The King:
Implementing the Law to Protect Civil Peace
On 12 August 2001, H.M . King Hamad bin Esa Al Khalifa, announced
at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan that ‘there are some
citizens who insist on living abroad and insulting their country
without any reason’. He added that these individuals ‘can return
to Bahrain and express their opinions freely as the door is open
for all those who wish to join their families during this holy month’.
On 13 August 2010, the King stressed the importance of ‘implementing
laws without any hesitation against any act that aims to hinder
our development, especially as they can express their opinions within
the legal means that are available to all’. He also added that ‘all
forms of incitement should be stopped and instigators bear the full
responsibility for this and should stop all shameful practices.
The Ministry of Interior as well as other Ministries need to take
the necessary measures to stop them in order to protect our families
and children from danger and our beloved country and its respected
On 17 August 2010, the King called for correcting the legal status
of institutions that work illegally. It seems that the King was
referring to Haq Movement, Al Wafa Al Islami and the dissolved Bahrain
Centre for Human Rights. He added that ‘the legal statuses of these
institutions need to be corrected. They should also work within
the law which organises their activities in the Kingdom within a
clear legal framework, which is the case in developed countries’.
The King also stressed that the recent security measures will be
within the framework of the law and stated that ‘as we live in a
country of institutions and law, all security measures taken recently
will be referred to the judiciary’.