Bahrain: A Human Rights Crisis - Briefing paper
On 21 April 2911, Amnesty International (AI) launched a brief
report on the human rights situation in Bahrain since the outbreak
of the recent events last February. The report came under the title
(Bahrain: A Human Rights Crisis), and pointed to a worrying decrease
in the human rights situations. These developments mark a dramatic
and deeply worrying trend. Until 2010, Bahrain was widely seen as
the Gulf state that had made the greatest progress on human rights
The report pointed that Bahrain was caught in the grip of a spiralling
political and human rights crisis and that Bahrain has witnessed
an intensifying cycle of human rights violations. These include
large-scale arbitrary arrests of government critics, opponents and
protesters. More than 500 people have been arrested in March including
many who called for changes to the political system. In all cases,
weeks after their arrest, their whereabouts remain unknown; the
government has refused to disclose this information to their families
or lawyers or, in most cases, allow any contact or visits, prompting
great anxiety as to the safety and welfare of the detainees. At
least six detainees, all prominent opposition leaders, have been
referred to the military prosecutor and were reportedly questioned
in the presence of their lawyers concerning their role in the protests.
The AI report mentioned the names of some of the prisoners and
detainees including politicians, doctors, nurses, university lecturers.
However, the whereabouts of around 85 persons recently reported
to have been released have yet to be disclosed by the government.
Furthermore, at least 18 women have also been detained in connection
with the protests. They include medical doctors, nurses and teachers
and some of them were held incommunicado in undisclosed locations.
AI considers that some of those detained are prisoners of conscience
imprisoned solely on account of their legitimate exercise of freedom
of expression or other human rights.
On the other hand, AI´s report criticized allegations of torture
and ill-treatment of detainees, at least four of whom have died
in custody in suspicious circumstances since the beginning of April.
Methods of torture included punching with fists, kicking with boots,
beatings with wooden batons and in some cases, the use of electric
shocks were applied. AI highlighted testimonies of victims who had
been tortured. The report also criticized the use by the security
forces of excessive and deadly force as well as the dismissal of
hundreds of employees from their jobs, apparently because of their
involvement in or support of the protests. In this regard, the Bahraini
government responded to the report in a letter sent to the Secretary-General
of AI by Dr. Fatima Al Balushi, Minister of Social Development and
in charge of the human rights file. She emphasized in the letter
that the (disciplinary and legal proceedings had been taken in accordance
with relevant legal standards, and only in relation to specific
violations of the law, such as absenteeism. The Government has no
hand in the decisions of private sector companies with regard to
their workforce, while any individual who believes they have been
treated unfairly can bring a case before the Labour Courts). The
Minister also emphasized that cases of detention of some doctors,
nurses, lecturers are not directly related to their professions
or their legitimate professional activity, because the legal investigations
showed evidence of involvement in criminal activities such as incitement
to violence or hatred, and refusal to provide medical service for
political and sectarian reasons. (Bahrain News Agency, 26 April
AI’s report referred to the prevailing climate of fear and signs
of an increasing sectarian divide between the Sunni and Shi’a, and
the recurrence of attacks on foreign migrant workers, notably from
the Indian sub-continent, by elements affiliated to the militant
opposition. Meanwhile, Bahrainis who support the government claim
that its clampdown on the opposition and the protests was necessary
to “pull Bahrain from the abyss”.
The report criticized the imposition of the State of National
Safety – SNS - (State of Emergency) since 15 March for three months
subject to renewal by Parliament, which the report described as
weak, especially after the withdrawal of the 18 members of the Al
Wefaq Society in protest at the government crackdown. The provisions
of the SNS are broadly drawn and vague, and contain no explicit
human rights guarantees. The SNS gives enormous powers to the security
forces, which allow them to ban all public gatherings that are deemed
harmful to national security; to prohibit individuals from travelling
outside Bahrain; and to conduct searches of places. The SNS also
allows the authorities to close down NGOs, trade unions, social
clubs, and political associations. The SNS established special courts
to try people accused of crimes against the State, but there is
nothing said about human rights safeguards for detainees held under
the SNS, including how long they can be detained in pre-trial detention.
Furthermore, the final verdicts of the special courts cannot be
appealed against in Bahrain’s ordinary courts.
The AI report concluded that the SNS provisions directly contravene
Bahrain’s obligations as a state party to international human rights
treaties, notably the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), and appear also to contravene provisions contained
in the Bahraini Constitution, the Penal Act and the Criminal Procedure
In this regard, the Minister of Social Development again assured
AI that (the Kingdom of Bahrain is dedicated to protect human rights
and fundamental freedoms, despite being faced with a security situation
that included extreme and premeditated violence, often against unarmed
and vulnerable civilians, compounded by outside interference. As
a result of these challenges, Bahrain had been left with no option
but to declare the State of National Safety, in order to restore
peace and security and ensure the protection of the rights of all
components of society). (Bahrain News Agency, 26 April 2011).
AI’s report covered the events of last March adequately and pointed
to the background that led to the continuation and growing of demonstrations
and protests against the government following the withdrawal of
military and security forces from the Lulu Roundabout on 18 February
2011. The report noted anti-government protesters had stepped up
their demands, with many calling openly for an end to the monarchy
and its replacement with a republican system. By contrast, the seven
legally-registered political associations, including al-Wefaq, the
largest Shi’a political group, were calling for the establishment
of a genuine constitutional monarchy and for the resignation of
the government as a precondition for their engagement in negotiations
with the Crown Prince. On 12 and 13 March, violence erupted between
protesters demanding an end to the monarchy and government supporters
in the Royal Court in al-Riffa’ and the University of Bahrain in
Hamad Town areas.
The report pointed to the closure of the main roads in Manama
and the occupation of the Financial Harbour area by the protester
causing considerable disruption in these areas, in addition to attacking
Asian immigrant workers, causing three deaths and injuries to others.
On 15 March, the Saudi Arabian government despatched its troops
to Bahrain, reportedly at the request of the Bahraini government
and to assist in guarding key government installations in Bahrain.
As Saudi Arabian troops entered, Bahrain declared the State of National
Safety (SNS). Next day, the government sent in the security forces,
backed by helicopters and tanks, to storm the Lulu Roundabout area
and forcibly evict the protesters. In the ensuing clashes, at least
two protesters and two police officers were reported killed and
dozens of people were injured by the security forces that violently
cleared the protesters away. The security forces also took similar
action to forcibly evict protesters from the nearby Financial Harbour
AI’s report was based on the findings of the AI delegation that
visited Bahrain on 1-8 April 2011, previous visits in February 2010
and the end of 2010, in addition to AI’s ongoing monitoring of developments
in Bahrain. AI’s delegates met with officials from several government
ministries and victims of human rights violations and their relatives
and eye-witnesses, human rights activists, representatives of diverse
religious and ethnic communities, lawyers, journalists, medical
practitioners, and others
The main recommendations of the Amnesty International report
are as follows:
AI urges the Bahraini government to immediately and unconditionally
release all prisoners of conscience, and to ensure that all other
detainees are released unless they are to face recognizable criminal
charges and be tried in full accordance with international standards
of fair trial and without recourse to the death penalty.
AI urges the Bahraini authorities to immediately disclose the
whereabouts of all those currently detained, allow the prompt and
regular access to their lawyers and families and ensure that they
have access to and can receive all necessary medical treatment.
AI expresses the need that any members of the security forces
or other officials responsible for abusing detainees’ rights must
be held to account and removed immediately from any position where
they can continue to commit abuses against detainees.
AI reminds Bahrain that the international conventions on human
rights, such as the United Nations Convention against Torture, also
ratified by Bahrain, and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, as well as the laws of Bahrain, prevent the use
of torture.
AI calls upon the Bahraini government to immediately establish
an independent and impartial investigation into the deaths in custody
that have occurred and into all allegations of torture and other
ill-treatment of detainees, and to bring to justice any members
of the military and security forces or other officials, however
senior, who are responsible for torture or other abuse of detainees.
AI urges Bahrain to give greater priority to its obligations
under international law.
AI calls upon governments that have long maintained close diplomatic,
trade and other ties with Bahrain to remind the Bahraini authorities
of their obligations to uphold and respect human rights.