Human Rights Reforms Must Continue
The Beginning of a Change in the
International Community’s Assessment
A significant improvement in the positions of some international
players with an interest in Bahrain’s human rights situation has
been observed recently. This was the result of a number of factors
and positive developments in Bahrain’s handling of it human rights’
These developments included measures taken to consolidate the
institutional infrastructure of human rights, such as:
■ Establishing and invigorating a number of vital human rights
institutions in a manner that is consistent with the genuine desire
to fulfill the requirements of adhering to the recommendations contained
in the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry,
as well as the obligations Bahrain committed itself to through the
comprehensive periodic review mechanism at the UN Human Rights Council.
These institutions are: (TheSpecial Investigation Unit at the Public
Prosecution), (The Ombudsman Office at the Ministry of Interior)
and (The Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission). This in addition
to the National Institution for Human Rights (NHR) which has been
re-energized to ensure its conformity with the Paris Principles.
■ Holding parliamentary and municipal elections per schedule.
In connection with the interaction with the international
community the developments included:
● Strengthening the relationship with the Office of the UN High
Commission for Human Rights with advanced steps being taken towards
concluding a technical cooperation agreement between the two sides.
● Openness towards international non-governmental organizations,
such as allowing Amnesty International to conduct professional visits
to Bahrain.
The indications of a change in the influential international
players’ assessment of the human rights situation in Bahrain could
be stated as follows:
Ombudsman Office at the Ministry of Interior |
Of all the components of the international community, Britain’s
view towards the development of human rights situation in the world
is based on the principle of “encouragement rather than reprimand”.
This has always been Britain’s approach when dealing with the human
rights situation in Bahrain, which has now moved from the encouragement
phase to providing technical assistance in the judicial and security
fields. Britain’s Foreign Office has classified Bahrain in its periodic
report on human rights and dem?cracy in the world, as a “Case study”rather
than a “Country of concern” despite pressure from many members of
the British Parliament. The British government’s argument was that
Bahrain’s human rights situation is witnessing some progress. The
British Foreign Office has noted the steady improvement in Bahrain
in its annual report issued in March 2015:
“The government of Bahrain continued its efforts
to strengthen police accountability and build oversight mechanisms
across the criminal justice system. The Ministry of Interior’s Ombudsman’s
Office, the Prisoners’ and Detainees’ Rights Commission, and the
National Institute of Human Rights (NIHR) released their inaugural
reports this year. Some progress has been made in implementing their
recommendations, and we encourage the government of Bahrain to move
resolutely to address the remaining recommendations in all three
In December 2014, the Ministry of Interior’s Ombudsman
and the NIHR received the EU Chaillot award for the Gulf region
in recognition of progress made on promoting human rights”
“An investigation by the Special Investigation
Unit (SIU) led to six members of staff, including three high-ranking
officers, appearing before the High Criminal Court on 25 November.
All six defendants pleaded not guilty, and the case was adjourned
until a later date. In November, the SIU investigated video footage
showing a person being assaulted in a police car, and charged the
police officer in question. The SIU also probed nine cases of alleged
torture and four cases of alleged mistreatment in December, which
remain under investigation. It is crucial that police officers are
held fully accountable for their actions and are sentenced accordingly.
Ombudsman’s Office figures in July 2014 showed
that 14 officers had been charged with human rights violations.
Of those, 12 are facing trial, one received a six-month sentence,
and another faced disciplinary action. During his visit to Manama
in December, the Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, raised his concerns
about human rights issues with the King and Crown Prince of Bahrain”.
The report continues:
“The NIHR report, published in September, made
recommendations on Bahrain’s judicial system. Some progress is being
made. In November a Bahraini delegation carried out a study visit
to Northern Ireland to learn about the juvenile justice system.
SIU staff members also attended training sessions in the UK on forensic
evidence, interviewing skills, and the rights of suspected persons.
However, concerns remain about apparent inconsistencies and inequalities
in sentencing”.
The report concludes:
“FCO Minister for the Middle East, Tobias Ellwood,
hosted the fourth UK-Bahrain Joint Working Group on 4 December,
which focused on reform and the UK’s technical assistance.
In 2015, the UK will continue to support the government
of Bahrain in implementing its human rights and political reform
programme through the provision of technical assistance, training,
and best practice sharing. This will include support on reforms
of the youth justice system, and court administration and further
capacity building for key institutions such as the Ombudsman’s office”
Previously, the British Foreign Office said in its quarterly
report released in October 2014:
‘Last June, the Bahraini Parliament passed a new
law to grant wider responsibilities to the National Institute for
Human Rights (NIHR) to investigate human rights violations and inspect
detention places and that the NIHR identified in its report number
of perceived shortcomings and made a series of recommendations,
including the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention
Against Torture and the transfer of responsibility for detention
and rehabilitation to the Ministry of Justice. The report also contained
recommendations for the judicial system.’
The report added:
“whilst considerable efforts are being made to
build trust in a fair and equitable justice system, the inconsistency
and apparent inequality in sentencing has the potential to undermine
this work.We welcome the NIHR report as an important benchmark for
taking forward further human rights reform, and we encourage the
government of Bahrain to consider the report and its recommendations
carefully” It also noted:”Bahrain’s leadership publicly accepted
the report and praised its comprehensive objectivity”.
The British Foreign Office’s quarterly report of October 2014
also affirmed:
“The Bahraini government has taken positive steps
to increase engagement with the UN and international NGOs, which
demonstrated a level of transparency. They welcomed the visit by
Amnesty International in March and the two-month technical visit
by the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR)
in April.”
Thus, the British Foreign Office has continued defending its
assessment of Bahrain’s progress in the field of human rights against
all the criticisms leveled, especially in the British House of Commons,
including from its subcommittee on Foreign Relations. One example
is the response by the British Minister of state for Near Eastern
Affairs, Tobias Ellwood, on December 18th, 2014, to inquiries by
some MPs regarding the Foreign office’s evaluation of the human
rights’ situation in Bahrain during the previou? six months. He
said in that regard:
“We are supportive of the reforms underway in Bahrain
and the steps taken by the Bahraini government to implement the
recommendations set out in the Bahrain Independent Commission of
Inquiry and UN Universal Periodic Review. Notable steps in the past
six months have been:
The first annual report by the Ministry of the
Interior’s Ombudsman’s Office, released in May, which detailed the
cases it has dealt with since July 2013;
The first report of the Prisoners and Detainees
Rights Commission in August, following its inspection visit to Dry
Dock Detention Facility;
The report from the National Institute of Human
Rights in September which identified a number of perceived shortcomings
and made a series of recommendations to the Government of Bahrain.
I am pleased that the EU chose to award the Chaillot
Prize to the Ministry of the Interior’s Ombudsman’s office and the
National Institute for Human Rights (NIHR) in December for work
to improve human rights in Bahrain. I will continue to encourage
the Government of Bahrain to ensure that the reform programme continues
and the recommendations made in the reports are implemented fully”.
Ambassador with Bahrain’s Foreign Minister |
The United States:
Unlike Britain, the United States lacks the historical legacy
and experience in dealing with the Gulf issues. Its handling of
these issues has been marked by intermittency and an hesitancy that
is exacerbated by the conflicting views among the various agencies
of government such as the Pentagon, the Department of State and
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). What further complicates
the situation is the US administration’s inability to withstand
the pressures from a multitude of sources starting with th? legislature
(both houses of Congress) and ending with the pressure groups (lobbies)
with their differing agendas, including international non-governmental
organizations and the media. Perhaps this explains the unstable
US State Department’s handling of the Bahrain human rights dossier,
and the shadow such an inconsistency casts on the relations with
However, the positive steps undertaken by Bahrain have given
the US State Department the opportunity to free itself from some
of the pressure and allowed it to be less cautious with regard to
expressing its appreciation for the progress made.
On September 24th, 2014, during the deliberation of the 27th
session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on the subject
of technical cooperation between Bahrain and the commission, the
US Representative Keith Harper said the following:
“We welcome the visit of an OHCHR technical team
earlier this year. We believe that deeper engagement with OHCHR
can help this organization play an important role in working with
the Bahraini government in its efforts to improve the human rights
situation in Bahrain.
We welcome the recent report by Bahrain’s National
Institute for Human Rights.
In the interest of a strong and peaceful Bahrain
we urge a sustained effort and willingness by all sides to compromise
and to achieve real progress in the political and reform process.”
And on November 30th, 2014, the then spokeswoman for the US State
Department, Jen Psaki, congratulated Bahrain on the conclusion of
its 2014 parliamentary and municipal elections.
She urged all of Bahrain’s constituencies to work in good faith
to resolve existing tensions, to seek constructive compromise, and
develop a consensus on how to address Bahrain’s political, economic
and social priorities. She stressed the need for all segments of
the Bahraini society to reject violence and to contribute to a climate
conducive for peaceful reconciliation.
Also on December 4th, 2014, the US Assistant Secretary of State
for Near Eastern Affairs, Anne Patterson, and the US assistant secretary
of state for Democracy and Human Rights, Tom Malinowski, held a
press conference in Manama in which the latter stated the following:
“We met with new Ombudsman and the Special Investigative
Unit, and hope that everyone will support their work. We welcome
the support the government has given for the National Institution
for Human Rights, and hope it will take seriously the recommendations
the Institute has made. The reports produced by these national institutions
are unique for this region, but reports must lead to results”.
The US Ambassador to Bahrain, William Roebuck, said, last March,
that his country understands “the real threats to Bahrain from all
sides” and that Washington “makes a clear distinction between those
who practice violence and extremist groups that work to destabilize
Bahrain and other groups that tend to exercise, in a peaceful manner,
their right to criticize and express different viewpoints. Such
groups have an important role to play in various communities and
The envoy viewed the recent parliamentary elections in Bahrain
as “an important mean to address the legitimate aspirations of the
Bahraini people” and added that His Majesty King Hamad deserves
great credit for his role in consolidating reform in the country,
supporting the National Action Charter in 2002, endorsing the recommendations
of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry and supporting
the National Dialogue 2013-2,014. He said that the government of
Bahrain has taken significant steps towards?the implementation of
the reforms set out in the report of the Independent Commission
of Inquiry”.
But ambassador Roebuck stressed that “there is still work to
be done, and we are ready to help in any way, whenever we are called
upon to do so,” He added that there is no perfect society or country,
and that the United States benefited greatly from criticism and
recommendations made by observers and activists on human rights
and abuses that have occurred in the United States, hinting that
the same applies to Bahrain, and suggesting that the latter could
benefit from staying open to continuing dialogue wi?h those citizens
who peacefully support the reform efforts and strengthening the
protection of human rights”.
The Ambassador drew attention to his awareness that Bahrain “has
achieved a number of important steps in addressing some of the underlying
causes of the events that occurred in 2011” adding that they support
the “ongoing government initiatives to build on these efforts including
the genuine efforts made by the Ombudsman Office” pointing as well
as to “efforts aiming at strengthening the parliament, the establishment
of the Special Investigation Unit, and the efforts exerted by the
National Institute for Hu?an Rights, all of which are positive achievements
that reflect the ongoing reform efforts in Bahrain”.
Finally, ambassador Roebuck explained that “the United States
has repeatedly expressed its support for the reform efforts of His
Majesty the King to consolidate the fundamental rights of all Bahraini
nationals. These efforts, that incorporate the views of all Bahrainis
in respect to the formulation of the decisions that affect them,
offer encouraging examples of the sort of the confidence -building
and institution-building measures, that could lead to more opportunities
for dialogue, and a better protecti?n for fundamental rights”.
EU Ambassador hands the Chaillot award
to NHRI & Ombuds man Office |
European Union:
Since the outbreak of the events in Bahrain in February 2011,
the European Union, both legislative and executive, continued to
periodically criticize the human rights situation in Bahrain in
its official statements and reports, blaming the Bahraini government
for the deterioration of the situation. The European bloc, led by
a number of parties, on top of which was Switzerland, continued
consistently to adopt joint statements andto mobilize and lobby
other countries to sign them. At one point they managed t? secure
signatures from more than fourty countries to denounce what they
described as violations by the Bahraini government.
However, the past months have, for the first time, witnessed
some change in the European Union’s standpoint vis a vis the developments
in the human rights situation in Bahrain. This change could be attributed
mainly to the successful completion of the recent parliamentary
and municipal elections; a significant step that illustrates the
determination and seriousness of the Bahraini government towards
carrying out its democratic and human rights responsibilities.
The following are some examples of what the European Union said
in this regard:
● In September 25th, 2014, the official spokesman for the European
Union issued a statement on the announcement of the date of the
elections, saying that the “The European Union considers that credible
and inclusive elections can represent one important element for
the advancement of genuine national dialogue and reconciliation,
thus promoting the necessary sustainable reforms in a spirit of
shared responsibility in the interest of all Bahrainis”.
● On October 16th, 2014 and in the wake of the Bahraini opposition
parties’ announcement of its boycott of the elections, EU ambassadors
accredited to Bahrain issued a joint statement in which they expressed
deep disappointment at this boycott decision, and appealed to these
parties to reconsider their decision, noting that they in the EU,
believe that it is imperative for rebuilding the trust and confidence
necessary for stability and progress in Bahrain that all those committed
to the democratic process ?articipate in the elections.
British Foreign Office report on human
rights |
● In December 3rd, 2014, the EU representative in Riyadh announced
that the Chaillot award for 2014 has been awarded to the National
institution for Human Rights and the Ombudsman Office at the Ministry
of Interior in recognition of their efforts in the field of promotion
and protection of human rights in Bahrain.
International NGOs:
If we take into account that the previous periods have witnessed
a steady stream of statements and reports by international human
rights organizations condemning abuses, it is quite noticeable that
the number of such statements has decreased considerably in the
last few months , which was viewed as an evidence that Bahrain,
through its official efforts and those made by its existing and
newly found human rights institutions, and through the spirit of
cooperation and interaction with the international hum?n rights
community that it has shown, is moving in the right direction, that
could only lead to further improvement and would pavethe way for
the continuation of the reform process and the democratic building
on a solid foundation of social stability and cohesion.
This steady improvement in the international community’s assessment
of the human rights situation in Bahrain should not lead us to be
complacent and reluctant to carry out further reforms, or address
urgent issues such as holding perpetrators of violations accountable.
Bahrain’s government is supposed to realize that there are still
some concerns that will continue to be monitored by the international
human rights community to see how the Bahraini authorities would
deal with them.