Two Reports: Stress the Need to Eliminate Violence against
Last month witnessed the publication of two reports on the human
rights situation in Bahrain; one was issued by a local organization
and the other was issued by an international institution. The first
report was published on 25th November 2009 by the Bahrain Human
Rights Society (BHRS). The report called for confronting discrimination,
promoting citizenship, encouraging dialogue and interaction between
all ethnic groups and cultures in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It also
called for the promotion of personal, social and cultural freedoms,
as well as protecting them by passing clear legislation.
On other hand, the report criticised the Universal Periodic Review
Steering Committee for lacking competency in assessing and monitoring
Bahrain’s performance in improving human rights. The BHRS also criticised
the Government’s performance regarding the implementation of its
voluntary commitments, whilst also pointing to the fact that Government
agencies have failed to adapt effectively with civil society organizations.
The BHRS believes that the Steering Committee’s report only reflects
the Government’s point of view and not the opinion of civil society
The BHRS’s report also criticised the passing of the Family Law
(Sunni section) as this will reinforce sectarianism, and demanded
a unified Family Law for all Bahraini families. The report also
criticised the Government for its refusal to ratify four international
agreements, which were proposed by the House of Representatives
regarding employment. The BHRS hoped that joining International
agreements by Bahrain will be reflected in the national legislation.
The report also criticised the Government for failing to take
any practical steps to pass laws that criminalise all forms of violence
against women including domestic violence. It also criticised the
Government for not taking concrete measures to protect the rights
of domestic workers based on the recommendations of the UN Committee
on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This Committee calls
on Bahrain to take effective measures in order to combat the problems
associated with female domestic workers.
The second report was issued by Freedom House, which assesses
the condition of women’s rights in Bahrain. The report recommended
that the Bahraini Government should treat both genders equally during
court procedures and should pass a unified Personal Status Law.
The report also recommended the setting up of specialized committees,
which are primarily concerned with monitoring and implementing the
CEDAW agreement. It also recommended that the Bahraini Women’s Union
cooperate with international organizations in order to remove all
Governmental reservations, as long as these reservations do not
contradict the Islamic Sharia law. Moreover, the report recommended
that the Bahraini government withdraw all its reservations on the
CEDAW and to make Bahraini law compatible with international agreements
by granting women equal rights in nationality, housing, marriage
and custody.
In addition, the report recommended that the Government passes
legislation, which eliminates domestic violence, introduces deterrent
punishments, and trains both the police force and the public prosecutor
in implementing these legislations. In addition the report proposed
an increase in NGOs’ budget, which will increase the capacity of
shelters for abused women and help monitor the conditions of the
poor, including housemaids. Also, the Government should set up specialized
units that are primarily concerned with implementing laws regarding
human trafficking trails, whereby the victims are given immunity
from charges of prostitution and illegal immigration. The victims
should also be given enough protection, rehabilitation and encouraged
to testify against their captives or abusers.
With regards to women’s political representation, the report
recommended the training of women candidates on how to successfully
manage political campaigns, gain public support, and effectively
make use of the media. Moreover, the report recommended that Article
123 of the Penal Code be annulled so that everyone can participate
in the meetings and discussions with foreign organizations regarding
Bahraini issues without fear from legal prosecution.
Also, the report recommended that the Bahraini Government appoints
more women in the Shura Council, the Judiciary, Sharia Courts and
in decision-making positions. The Government should also fund cultural
awareness programs associated with domestic violence and human trafficking.
Finally, it recommended that the Women’s Union sets up a website
on women’s issues in Bahrain in order to promote greater awareness
about women’s rights.