Bahrain in the Report of the U.S. State Department
The U. S. Department of State released their annual human rights
report last February which covers all countries in the world. With
regards to Bahrain, the report was extensive and balanced in its
presentation of the issues, transformations, achievements and failures
in the country.
Regarding the respect for human dignity, the report said that
there were no reports that Bahrain's government or its agents committed
politically motivated killings during the year. However, the report
did mention the death of Jasem Ali in 2007, and said that the official
autopsy reported that he had died of 'acute cardiovascular and respiratory
collapse' after running for more than two miles. The report continued
by saying that in January, the government passed comprehensive anti-trafficking
legislation that provides for significant prison sentences and fines
for those who commit the crime. On 23 December 2008, the government
successfully prosecuted its first case under this law.
With regard to torture, the report pointed to the unconfirmed
allegations of torture, referring to the medical team formed on
6 and 9 April to investigate those allegations, which did not prove
or disprove the defendants' accusations of abuse. As for prison
and detention centre conditions, the report stated that they generally
met international standards, although the government did not permit
any independent inspections. Throughout the year, some detainees
alleged that they had been subjected to physical abuse by prison
guards, a charge that the government denied. The report also mentioned
the quasi-governmental Supreme Council for Women's (SCW) recent
visit to the women's prison in Bahrain. However, SCW did not issue
a public report on the results of the visit. There have also been
many visits by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
and it has been reported that ICRC officials had not visited the
prisons since the release of political prisoners in 2000.
The report added that a widespread lack of transparency in the
security services made corruption in the security services difficult
to assess, but said that the Minister of Interior had announced
on 22 November 2008 that he had disciplined 23 police officers during
the year for committing human rights abuses. On the other hand,
on 30 July 2008, the King announced an amnesty for nearly 225 prisoners,
including many charges for rioting. The government required those
arrested for rioting to sign a pledge not to riot again. Seventy
individuals refused to sign the pledge, yet they were released on
02 August.
Regarding trials, the report said that the Bahrain's Constitution
provides for an independent judiciary. Several accused have been
jailed with terrorism charges during the year, and the government
lost appeals calling for tougher sentences. There were also allegations
of corruption in the judicial system. However, the report noted
that there is no evidence to support those allegations.
The report confirms that there were no reports of political prisoners
or detainees. As for freedom of speech and press, it states that
there was considerable freedom of expression on the internet, letters
to the Editor, and occasionally, on state run television, adding
that the government practices censorship and actively monitors and
blocks local stories on sensitive matters, especially those related
to sectarianism and national security and criticism of the Bahraini
and Saudi royal families. Journalists also practiced widespread
self-censorship, and according to some members of the press, government
officials contacted editors directly and asked them to stop writing
about certain subjects or asked them not to publish a press release
or story.
On the issue of the right of assembly, the report affirms that
anti-government demonstrations occurred in numerous Shia villages
around the country on an almost weekly basis this year. Bands of
Shia youth regularly appeared at the end of both registered and
unregistered demonstrations, burning tires and trash and threw Molotov
cocktails and stones at riot police. The report indicated that a
number of political societies accused the government of using tear
gas and excessive force against demonstrators, while the government
says that it intervenes only to curb the riots.
The report also said that government and societal discrimination
remained a problem in the country. However, the report referred
to the government's efforts in increasing the employment of the
Shia in different locations in the Ministry of the Interior, while
the private sector continues to employ low-paid Shia.
Finally, For human rights organizations, the report pointed to
their political orientation, and pointed out that the government
allowed the Bahraini organizations to interact with their international
counterparts, and that during the past year the government allowed
for the members of Amnesty International to exercise their activities
without interference, despite their failure to register officially
as NGO.
Comment by BHRM:
It is evident that the U.S. annual report contains many positive
and negative indications. It sends out a message to those concerned
with human rights in Bahrain in particular, and requires objective
and transparent assessment, in order to truly benefit from its comprehensive
overview of development in the last year; to build upon what has
already been achieved, and to address the deficiencies and shortcomings
in the performance of the government and human rights organizations.
It is incorrect to use isolated sections of the report selectively
to serve certain political agenda in which each party uses the report
to its own advantage, away from the central issue which is the development
of the human rights situation in Bahrain.