MENA Director at Amnesty International:
Our Goal is to Remind Governments of their
Obligations & to Encourage Reforms
Philip Luther, Middle East and North
Africa Director at Amnesty International |
Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Director at Amnesty
International said that the they are interested in reminding governments
of their international obligations and encouraging them to implement
positive reforms. He stressed on the Organization’s independence
and the accuracy, and the impartiality of the statements and reports
issued by it, noting that they do not rely on just a single source
of information and expressing their willingness to receive any clarifications
or corrections by governme?ts.
Luther said in an interview with the (Bahrain Monitor) that Amnesty
International did not ignore the violations and abuses committed
by armed opposition groups, and that it had issued reports listing
their violations. He underscored the importance of the freedom of
expression and the role of human rights defenders given the fundamental
basis they provide for demanding other rights, and their role in
the protection of human rights.
Below is the transcript of the interview
Some states complain that Amnesty International goes
to great lengths to uncover violations and then direct strong criticisms
by issuing statements and reports but it put no effort into providing
assistance to those countries to develop their human rights system
through capacity-building, training and spreading awareness of human
rights. How do you assess this problem?
Amnesty international investigates human rights violations and
abuses by governments and non-government actors and publishes statements
and reports with detailed recommendations to address these violations.
The organization believes that human rights education is fundamental
for addressing the underlying causes of human rights violations
and preventing human rights abuses. For this purpose, the organization
has a MENA Regional Office which develops and implements strategies
that aim at promoting human righ?s knowledge and awareness in the
region, and building the capacity of activists and human rights
defenders. In doing so, the office conducts and contributes to workshops
and other training events and responds as well to specific training
needs of activists, human rights NGOs and human rights defenders
in the region through providing customized training workshops. As
well, it produces and disseminates Arabic-language specialized human
rights training and awareness-raising materials, including the Arabic
hum?n rights publication Mawared.
The organization does not have the capacity to do training for
government officials. There are other organizations with the expertise
and resources to deliver training and capacity building to officials,
including the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
There are also complaints that Amnesty International
does not sufficiently shed light on the positive developments in
a country , and by doing so it risks pushing countries back to square
one because of the non-stop criticism which ends up making these
countries revert back to the trend of past abuses. In other words,
Amnesty International does not strike a balance between the need
for criticism and campaigning for improving the human rights situation
in a country, in the one hand, and providing this country with the
help needed to move step by step forward, on the other hand?
Amnesty International’s reports on the human rights situation
in any country are balanced and impartial. Where positive reforms
have been made, this is reflected and welcomed in our reports. We
aim to improve the protection and promotion of human rights by reminding
governments to abide by their international human rights obligations
and by encouraging them to implement positive reforms in practice.
If positive reforms were made and their impact in practice was not
felt, this will also be noted using individual cases to illustrate
continuing practices and any shortcoming in the reforms. As long
as human rights violations continue in any given country, albeit
to a lesser extent than previously, Amnesty International will continue
to highlight these violations and will keep putting pressure on
the authorities to address the violations.
Some countries through their official media outlets
accuse Amnesty International and other leading human rights organizations
of being mere political tools in the hands of major powers, used
in political conflicts in order to serve the interests of these
powers. They argue that whenever there is a dispute between a major
Western nation and another country, the enthusiasm and momentum
of international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International,
mounts in tandem with pressure from those Western countries. What
is your response to these prevailing accusations?
Amnesty International is independent of any political ideology,
economic interest or religion. No government is beyond scrutiny.
Our annual report covers the human rights situation in 160 countries
and territories.
Your reports and statements are usually resented
by the states in question, which claim reporting bias, inaccurate
information and sometimes an exaggeration of the magnitude of the
violations and a lack in familiarity with the political realities
in the country in question, which makes its recommendations not
applicable. What is the mechanism that you apply in collecting and
analyzing information and ensuring its credibility?
Amnesty International investigates and exposes the facts, whenever
and wherever abuses happen, regardless of the political affiliations
of who commits them. Our statements are accurate and impartial to
the best of our knowledge and our findings are based on information
obtained from a variety of sources, including governments. If governments
and others believe they have any corrections to make to our facts
and conclusions, we are happy to receive and reflect them in our
reports and statements.
Some opposition groups commit human rights abuses
in their countries and Amnesty International may rely on these groups
as a main source of its information, and could consider them as
victims of violations. Amnesty International is also accused by
some countries of turning a blind eye to the abuses by the opposition,
and not mentioning them in its statements and reports. How valid
are these allegations?
This is not true. Amnesty International exposes human rights
violations and calls for those who perpetrate such violations to
be held to account, regardless of their political affiliation or
status. Amnesty International has issued numerous reports focusing
on abuses committed by armed groups, including for example in Iraq
and Syria. Such abuses include killing of civilians, kidnapping
and torture. The organization relies on a wide range of reliable
sources, not just one source.
How do you assess the information on government violations
when the opposition is the source? And vice versa, how do you evaluate
the information on the violations by the opposition and verify its
authenticity if the source is the government itself?
Information obtained and used by Amnesty International comes
from a variety of sources, including victims of human rights and
their relatives. Often allegations received obtained by Amnesty
International are presented to the government authorities for their
comment and response, as was the case when we submitted a memorandum
to the Bahraini authorities in October 2014 ahead of the publication
of our report this month.
What triggers Amnesty International to issue a routine
statement, or an urgent one, or a report on a state? What are the
issues and cases which Amnesty International pays more attention
to in their work, and how does it consider, in political or legal
sense, that its response is proportionate to the violation committed?
Amnesty International’s work covers 160 countries and territories.
This work is guided by Amnesty International’s mission. Article
4 of Amnesty International’s statute requires that “there will be
at all times for Amnesty International an Integrated Strategic Plan
covering a period of six years”. Amnesty’s current Integrated Strategic
Plan was adopted by the International Council Meeting held in August
2009 and runs from 1 April 2010 until the end of March 2016. The
full ISP is available publicly at the fo?lowing link:
We know that Amnesty International does not accept
funding from states, though most of the major human rights organizations
do receive funding for their activities, particularly from Western
countries. How in your view can you convince citizens in the Middle
East that the money is provided without affecting the work of these
organizations, or interfere in setting the priorities of their activities,
both in terms of targeted countries or topics?
As you said, Amnesty International does not accept money from
governments for its research and campaigning work. This question
needs to be addressed to the organizations who do.
What are the standards adopted by Amnesty International
in determining who is (a prisoner of opinion/ or a prisoner of conscience)
and who is the (political prisoner)? And what position ensues towards
each of them?
A prisoner of conscience is a person imprisoned or otherwise
physically restricted because of their political, religious or other
conscientiously held beliefs, ethnic origin, sex, color, language,
national or social origin, economic status, birth, sexual orientation
or other status – who has not used violence or advocated violence
or hatred. Amnesty International insists that all prisoners of conscience
be set free immediately and without conditions. Under international
law, governments have no right to ho?d these people.
Political prisoners are those whose case have a significant political
element. This may include the motivation of the prisoner’s acts,
the acts in themselves or the motivation of the authorities in imprisoning
them. The term “political” is used by Amnesty International to refer
to all aspects of human relations related to “politics”, that is
the mechanisms of society and civil order.
In many countries, political prisoners are convicted in trials
that violate internationally agreed standards. In other countries,
political prisoners may be held for years, sometimes decades, without
any trial or judicial hearing at all. Amnesty International demands
that political prisoners receive a fair trial within a reasonable
time, in accordance with the internationally recognized right of
all prisoners to a fair and prompt trial or to be released. The
term “political prisoner” includes both prisoner? of conscience
and those who have resorted to criminal violence (or have been accused
of other ordinary crimes such as trespassing or destruction of property)
for political motives. However, it is only for prisoners of conscience
that Amnesty International demands immediate and unconditional release.
We notice that Amnesty International pays significant
attention to the issues of (freedom of expression), (human rights
activists), (civil society institutions) and (combating torture).
Why do these issues constitute the magnet and focus of Amnesty International’s
Amnesty International works on many other human rights in addition
to these. Unfortunately, in many countries, these rights continue
to be curtailed and torture and other ill-treatment continue to
take place, despite the existence of national safeguards. The right
to freedom of expression and the role of human rights defenders
are fundamental to demanding and protecting other rights.
One last question: It is noticeable in your reports
and statements the reference to ethnic or sectarian affiliation,
such as saying that this detainee is Kurdish or Sunni or Shiite,
which in the view of some fuels the sectarian and ethnic discord.
Not many would understand the insistence on using such terms. On
the other hand there are those who accuse AI of not using accurate
terms in their characterization of cases and incidents of abuse,
and that terms such as (abuse / repression / excessive force); may
not necessarily reflect the reality on the ground, i.e. there is
an exaggeration in the use of words and phrases?
Amnesty International refers to the ethnic or religious background
of a case only when the individual’s identity is part of the reason
the individual has been discriminated against, tortured or deprived
of their rights.
Amnesty International’s use of terms such as torture or other
ill-treatment or excessive use of force is based on international
human rights laws and standards. In many instances, national legislation
may be in line with international standards; however, the practices
of the security forces or the treatment of detainees amounts to
torture and other ill-treatment or to excessive use of force.