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain to endorse sustainable
human development strategies?
The U.N. and Bahrain have always enjoyed strong partnership.
Building on this, I have tried to further strengthen the UN’s relations
with the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Civil Society
Organizations and the business community. The Government has been
particularly supportive in facilitating the UN’s work. Being a high
income oil producing country, Bahrain has specific characteristics
as a Small Island State that has a large number of expatriate workforce.
Bahrain requires careful development choices to remain sustainable.
Sustainable human development is a basic human rights of the citizens.
Instruments such as the reform agenda, Government’s achievements
in education and health care, and the launch of Economic Vision
for 2030 provide enabling environment for sustainable human development.
The U.N. has made major contributions in Bahrain’s development.
Most recent examples of our successful partnership are promotion
of entrepreneurship, microfinance initiative, parliamentary development,
economic and political empowerment of women, addressing environmental
challenges, supporting the preparation and implementation of Bahrain’s
human rights commitment of the UPR process, NGOs capacity development,
and the list goes on. All these have had direct positive impact
on human rights in the Kingdom. We owe it to the strong support
of the Government and people of Bahrain.
Many key national institutions have received your
technical support, do you have any collaboration with the local
His Majesty the King stated during his meeting with the UN Secretary
General in May this year in Bahrain, that we know Bahrain cannot
prosper without contribution of the NGOs in our human development.
Similarly, the U.N. believes that NGOs have important role in the
socio-economic development of any society. We have, therefore, partnered
with the Ministry of Social Development to implement a number of
initiatives. These include the establishment of the national NGO
centre, training and capacity development for NGOs, and a micro
finance project, through two NGOs, that has now reached thousands
of families. We have also directly supported women, youth, human
rights, environmental and other NGOs through provision of funds,
expertise, as well as moral support.
Your core effort is to encourage respect of human
rights and foster thriving civil society, what are the measures
and instruments used by your office to achieve this goal?
Decent living standards, provision of basic services, rule of
Sayed Aqa: We have provided expertise
and financial support to NGOs working in the fields of women,
youth, human rights and the environment etc. |
law through effective governance, and participation in decision
making are basic human rights. We believe that while Government
has a huge responsibility to ensure enabling environment by adopting
and implementing legislation, human rights are not fully realized
without actions by individual citizens. Citizens and the private
sector should hold themselves responsible to respect, promote and
protect human rights, especially those of their employees and domestic
workers. The U.N. has a very successful project with the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs to help Bahrain meet its UPR pledges and voluntary
commitments. This project is implemented in collaboration with civil
society as a number of NGOs are members of its Steering Committee.
In addition, we have trained all our staff and most government counterparts
on Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to development.
According to the Arab Human Development Report
2009, the Kingdom of Bahrain recorded a significant change in the
institutional quality in the period from 1996 to 2007, in certain
areas such as representation and accountability but has not progressed
much on women’s empowerment. What are your observations on this?
The Human Development Report (HDR) is an independent report facilitated
by UNDP. Its content does not necessarily reflect UNDP’s views.
For the sake of comprehension, I would say that in terms of independence,
HDR is like the report of Audit Bureau or Human Rights Institution
of a country. For calculation of Human Development Index (HDI) the
report assess four key areas of human development– life expectancy,
literacy rate, education and GDP. All figures included in the HDR
are from official sources only.
Resulting from wise leadership and truthful development choices,
particularly in the areas of education and health care, Bahrain
has made steady progress as recorded by HDRs standing a par with
OECD countries. The other significant achievement of Bahrain is
that Bahrain’s human development standard is equal for men and women.
However, what you are referring to is women empowerment - that is
number of seats occupied by women in senior government, and private
sector organizations as well as in the parliament. We all know that
political and economic empowerment of Bahraini women is a priority.
The U.N. and government aim to address this through the project
we signed in the presence of the U.N. Secretary General and HRH
Princess Sabeka with the Supreme Council for Women. The programme
has already started its activities. We hope to contribute to political
and economic empowerment of Bahraini women in collaboration with
other government institutions, the NGOs and the private sector.
The follow-up report for the implementation of
the Bahrain’s Universal Periodic Review 2008- 2009 indicates that
some of the recommendations are fully met while others are in progress
and few are not yet completed, what is your explanation to this
What you are referring to is voluntary progress report that Bahrain
presented this year. It is not a required report like the formal
UPR review, which occurs every four years. As noted in the progress
report, a great deal has been achieved in the scope of one year.
This undertaking is a four year process, and I am confident that
Bahrain will meet most of its pledges and commitments by its next
UPR review. The recent establishment of the national Human Rights
Institution by His Majesty is another major step towards realization
of all human rights for all in Bahrain.
Were there any obstacles in implementing these
recommendations on the ground?
A major obstacle is lack of awareness of people about their rights
and obligations. Most people look to the government to do it all.
However, individuals can and should take responsibility to first
make themselves aware of their right and then respect, promote and
protect the rights of others. Bahrain may also need to amend some
of its existing laws to meet its international obligations under
various conventions and treaties. A second major obstacle is that
some try to advance political agendas under the pretext of human
rights. This is simply wrong as it harms fulfilment of human rights.
Credibility cannot be overemphasized, particularly when talking
about human rights. Politics should, therefore, not be mixed with
human rights.
Your recent joint study with the Supreme Council
for Women on empowerment of women have come up with many recommendations
such as providing the best environment for women candidates and
the reduction of the financial barriers faced in the elections.
Has there been any effort by your team to assist in meeting these
As already mentioned, we have an ambitious programme with the
Supreme Council for Women to address this and other recommendations
of our study. Planning is underway to train and support women candidates
for the 2010 national elections.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Education,
a Scientific and Cultural training workshop, entitled «Rights of
the Child», was held on 26 October 2009, what was the purpose for
this event ?
As part of the UPR project implementation plan with the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, a number of capacity development activities
have taken place targeting law enforcement, health care and education
personnel. As part of series of these activities this workshop was
organized to train teachers and workers of the Ministry of Education
on how to adapt a human rights based approach to their work, as
well as how to promote awareness of human rights among the students.
The goal is to address the challenge of public awareness, I referred
to earlier.