Bahrain in the U.S. Report on Human Trafficking:
Improvement in Performance and Legislation
On 14 June, the U.S. State Department issued its report on human
trafficking in the world. The report positioned Bahrain among the
countries that occupy the second category, a classification of countries
that their governments are doing their best to adhere to international
standards in this regard. The report pointed out that Bahrain does
not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination
of trafficking, but it is making significant efforts to do so. The
report added that the government did not show evidence of progress
in providing protective services to victims or prosecuting those
involved in cases of trafficking in persons. The report also criticized
Bahrain for not criminally prosecuting any employers or labour agents
for forced labour of migrant labourers, including domestic workers
This rating represents a development as far as regards Bahrain’s
dealing with the issue of trafficking in persons compared to the
reports issued in the same connection during the past three years,
where Bahrain was in the second category in the U.S. report for
2008 and 2009, respectively, while it was classified in the third
category in 2007. But this year there has been an evolution as Bahrain
has been positioned among the countries that are committed to apply
standards against trafficking in persons.
The Government of Bahrain cautiously welcomed the report, which
show the recognition of the State Department of the efforts made
and the developments that Bahrain has achieved in the fight against
trafficking in persons, but at the same time the report did not
do justice to Bahrain. The first reaction to the report came from
the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Abdul
Latif who said in a press conference held on 14 June that: (We are
happy that there are international recognitions ?f increasing efforts
of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the fight against this phenomenon,
including praises coming from the High Commissioner for Human Rights,
the International Organization for Migration (IOM), as well as the
U.S. report itself which featured the efforts of countries in the
world in their fight against trafficking in persons). However, the
Undersecretary went on to criticize the U.S. report in that the
report did not do justice to Bahrain, which issued a report prepared
by the National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons in March
2010, which included efforts by the Bahraini government, according
to him.
To confirm Bahrain’s national and international obligations,
Abdullah Abdul-Latif said: (Bahrain will continue its efforts to
reach full implementation of all international standards to address
the phenomenon of trafficking in persons, and will continue to cooperate
with the concerned authorities at the local, regional and international
levels in this regard). He also referred to the future plans to
combat this phenomenon, including plans for the media aim at increasing
awareness among the citizens of the ?henomenon of trafficking in
Legislative Developments against Trafficking in Persons
Although the U.S. State of Department report criticized Bahrain,
there are several indicators supporting Bahrain›s commitment to
international standards, including the opening of an office and
a branch by the IOM in Bahrain in January 2008. The IOM initiated
a project aims at capacity building and awareness on trafficking
in human persons in Bahrain. The project also aims to cooperate
with Bahrain›s government and civil society institutions to support
their capacity with regard to employment protection, da?a collection
and application of law.
The National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons has issued
its first report, which was translated into English. The report
dealt with the legislative developments in the Kingdom of Bahrain
since the issuance of the Bahraini Penal Code in 1976, which dealt
since that time with some types of trafficking in persons. The report
pointed to 9 articles criminalizing trafficking in persons. It also
pointed to the issuance of a number of decrees that strengthen the
fight against trafficking in persons, in?luding Decree No. 16 of
1998 on transplants of human organs being a form of trafficking
in persons to some extent; and the Decree No. 23 of 1976 regarding
the Labour Code, which regulates the employment of juveniles and
There are many other legislative developments mentioned in the
report such as the Trade Unions Act promulgated by Legislative Decree
No. (33) of 2002; and Law No. (19) of 2006 on the organization of
the labour market. In August 2009, a law was passed allowing the
foreign worker to move into employment with another employer without
the consent of the first employer. The law requires the labour market
department to take actions that enable the worker to move. Furthermore,
the law imposes penalties for violat?on of its provisions, which
aim at combating forms of trafficking in persons, notably forced
In another development, the Government referred to the legislature
draft of a new labour law, which contains provisions governing the
work of domestic workers. For example, the draft law organizes the
form of employment contract, the number of hours and days of work,
and also includes sanctions on the employer in case of violating
the provisions of the employment contract.
Practical Measures to Combat Trafficking in Persons
The report of the National Committee to Combat Trafficking in
Persons reviewed measures and decisions taken by government agencies,
including the establishment of a specialized unit to combat trafficking
in persons at the Ministry of the Interior, where the unit was formed
on the recommendation of the National Committee to Combat Trafficking
in Persons. The report focused briefly on the key activities to
build capacity and increase awareness about trafficking in persons,
as well as Bahrain’s cooperation with other organizations and agencies
of the U.N. in this regard.
Important indicator for the fight against trafficking in persons
in Bahrain deals with efforts made by Bahrain to organize the work
of foreign workers, especially irregular employment and how Bahrain
deals with the issue humanely and according to international standards.
The Minister of Labour issued a decision to form a High National
Committee to address the phenomenon of irregular employment. The
Labour Market Regulatory Authority created a system to electronically
protect the wages of workers, and to ensure that workers are receiving
their wages in full and in time. The electronic system also provides
the Regulatory Authority with the necessary database and information
about the operations of wages payment in the private sector and
to what extent the relevant instituti?ns are committed to pay wages
as agreed.
The BHRM noted many of the practical measures and decisions taken
by governmental agencies such as the establishment by the Ministry
of the Interior of a specialized unit for crimes of trafficking
in persons; not deporting any foreign workers by the General Directorate
of Nationality, Passports and Residence except by court orders;
receive complaints through the hotline; provide psychosocial support
and shelters to victims; coordination with the embassies and offices
of foreign workers to overcome the obstacles that may face the workers
as well as to reconcile their situation. Also the Labour Market
Regulatory Authority issued manuals on the rights of migrant workers
in several langua?es including Indi, Urdu, Bengali and English.
The Ministry of Social Development established a shelter for victims
of trafficking in persons; the Attorney-General passed a resolution
limiting the investigation of crimes of trafficking in persons to
the capital city alone, in order to increase cooperation between
the judicial officers and prosecutors; many cases of trafficking
in persons were determined by the Bahraini courts, which sentenced
to varying prison terms some defendants. For example, an Asian wo?an
was tried in December 2008 on charges of trafficking in persons
for exploitation of young Asian women in prostitution and the seizure
of their passports. The woman was gaining from the earnings of victim
females she was exploiting in prostitution. The court ruled against
the woman and sentenced her to three and a half years and fined
her 5000 BD. The victims were housed in a shelter house. Two persons
(Bahraini and an Asian) were arrested in January 2010 on charges
of trafficking in persons, and are cur?ently under pre-trial investigation
under the anti-trafficking law. In February 2010, a Bahrain was
arrested on charges of trafficking in persons and is currently being
The recommendations of the report of the U.S. State Department
are objective and practical and included:
■ The need to continue to apply the Anti-Trafficking Law of 2008
in order to increase the effective investigation and prosecution
of crimes related to trafficking in persons, and to punish violators,
especially of crimes related to forced labour,
■ Effectively investigate all crimes of trafficking in persons
including complaints obtained through the hotline.
■ To benefit from the Interior Ministry to identify the victims
as a basis for the establishment and application of formal procedures
that help in identifying victims of trafficking among vulnerable
groups, such as women working as prostitutes and domestic workers
who have fled abusive employers.
■ To refer victims to protection services, expand government-run
shelters, and to ensure non-restriction of the movement of the victims.
Also there is need to ensure that the staff working in shelters
are qualified and speak the languages of foreign workers.
■ To ensure that the non-punishment of victims of trafficking
for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being trafficked,
such as illegal immigration or prostitution.
■ The need to add a representative from the Ministry of Labour
to the Joint Ministerial Committee to combat trafficking in persons.
■ The need to consider the appointment of a national rapporteur
or a coordinator to combat trafficking in persons.
■ To ensure that domestic workers receive the same protection
enjoyed by foreign workers under the law.
■ To provide the necessary support for the adoption of the ILO
Convention to protect the rights of domestic workers.
Future steps
Fortunately, the State Department›s report came at a time when
Bahrain has a national institution for human rights and is expected
to play a crucial role to combat trafficking in persons. This can
only be done through a realistic and practical plan compatible with
international standards. This is also indicated by the President
of the NIHR Salman Kamal al-Din that the Kingdom of Bahrain is serious
in its quest to combat trafficking in persons and has a plan to
fight it, but so far does not live up to inte?national standards.
If the efforts to combat this bad phenomenon continue, coupled
with the approach of strict application of laws that criminalize
trafficking in persons, we will see Bahrain progresses in the report
of the U.S. State Department to the first category in the next year.
This puts a burden on everyone, especially relevant governmental
institutions, the National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons,
the NIHR, and civil society organizations.