US 2009 Human Rights Report: Bahrain
On 11March 2010, US Department of State launched the 2009 Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices. The report covered 19 countries
in the Middle East and North Africa including Bahrain. Regarding
Bahrain, the report differed much from the previous annual reports
in reflecting some positive aspects in the overall assessment of
the human rights situation in Bahrain. However, the report highlighted
a number of concerns, in many areas, including: restriction of civil
liberties, such as freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association,
and some religious practices; domestic violence against women and
children; discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, nationality,
and sect; trafficking in persons; restrictions on the rights of
foreign workers; restrictions on freedom of association and expression
that hinders investigation and public criticism of the government’s
human rights policies; discrimination against women was systemic
in the country, especially in the workplace; women cannot transmit
their nationality to their children, therefore, children of some
citizen mothers and non-citizen fathers are born stateless; trafficking
in persons continued to be a significant problem, some victims were
trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation; there was a lack
of transparency in the naturalization process; practices of forced
or compulsory labour, particularly among domestic workers; employers
and recruiting agencies beating or sexually abusing foreign women
working in domestic positions.
On the positive side, the report did not register any politically
motivated killings or disappearances during the year; there were
no reports of political prisoners or detainees; there were no government
restrictions on academic freedom or cultural events; there were
no restrictions on freedom of religion; there were no reports of
forced exile; rape was not a major problem in the country; the establishment
on 11 November of a national institution for human rights to protect
and promote human rights in Bahrain; on June 30, a new law went
into effect granting resident children born to citizen mothers and
non-citizen fathers free access to some social services, including
health care and education; there were no reports of forced or compulsory
child labour; there was no concrete evidence in relation to arbitrary
interference with privacy, family, home, or correspondence despite
that many Shia believe the contrary. Additionally, on April 11,
the king announced amnesty for 178 persons, including many charged
for rioting.
Below is a summary of some concerns raised in the report.
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
The report referred to allegations of torture and other cruel,
inhuman, or degrading treatment during the year committed by security
forces in response to tire burnings and disturbances by demonstrators.
The youths involved in demonstrations routinely alleged that
security forces beat them in custody, according to the report. To
substantiate this, the report mentioned the acquittal of 19 defendants
on 19 October of charges relating to the 2008 death of a police
officer in Karzakan. In this case it was reported by the media that
the court was influenced by the defendants’ claims that they confessed
under duress.
But the report did not point to the fact that the security services,
which implicitly admitted the occurrence of some abuses by its staff
members, have referred a number of them to investigation. It has
to be said that torture was not systematic nor is it part of the
nature of security investigations. The problem lies in that the
security services have accused some of those arrested on security
grounds that they were not truthful regarding their torture allegations.
Therefore, there is need to form an investigating committee to ascertain
such allegations.
Prison and Detention Centre Conditions
Despite allegations by some detainees that pre-trial detention
facility guards physically abused them, the report recognized that
prisons and detention centre conditions generally met international
standards. In line with this, the report relied on the finding of
the Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS) that men were held in separate
facilities from women, and juveniles were held separately from adults.
Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The report referred to some allegations of arbitrary arrest and
detention during the year despite constitutional safeguards. However,
the report did not criticize Bahrain in arrest procedures and treatment
while in detention.
Freedom of Speech and Press
This is one of the areas where the report flagged a number of
concerns, particularly when government censorship occurred. The
report mentioned that the government enforced the press law to restrict
freedom of speech and press. The Ministry of Culture and Information
(MOCI) actively monitored and blocked local stories on sensitive
matters, especially those related to sectarianism and national security
or neighbouring countries, or judges. The report noted the suspension
by the MOCI of Arabic daily Akhbar Al Khaleej for one day after
the newspaper published an editorial by a Shura Council member criticizing
Iranian political and religious leadership. Of a major concern highlighted
in the report in this area is the issue of restricting use of the
Internet by prohibiting access to Internet sites considered antigovernment
or anti-Islamic. Approximately 100 Web sites were blocked by the
government during the year including political and human rights
Web sites.
The report did not indicate that the banned sites related to
incitement of violence, according to the Government. The Government
added that the number of such sites is limited and much lower than
the figure mentioned, and furthermore, the sites were not expressing
peaceful political opinion, but were encouraging the use of riots
and violence.
Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association
The report mentioned that the government specifically limited
political gatherings. The law regulates election campaigns and prohibits
political activities at worship centres, universities, schools,
government buildings, and public institutions. The government did
not allow ma’tams (Shia religious community centres) or other religious
sites to be used for political gatherings without permission.
Antigovernment demonstrations occurred regularly in numerous
Shia villages around the country. Bands of Shia youth, allegedly
instigated by members of the unregistered Haq Movement and the newly
organized al-Waf’a Islamic Movement, regularly appeared at both
registered and unregistered demonstrations where they burned tires
and trash and threw Molotov cocktails and stones at riot police.
Police often dispersed demonstrations with tear gas. Local human
rights NGOs alleged that riot police used tear gas against peaceful
demonstrators; however, the MOI countered that it used tear gas
in response to attacks by demonstrators. Periodically security forces
fired rubber baton rounds at the ground to disperse demonstrations.
Freedom of Association
The report noted that some NGOs were denied registration by the
government such as the National Committee for the Unemployed, the
Bahrain Youth Human Rights Society’s (BYHRS), allegedly because
of its ties to the dissolved Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR).
The report referred to human rights reports issued by three Bahraini
human rights societies in 2009. The first report issued by the Bahrain
Human Rights Society, which is seen as an ally of Wa’ad Society,
a socialist party; the second report issued by Bahrain Human Rights
Watch Society, which considers itself independent, although some
leaders are members of the appointed Shura Council, and its former
president served as ambassador; and the third report issued by the
Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, which is classified by the report
as not registered, but the Centre was dissolved in 2004 for violating
its Statute, involving in political issues, and allying with radical
political parties that incite street violence. According to the
U.S. State Department report, the Centre continued to issue reports
and coordinate activities with the oppositional Haq movement.
Also, the report noted that senior government officials met with
civil society organizations to discuss human rights issues, transparency
and the reports of those organizations. On 11 November 2009, the
King ordered the establishment of the National Commission for Human
Rights, which its objectives include the protection of human rights,
and receive complaints about violations, and issue periodic reports
on the human rights situation.
In recent years, the government allowed more interaction between
local civil society organizations and international human rights
organizations. In 2009, members of Amnesty International organized
many activities without government interference. On 11 April 2009,
the International Federation of Journalists founded its first regional
branch in Bahrain. On 3 June 2009, the ICRC visited Bahrain for
the first time since 2002 in order to train officials and members
of civil society on the management of detention and imprisonment.
Societal Discrimination
The report noted with concern government and societal discrimination
against the Shia population. Some sect group received preference
for employment in sensitive government positions and in the managerial
ranks of the civil service. The defense and internal security forces
were also predominantly Sunni, and few Shia members attained high-ranking
However, the report did not refer to the Government’s views,
which include: the Government does not practice discrimination;
there is a legacy from the past which the Government is trying to
address by various means; some forms of discrimination are societal
and not official; the Interior Ministry has increased its efforts
in recruiting Shia in the security institutions
The report noted the participation of women in different walks
of public life including 10 women in the Shura Council, one woman
in the Council of Deputies, two women served as cabinet ministers,
three women sat as judges in the criminal courts, and one was a
judge in the Constitutional Court.
Parliament passed, and on May 27 the king ratified, the Sunni
personal status law. At year›s end, the government continued to
work with the Shia community toward a new Shia law.
Women faced discrimination under the law. A woman cannot transmit
nationality to her spouse or children.
A noncitizen woman automatically loses custody of her children
if she divorces their citizen father without just cause.
Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies
The report mentioned that citizens can bring civil suits before
the court seeking cessation of, or damages for, human rights violations;
however, the government maintained that the 2001 general amnesty
granted immunity for alleged human rights violations committed before
2001. Coupled with this, the report mentioned the disciplinary action
by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) against 23 police officers
during the year for committing human rights abuses.