APT Offers Training Program in Bahrain
With regards to Bahrain’s international obligations made before
the United Nation’s Human Rights Council during its revision of
Nizar al Baharna |
Bahrain’s annual comprehensive report, the country’s Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Nizar al Baharna, has stated that an agreement
has been made between the Supervision Committee for the Fulfillment
of Bahrain’s International Obligations and the APT (Association
for the Prevention of Torture) to conduct several training programs
in the country. These programs are primarily directed at those responsible
for the administration of justice in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
and the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs as well as the Public
Prosecutor’s Office.
Baharna also pointed to other technical training courses on human
rights directed at representatives of ministries and said that all
members of societies which are represented in the committee have
been informed that the project has been provided with the required
expertise in order to conduct these kinds of courses. Baharna also
noted that work on human rights databases in Bahrain is continuing
which includes developing and activating the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs website which was launched some time ago, and providing
it with the required data.