Bahrain: the Question of Freedom of Association
“The last few years witnessed, as a direct result of the launch
of the Charter that laid the foundations of reforms by the King,
a big increase in the number of civil society organizations (CSOs).
While not more than 260 societies were in place at the end of 2001,
the number of societies exceeded 474 in the current year, an indication
of the vitality and activity of civil work in Bahrain”. (Fatima
Al Balushi, Minister of Social Development, 7 July 2009).
Establishing CSOs, unions, societies and trade unions has been
a struggle for a long period of time in Bahrain due to the lack
of having a law in place organizing the establishment of such entities.
For example, it took the Bahraini Women’s Union more than 30 years
to materialize. The dream of establishing a women’s union started
in the early 1970s and became true only in 2006. The real step to
register the union started in 2001 but was met with a legal obstacle,
which is the absence of an express provision governing the work
of unions in the Law of Associations. In February 2006, a Bahraini
court ruled in favour of establishing the Women’s Union, after 5
years of tension between the Union and the Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs, and latter-on between the Union and the Ministry
of Social Development. This example shows the difficult road most
of the Bahraini CSOs had gone through in the past. But is the situation
nowadays is different from the past? What are the challenges faced
by NGOs in Bahrain? What is the best approach to deal with these
challenges? The question of freedom of association in Bahrain has
drawn domestic and international attention at the same time. While
CSOs in Bahrain resorted to address the challenges they face, legal
and political, the relevant international organizations opted to
deal with the issue in a broader context of the Gulf region with
special focus on Bahrain. In all cases, efforts focused on the legal
challenges faced by CSOs including: the right to form associations
and trade unions; the dilemma of registration; freedom of organizing
activities; receiving funds; the closure, suspension and integration
of organizations; joining regional and international organizations,
At the local level, CSOs fought for the modification and development
of the Law of Associations, 1989. CSOs expressed their displeasure
at the delay of amending the Law, which limits their activity; gives
the Government absolute power to refuse the formation of political
societies, trade unions, and human rights societies; places CSOs
under close control and scrutiny by the Government, even in internal
matters that concern them. Most importantly, the Law gives the government
wide powers to close and suspend any association that does not abide
by the law.
The Law of Associations was widely criticized by lawyers and
human rights activists. In an article by the human rights activist
Sabika Annajjar under the title: (The Law of Association and the
return to square One), (al-Waqt, 12/4/2009), she described the law
as a (true interpretation of the State Security Law, because it
curbs the activities of the societies and stifles the freedom of
associations). On the other hand, on 12 April 2007, the Parliament
questioned the Minister of Social Development about: (the legal
reason which led the Ministry of Social Development requesting the
charitable funds to shift to charitable societies, after they were
registered under the umbrella of the Ministry of Labour and Social
Affairs and after being active in collecting funds from citizens
for many years). On 4 April 2007, the Minister for Social Development
Fatima Al Balushi said in a workshop dealt with the Law of Association:
(the amended Law of Association will be issued after a few months,
where we seek to develop the legal framework for associations).
This activism emphasizes the need and importance of amending
the Law of Associations swiftly to meet the needs of associations
and release their energy in different areas in line with the reforms
that began in 2000. However, after more than two years of this statement
no amendment has been made in respect to the said Law.
On 9 July 2009, an important amendment was made to the Law of
Associations, where a new article was added by Decree No. 42, allowing
private associations to become societies provided that all the requirements
of establishing societies are met before the desired transformation
takes place. This amendment has apparently resolved the debate,
which lasted for a period of time, over the needed conversion of
private associations to societies under the pretext that private
associations should not have access to donations and fund-raising
(the Minister of Social Affairs was questioned in Parliament about
this issue as mentioned above).
At the international level, the International Federation for
Human Rights (FIDH) had issued a report in September 2008 on: (Freedom
of Association in Bahrain, Kuwait and Yemen), which dealt with several
issues related to Bahrain including: the legal and policy framework
relating to freedom of association; the formation, functioning and
dissolution of associations ; the right to establish an association
or a union; the right of associations to freely carry out their
statutory activities (the right to be free of control, interference
and supervision, the right to seek and receive funds, the right
to join regional and international organizations); the right to
protection from suspension, closure and dissolution; the right of
members to protection from prosecution and discrimination.
Although a year has passed since publishing the report, and although
some matters raised in the report are no longer relevant (such as
the question of the sponsor system, which was abolished by Bahrain),
but the report remains useful for addressing the challenges that
continue to hamper CSOs in Bahrain. Special attention should be
given to the recommendations contained in the report, especially
with regard to freedom of association, the establishment of societies
and access to fund.
It could have been useful if the report looked into the internal
deficiency experienced by CSOs in Bahrain, especially human rights
societies. This sort of qualitative analysis could have added a
useful impetus to the study in order to address the shortcomings
and crisis of CSOs in Bahrain given that despite the huge number
of CSOs in Bahrain, but few are effective and distinguished. For
the report and recommendations, please visit:, 6476