Hasan Shafaei to the BHRM:
Human Rights has Suffered because
of Political Disagreements
In order to have a clear picture on the recent crisis and to
find solutions, the BHRM interviewed the human rights activist Hasan
Moosa Shafaei:
Hasan Moosa Shafaei |
National human rights organizations were absent during
the current crisis, including the Bahrain Human Rights Society,
the Bahrain Human Rights Monitor and the National Institution for
Human Rights. Can you explain why?
Yes, I agree. The performance of these organizations was weak,
especially with regards to issuing statements, monitoring the violations
or guiding the human rights situation in general. Also, the voice
of human rights organizations was ignored because of the quick development
of events. This has left these organizations in a very difficult
position with regard to monitoring the developments and following
them up with officials.
The quick development of the political crisis had side-lined
all the other issues. ِAll parties without exception committed human
rights violations. Casualties included protesters, and some security
forces were kidnapped and imprisoned. In addition, there were many
attempts to run over protesters. Many horrendous acts took place
and it was difficult to follow all of them up with statements, which
at the time appeared meaningless. No one wanted to listen to the
voices of wisdom and reason, especially at a time when public institutions
were brought to a halt, sectarianism had increased and the extremists
had controlled the situation.
At the time our priorities were to absorb the daily human rights
violations. We monitored some violations and issued statements in
this regard, but were unenthusiastic about it because it had a limited
effect. Our main concern was not to take part in any political polarization.
Human rights violations are still taking place because of the
continuing political crisis. The political problem should be solved
through dialogue, agreement and by controlling the street. Unfortunately
that has not happened.
But international human rights organizations were very active
in issuing statements. Is this true?
Indeed, but they only covered individual cases and were not concerned
with the general situation of the country. In times of crisis it
is easy to use human rights statements in political bickering. Unfortunately,
the statements of international organizations had little effect
on the political parties who did not pay attention to what was being
said both inside and outside Bahrain. The parties were more concerned
with consolidating their political positions than anything else.
In summary, human rights is still suffering because of the political
The situation has calmed down but political complications
still exist. Where are human rights heading ?
I hope that we return to the principles of the National Action
Charter. We need stability, law and order. I hope that we continue
to adhere to human rights standards and the legal principles stated
in the Charter and Constitution. I also hope that the human rights
violations come to an end so that the human rights institutions
become active once again and we can maintain our decade long accomplishments.
Moreover, I hope that human rights is taken more seriosly and that
matters are dealt with wisely in the future.
Politics is dominating our lives and we are still receiving many
complaints regarding detentions, sacking from employment, cancelling
scholarships of students, and deaths in unusual circumstances.
The current political crisis has led
to daily human rights violations, which can be solved by
reaching a political consensus and adhering to the principles
of the National Action Charter |
The Government is primarily responsible for investigating violations,
revising its policies and emphasising the adherence to law and order.
Human rights issues need to be dealt with responsibly and in a transparent
manner. No one can hide or ignore the recent events, which were
recorded and then viewed by us and international organizations.
The Government should investigate immediately the human rights violations,
take the necessary actions in order to prevent them from recurring,
and hold those responsible to account.
Respecting human rights should be given priority by all members
of the executive apparatus, both official and unofficial. It is
not our intention to defame or polarize the country when we demand
an investigation into human rights violations. We look at the problems
from a human rights perspective because we want local legislations
implemented, which would guarantee the protection of human rights.
We search for solutions in accordance with human rights standards,
local legislation and internationally signed agreements.
What is your opinion regarding the casualties among
the security forces who were performing their duty? What is your
reaction to the footage showing vandalism, kidnapping and citizens
being run over?
These incidents are viewed from human rights perspective and
not from a political perspective. Any person who violates the rights
of citizens deserves to be punished. We take all human rights violation
very seriously regardless of whether the victims were civilians,
security forces or foreign workers. Respecting and defending human
rights is our duty regardless of the identity, religion, sect, ethnicity,
tribal or social status of the victims. We do not want to lose years
of hard work to sectarianism or inaction or political interests
or politicization.
Do you believe that the political societies played
a part in the deterioration of the human rights situation?
Yes, the political societies failed to control the street and
to raise awareness on respecting the rights and properties of others.
The size of the protests was bigger than tha ability of the political
socities to handel, but at the same time they bear some responsibility
for not doing enough. Condemning some acts here or there is not
enough, especially since they encouraged the protests in the first
place. Ultimately they are responsible for the violations.
It is unacceptable to condemn human rights violations committed
by the Government and hold it to account, whilst turning a blind
eye to the violations of the societies’ followers. The amount of
responsibility between the Government and the societies does differ,
but at the end of the day both parties are responsible for the crisis.
Political parties felt that they had
underestimated the value of human rights organizations;
especially when they were too busy consolidating their political
positions |
Did international human rights organizations refer
to violations committed by individuals and groups who are associated
with the opposition?
Generally, international organizations monitor the practises
of countries since most human rights violations are committed by
governments. The only exceptions are cases where there is war, or
armed conflict between the government and its opposition. Based
on my reading of Bahrain’s case, the international organizations
were affected by initial information about the crisis, which had
a lasting impression on them and their statements. Their analysis
was incomplete in that it ignored the political context of the events
and the breaches of some parties who are associated with the hard
core opposition.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these human
rights organizations were present in Bahrain at the time of the
crisis. They should have received information regarding the breaches
when they met with Government officials, representatives of the
political societies and the opposition. Some breaches occurred in
the Salmaniya Hospital and the University of Bahrain .Also students
were prevented from attending their schools and some employees were
prevented from going to their work place.
What about sectarian incitement?
Sectarian incitement contradicts the essence of human rights,
Bahrain’s laws and the Constitution. Unfortunately, the current
political crisis has pushed us into this trap whether we like it
or not. Sectarian incitement has reached unacceptable levels, not
only in Bahrain but in the whole region. The crisis started off
with moderate political demands that went too far and called for
overthrowing the regime. This was then followed by intervention
from foreign and local media who continued to incite sectarian feelings.
It is unfortunate that a number of intellectuals who are renowned
for their wisdom, added oil to the fire and made matters worse.
Sectarian incitement is a direct call for civil war that could last
for years. Anyone who reads history knows that sectarianism results
in violence.
Sectarianism is certainly not the solution for Bahrain and human
rights will only prosper in a tolerant civil society.
The media plays a dangerous role in inciting sectarian sensitivities.
The media should promote national unity instead of being part of
the sectarian battle and hence society loses its trust in the media.
You must be aware of foreign media incitement, including
Western Media?
Yes, but I believe that the most dangerous source of incitement
is internal, since it has a bigger impact and should be under control.
Moreover, we must differentiate between political incitement, which
is between the people and their governments (some Gulf satellite
channels do it), and sectarian incitement in order to achieve political
goals. The latter is more dangerous and its social impact more destructive.
Unfortunately, in Bahrain we have both political and sectarian
incitement as well as internal and external incitement. The political
incitement encouraged the protesters to demand the overthrow of
the regime, disrespect the regime’s institutions and symbols, move
the protests from the Lulu Square to the Financial District, block
the main roads and to protest outside the Royal Palace. The source
of the political incitement was mostly internal as opposed to external.
There have been some breaches by the local media,
for example the Al-Wasat newspaper. Is this true?
Before talking about the Al-Wasat newspaper, let me say that
many foreign reporters complained of restrictions during their coverage
of the events including Reuters, BBC and CNN. These restrictions
were not expected in a country which is renowned for being open
socially, culturally and economically. The restrictions took place
in abnormal circumstances both socially and politically. The time
has come for us to return back to our normal lives and open our
doors to all media outlets including international human rights
Consensus is necessary for any diverse
society. All parties must contribute to building the country’s
political future |
Al Wasat newspaper is a legitimate by-product of the reform project
and was established at the start of the reforms. Bahraini society
is in need of a newspaper, which bravely expresses different points
of view. In my opinion Al Wasat did not have the same restrictions
as the other newspapers because it was established in a different
era. Certainly, Al Wasat has raised the ceiling for freedom of expression
in the Bahraini press because Al Wasat knows no limits.
Al Wasat’s existence was important for Bahrain democratically,
politically, socially and psychologically. There were many mistakes
made, probably due to the leniency of its administration, which
gave the impression that it was inciting extremism.
What is the solution to the current crisis?
I believe that the crisis started with one mistake and ended
with two. The first mistake started when clashes with protesters
resulted in two deaths. The Crown Prince described this mistake
as a tragedy and a day of mourning was declared. The moderate opposition
made a mistake when it wasted time by refusing to enter dialogue
with the government. The crisis ended with a catastrophic mistake
when the opposition decided to move the protests from the Lulu Roundabout
to besieging Government buildings, setting up road blocks and trying
to impose civil disobedience.
Investigations should take place and those responsible for the
first and third mistake should be held to account. The second mistake
can be solved by returning to dialogue, which is based on the principles
that were put forward by the Crown Prince. A new political system
is required and should be based on three principles: Constitutional∕Consensual∕Monarchy.
Consensual solutions bring about justice and will help fulfil the
demands of all the parties, but compromise is required. Dialogue
alone will not satisfy the demands of all parties.
Why did the opposition reject dialogue, when the
Government openly promised more political reform?
There were many reasons for rejecting dialogue including: absence
of trust between the Government and the opposition; the opposition’s
fear that dialogue will not meet their minimum demands so they set
many difficult pre-conditions. Another reason was that the opposition
was divided and the extremists took control. The third reason is
the emergence of the Sunni street as a new player in the politics
of the country. The Sunni street was fearful of the results of dialogue,
which could negatively affect its interests. Therefore, there is
need for a political consensus with regards to reforms.
What do you mean by a Constitutional and Consensual
It is a political system based on the 1971 referendum and the
2001 National Action Charter, the system is a constitutional monarchy
where the Royal Family plays a pivotal role in the political life
of the country. The Royal Family should preserve the social and
political balance and take into consideration the interest of all
segments of society regardless of their affiliation. The royal family
should be a neutral force in politics.
Also, consensus should be built around reforming and structuring
the political system through dialogue and according to the seven
principles laid out by the Crown Prince. The consensus must be between
the Shia and Sunni. All diverse societies need a consensus between
their major components. The issue is not only about political reform
but about the participation of all groups in society. The outcome
of the political reform will only succeed if the interests of all
groups are protected and they feel reassured.
A stable political system cannot be built when it ignores the
concerns of both sects. Parties can make any demands, but at the
end of the day all parties must agree on those demands, which reflect
interests of the majority of the citizens and illustrate the diversity
of society, so that everyone feels that they have contributed in
building their future and that no solutions were imposed on them.