President of BHRM to Al Ayam Newspaper:
Our Goal is not to Please the Government and much of what
we say is not Welcomed.
On 3 February 2010, and on the first anniversary of the establishment
of the BHRM, Al Ayam newspaper interviewed its President Hasan Moosa
Shafaei and discussed issues concerning the activities of the BHRM
and the human rights future in Bahrain:
The Bahrain Second Strategic Report for 2009 states
that the BHRM is ‘more understanding of the Government’s position’,
and also described the BHRM newsletter of being more ‘understanding
of the circumstances of Bahraini society’. It can be understood
from both statements that the BHRM is biased towards the Government’s
analysis and position. Is this accurate?
No. Initially we are not an opposition party aiming to expose
the faults of the Government’s apparatus. We are a human rights
organization, which assesses the general situation of Bahrain comprehensively.
The term ‘human rights’ is intertwined with many other complicated
issues. In some aspects we have found the Government’s performances
correct and in others we have detected laziness, carelessness and
deficiencies rather than deliberate shortcomings. No newsletter
of the BHRM has been free from criticizing the Government. However
criticism is not intended for criticism’s sake, as much as it is
aimed at drawing attention in order to correct the situation. After
all, correction of mistakes and developing human rights in Bahrain
is our important goal, and we choose the best method to express
our opinions and positions. The human rights problem does not lie
in the deliberate attempt to hide human rights violations or in
failing to inform local and international public opinions about
them. Our media enjoys a wide margin of freedom as well as active
civil society organizations, so nothing can be kept hidden from
the public. The real problem lies in how we deal, diagnose, highlight
and solve problems. Sometimes the problem is the lack of legislations,
mechanisms and the lack of experience and training, and not because
an official made a mistake here and there.
In other words the problem is not in the absence of a political
will which pushes and publically announces the importance of developing
human rights, but rather it is in translating these statements and
implementing them on the ground by those concerned in the state
apparatus, particularly the executive and legislative ones.
But does this mean that you are getting closer
to the Government position?
As a human rights organization, our main concern is civil society
organizations, especially human rights ones. These organizations,
which we ourselves are part of, are our primary concern and we do
not really care whether the Government approves of this or not.
Much of what we say is not accepted by some officials and they do
not welcome many of our analysis. The most important thing, which
could be the reason behind this misunderstanding, is that our vision
of the political and social situation contains a considerable amount
of precision in pointing out the roots of the problems from different
aspects. The Government is just one of the parties involved, even
if it bears the biggest responsibility. Thus you find us presenting
some solutions and proposals. The politicization of human rights
will only make the Government a target for criticism. Human rights
activities require searching for political and social problems and
a degree of self criticism which means the responsibility is shared
in the development or decline of human rights activities. Therefore,
our human rights discourse and analysis oblige us to have a comprehensive
and balanced vision, not against the Government even if we criticize
it, and also not always in support of civil society institutions,
even if we praise them. Professional and objective analysis determines
whether we are close or far from the official position. Hence we
criticize what we see wrong and we have no reservations in praising
any steps we think are in the right direction and promote human
It is noticeable that the discourse of the BHRM,
whether directly through its publications and sometimes from inference
of its analysis, contains messages directed to the Government or
to local civil society institutions and even international organizations.
Have these messages been received as you had wished and how responsive
did you find these parties?
There are indeed messages, some of which are frank and others
hidden. We live in an exposed political atmosphere which pushes
us to deliver our messages clearly, professionally and without hurting
anyone as much as possible. What we want is clear and in each subject
we tackle there is a message to some party with the purpose of achieving
our goals. We wanted the Government to be transparent and to cooperate
with us in order to promote more trust with international organizations
as well as local human rights organizations in order to enable them
to carry out their mandate. Also, we did not want the Government
to feel that any criticism against it was a conspiracy even if the
information on which the criticism was built was wrong, and that
the Government should deal with the roots of problems be they legislative,
technical or related to public services. We want the officials to
toughen up and become accustomed to criticism, to deal with it in
a positive spirit and feel that they are standing on firm ground,
and that the path they are taking despite all its difficulties is
in fact the right one for the continuation of the reform project.
We want the Government to be ruled by laws and legislations and
to have the courage to admit its shortcomings, faults and mistakes.
In this regard, the Government has understood our messages, some
of which have been delivered directly and not only through the media.
The Government understands what is being said, but no practical
or realistic action has yet been taken as we had hoped.
But what about other messages?
Our message to international organizations in particular was
well received and we have received encouraging responses in understanding
the reality of the Bahrain human rights situation as well as the
social and political situations. During our meetings and in our
newsletters, we found that international organizations did not have
a clear picture of the situation in Bahrain, and that their assessments
were based on small details here and there. We explained this to
them and highlighted the needs of Bahrain in the field of human
rights and expected contributions of these organization . Moreover,
we encouraged them to share their expertise with Bahraini civil
society , strengthen their ties with local organizations and verify
their information in a professional and credible manner.
Finally, there are some important messages for Bahraini civil
society institutions; it was important for us to make these known
internationally through our publications or meetings with other
international organizations. We have expressed our willingness to
cooperate with these local institutions and tried to draw their
attention to some shortcomings in order to develop our work. We
understand the reasons for such mistakes such as the exposure to
a new experience, lack of expertise and the short lifespan of the
reform project, but this does not prevent us from criticizing ourselves
and our colleagues with good intention and with the sole purpose
of developing ourselves.
There are those who say that the BHRM is misleading
international human rights organizations and hiding Government violations?
I hope this criticism is not politically motivated; ‘misleading’
and ‘hiding information’ are two unrealistic accusations and whoever
made them should present evidence and tell us whom do they think
we are misleading and when and how and in which subject? It is difficult
to hide any information at present time - this is what I have said
before and will repeat - Bahrain is an open country and international
organizations are present most of the time. Furthermore, advances
in technological communication e.g. mobile phones and internet as
well as the prevailing margin of freedom of expression make it difficult
to hide any incidents.
What is interpreted as ‘misleading’ is merely referring to our
explanation of incidents. Is our analysis misleading and where exactly
is the ‘misleading’ part? ‘Misleading’ comes into play when you
present some information and hide the rest; thereby you can explain
the issue as you want. On the other hand, the BHRM provides exclusive
and often exposes ‘hidden’ information, presents explanations and
analysis of any incidents in their political and social contexts.
What we do is exactly the opposite of ‘misleading’. Our reading
of events is in fact closer to reality, and this is what we hear
from those who follow our activities.
According to the latest international reports there
have been setbacks in human rights, transparency and public freedom
levels. Do you think the future of human rights in Bahrain will
I do not think that there are setbacks in public freedoms. We
have to understand that the term ‘human rights’ is built on social
and political reforms; it is a chain which can only develop through
the general development of the state apparatus, both executive and
legislative. The Government has acceded to a number of international
agreements and established the National Foundation for Human Rights
and mechanisms in each ministry concerned with human rights. The
Government is adjusting these agreements practically with local
legislations, indicating a turning point in the human rights field.
For example, developing the performance of the House of Representatives
in monitoring and accountability and the speedy ratification of
new legislations will give a positive boost in other human rights
issues. We have before us the Press Bill which has still not been
ratified. The development of the performance of MPs in the use of
the available constitutional mechanisms will also give a positive
boost to many human rights issues, including transparency, monitoring
and combating corruption. There is also the performance of public
services ministries. The more they improve their services, the more
having a better human rights situation. People have the right to
enjoy a decent life in education, health, housing and employment
among others. This reflects on the general political atmosphere
and public freedoms and releases any existing tension in certain
groups. This is in addition to the need to support civil society
organizations, especially financially. The development of these
institutions and supporting them financially will have a positive
impact on the future of human rights.