The Minister of Interior Answers Fayrooz
In response to MP Jawad Fayrooz’s question regarding the torture
allegations contained in the HRW report, the Minister of Interior
MP Jawad Fayrooz & Minister of Interior |
Shiekh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said that: ‘the Ministry of
Interior is investigating all complaints regarding allegations of
breaches from one member of the security forces, and all legal procedures
are being taken. If the breach proves to be true, all necessary
procedures to hold the perpetrator accountable in accordance with
the Penal Code and the Security Forces Act will be taken’.
The Minister also said there are other bodies in the Ministry
which are responsible for receiving and investigating complaints
including the Administration of Complaints and Human Rights. He
added that ‘approximately 32 cases have been investigated by the
Ministry of Interior in 2008-2009, and are being dealt with in accordance
with legal procedures’. However, the Minister also added that ‘no
case has yet been referred to the courts, since no torture has taken
place and there has been no legal ruling which charges any member
of the security forces of committing torture”. The Minister believes
that ‘such claims and torture allegations are merely based on rumours,
and there is no concrete evidence to support them’. He also referred
to detention centers by saying: ‘all these are subject to judicial
inspections by the Public Prosecutor and the Judiciary, who have
the legal right to inspect and investigate any complaint within
the legal boundaries and to take the necessary legal procedures
against anyone who violates the law’.