Director of the Middle East at Amnesty International:
Human rights in the Middle East are the least protected
‘Our main role is to stand with those whose
human rights were violated and to draw attention to their
plight, and to be a voice to those who lost their voices
due to the violations they had suffered’.
Malcolm Smart
Malcolm Smart |
Q 1: Is the Middle East region different from the
rest of the world in relation to commitment to human rights? Where
would Amnesty International place the region in terms of reforms
and positive changes to the Human Rights compared with other regions
in the world? What are the most critical points on the issue of
the Arab human rights, and once such points are met will there be
a breakthrough that reflects positively on the human rights situation?
Amnesty International does not seek to make comparisons between
different world regions or, indeed, between countries, but to assess
each state’s human rights record individually, recognizing that
no two states are exactly alike, and using international human rights
law and standards as the principal benchmark against which to assess
their record.
Relative to other world regions, the Middle East is notable in
that human rights are less well protected under international treaty
and there is not an effective mechanism in place regionally to promote
and protect human rights - along the lines, for example, of the
Inter-American Court, the European Court of Human Rights or the
African Commission on Human and People’s Rights. On the first point,
it is notable that certain states have still to become party to
key international human rights treaties to which most other states
globally have signed up (for example, Saudi Arabia is yet to ratify
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights although
it was one of the member states of the newly-formed UN when it adopted
the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948 and has recently
been sitting on the UN’s main human rights body, the UN Human Rights
Council) or have done so entering reservations against some of their
key provisions - for example, when becoming party to the Convention
on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women - which have
the effect of undermining the treaty. On the second point, there
is now an Arab Human Rights Charter which has been adopted by a
number of Middle Eastern states, but in certain important respects
this is a weaker document than the main international human rights
treaties and it is uncertain, as yet, whether the body established
to monitor its implementation will have any teeth.
This point of ratifying human rights treaties is important because
governments, in doing so, commit to meeting certain human rights
obligations. The real challenge, then, is for these rights to be
realised in practice - this needs firm commitment and political
will by governments but also the fullest possible involvement of
civil society and public involvement in ensuring that human rights
are well understood and are attainable for all, not least those
who are often the most vulnerable in society due to discrimination
or other factors.
Q2: What is in your view, the core causes that lead
to violations of human rights in the Arab countries, and make the
path to human rights development ridden with problems?
Governments generally continue to show a reluctance to accept
criticism or to allow the free flow and exchange of information
and ideas, and to put the protection and promotion of human rights
at the centre of their policies. Consequently, all across the region
we see violations of the right to freedom of opinion and expression,
with those who criticise state authorities - in the media, through
blogs or in their other writings or speeches or other activities
- liable to arrest and detention or other forms of harassment. Some
are prosecuted on criminal defamation charges or for harming the
state or its security when all they did was to peacefully express
views critical of the government or of some alleged malpractice
by state authorities. By such means, mere expression of a different
view is equated as subversion by those who hold the power in the
state. This is a gross abuse of human rights. And perhaps the saddest
irony is that those targeted in this way are often Human Rights
Defenders - people with the courage, and temerity, to stand up to
state authorities and insist that they meet their obligations under
international human rights law.
Arab Charter on Human Rights the most
weakest instrument compared to international treaties, yet
no assurances to be activated |
This is one of the core problems but, clearly, there are many
others and they are both complex and diverse. The continuing denial
of rights to Palestinians as a result of the more than 60-year long
Israel-Palestinian conflict and the presence of foreign military
forces in the region, notably since 2003 in Iraq, are factors that
contribute to insecurity and political instability in the region,
to which can be added the political stand off and regional and international
concern about Iran’s nuclear development programme, and Israel’s
possession of nuclear weapons. As well, public security also continues
to be threatened by the actions of al-Qa’ida and its affiliates
and other armed groups, whose attacks frequently target civilians
in gross breach of international law, and also are used as a justification
by governments in the region to use anti-terrorism laws over broadly,
to clamp down on peaceful dissent, and to allow their security and
intelligence police far too much latitude in carrying out arrests,
detaining people in breach of their rights and, all too often, torturing
or otherwise ill-treating them with impunity.
Q 3: Is there any methodology and/or standards used
by your organization in assessing the development of human rights
in various countries in general? Do you have a scientific classification
of the Arab countries in terms of commitment to international standards,
or in terms of positive developments in the performance of governments,
even if such developments are limited and not comprehensive in nature?
We look at human rights in each country separately taking into
account the human rights treaty obligations that each state has
entered into of its own volition, as the standards by which it agrees
to be measured, and against the benchmarks set down within the wider
framework of international law - human rights law but also international
humanitarian law, international refugee law and international criminal
law. We look too at the particular political, economic, cultural
and social context in each state and seek to identify what are the
current human rights problems that need to be addressed, and what
steps might be taken and by whom - often the government but sometimes
other actors too or instead - to address these problems and bring
Amnesty criticizes governments, but
publicly acknowledges their positive improvements in the
human rights situation |
relief and remedy to those whose rights are being denied; this may
be an untried political detainee, a victim of enforced disappearance
and his or her family, or a family under threat of forcible removal
from their home, or perhaps a migrant domestic worker who is exposed
to abuse by her employer because her rights are inadequately protected
under the employment and other law, and she is triply discriminated
against as a woman, a foreigner and as a migrant worker.
We are known mostly for our criticism of violations that occur,
but we do also give a lot of attention to human rights improvements
when they are made by governments and others. We seek always to
encourage such improvements and to give credit, including publicly,
where credit is due. But our primary roles are to stand with those
whose human rights are violated, to draw attention to their plight
and so, to an extent, to act as a voice for those who, all too often,
have been rendered voiceless by the violations that they are suffering.
Q 4: It is noticed that Amnesty International focus
on civil and political rights violations only, why? It is observed
that the nature of political systems and their openness determines
the development and respect for human rights, but little has been
done to analyze the nature of political regimes in the Arab region
in particular?
In fact, Amnesty International works not only for civil and political
rights but also for the protection and promotion of economic, social
and cultural rights as we consider that all human rights are universal
and indivisible. While we continue to give a great deal of attention
to violations of civil and political rights, last year we launched
our Demand Dignity campaign, an international campaign that we will
run for the next few years and which focuses on human rights abuses
that force people into poverty and that keep them in poverty. In
particular, in this campaign we are currently giving greatest attention
to the right of everyone to adequate shelter for themself and their
family, addressing problems of forcible evictions and destruction
of homes which often hit hardest on the very poorest, and on the
Western governments have used (human
rights) for their political objectives, and were selective
in criticizing systems they do not like |
issue of maternal mortality, its human rights causes and consequences
- these, often, are due to discrimination and violence against women
and their subordinate role in many societies, and problems such
as early and forced marriage. As well, we are giving attention in
this Demand Dignity campaign to the role and responsibilities of
corporate actors, the private often multinational companies whose
activities sometimes cause or lead to serious human rights abuses
in the areas in which they are pursuing their commercial interests;
in particular, we are examining the role of companies in the extractive
industries - oil and gas, mining and so on.
We don’t give a lot of time or attention to trying to analyse
different political systems - that is more a job for the academic
community and political commentators. Unfortunately, we have found
in the almost 50 years since Amnesty International was formed that
there is no perfect political system when it comes to human rights
- as our published annual reports show each year no region of the
world and no political system is immune from human rights abuses.
Q 5: Some countries complain that the major international
human rights organizations such as Amnesty International harmonize
their agenda, objectives and the timing of their human rights campaigns
with the political agenda of the major Western countries. Furthermore,
it is evident that when Western countries involve in political conflict
with another country, it would be accompanied by a human rights
campaign by those organizations. What do you say about this claim?
We reject this claim. Frankly, it is often made by governments
that we have criticised or their supporters for self-serving reasons,
to dismiss our criticism without addressing its substance. It is,
however, a frequently repeated claim that human rights are somehow
a Western concept and are being imposed on governments and people
in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Yet, in reality,
governments in the Middle East and all around the world have freely
committed to uphold international human rights law and standards,
accepting that they must report periodically to the international
community, through the UN, when doing so. Even more importantly,
one needs to look at the substance of what is meant by human rights
- for example, the right not to be tortured, or the right to have
an education or the right to be free from discrimination. Do the
government officials and others in the Middle East who claim that
human rights are a Western invention deny that people in the Middle
East have such rights, or that these rights are not already rooted
in local culture and values? I don’t hear them really saying that
- or, indeed, that they themselves and their families do not also
have these rights - even though they like toassert that human rights
are somehow an alien concept. Not so.
Governments threw away the legal book
and followed the maxim (the end justifies the means), and
created a net of suppression under the name of anti-terrorism
One problem, of course, is that Western governments have sometimes
used notions of human rights and the need to protect them in their
pursuit of their own political objectives, and have done so selectively
critizing governments they dislike on human rights grounds while
remaining silent on abuses by their allies. This, clearly, does
a disservice to human rights and has made it that bit easier for
those who wish to do so to try and give human rights a bad name.
For its part, from its formation in 1961 Amnesty International
has remained independent of all governments and political ideologies
and has sought to assess the human rights records of different states
according to a consistent standard and the framework of international
law - the corpus of law that governments, not Amnesty International,
invented ostensibly to regulate their own conduct.
Thus, we do not time our campaigns or other activities to coincide
with the political interests of Western or other states - indeed,
if you look at our record, you will see that many times Western,
as well as other governments, have greatly disliked it when we have
campaigned against violations for which they are responsible and
most certainly found it inconvenient.
Q6: International human rights reports indicate
a decline in the level of respect for human rights in the world
during the past years, and attributed it in one of its aspects to
the human rights abuses carried out under the pretext of (counter-terrorism).
There is no consensus regarding the definition of ‘terrorism’, which
is still loose. How long will these violations persist under this
pretext? What is the position of Amnesty International on anti-terrorism
laws issued by different countries?
Yes, the years of the so-called war on terror have seen an erosion
in human rights in the name of the fight against terrorism. Clearly,
governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens and
others within their jurisdiction from terrorism, as other serious
crime, but when doing so they must also abide by their obligations
under international law. This is largely where a number of governments
- in the Middle East and elsewhere, including the USA and Europe
- have fallen seriously short, with Guantanamo and the secret renditions
programme as the two most obvious examples, though there are many
Essentially, what happened was that governments to an extent
threw away the rule book and took on an “end justifies the means”
approach, to the extent that they subordinated their human rights
obligations to the challenge of fighting terrorism. Unsurpringly,
the result has been further serious abuses of human rights, both
of those suspected of involvement in terrorism, and of other people
such as Human Rights Defenders, government critics and people who
expose government wrongdoing, who have been drawn into the wide
net of repression that has been created using over-broad and ill-defined
anti-terrorism laws.
Of course, we condemn terrorism - such as bomb and other attacks
on civilians - in the strongest possible terms. We demand that those
who perpetrate such acts immediately desist and we call for them
to be brought to justice, in conformity with the requirements of
international law. At the same time, we condemn secret detentions,
enforced disappearances and torture - violations that have all too
often been committed by governments against both people suspected
of terrorism and also many others - and in this case too call for
those responsible to be held to account and brought to justice.
The fight against terrorism cannot be used to justify such grievous
violations; indeed, when it is, public security is even further
Q 7: What is the methodology adopted by Amnesty
International with regard to monitoring and follow-up of the situation
of human rights in Arab countries, particularly sources and credibility
of information?
Our approach is to monitor all possible public sources of information
including media reports but also information published by governments,
political parties and civil society groups, academics, international
agencies and others but also to seek information from other sources
- these can include, most particularly, victims of human rights
abuses or their relatives or eye-witnesses. We also carry out field
visits when we can to investigate human rights on the ground - although,
sadly, some governments - those of Iran and Saudi Arabia among them
- continue to refuse us access to their countries for this purpose.