Politicization Removes Drazi
Earthquake in Bahrain Human Rights Movement
Anyone who follows the activities of the Bahrain Human Rights
Society, the first human rights society established during the reform
era, knows that it had achieved a great deal during the leadership
of the recently resigned Abdullah Drazi. Drazi contributed significantly
towards the development and maturity of the Society as well as building
bridges with the official authorities concerned with human rights.
Abdullah Al-Drazi |
Despite being a leading human rights activist, Drazi remained
a member of the political society Wa’d, claiming that his political
affiliation did not conflict with his human rights activities. However,
Drazi should by now be aware that the political position of Wa’d
has limited his freedom of expression with regards to human rights
issues. The breaking point for Drazi came after his statement on
9 February 2010, when he praised the courageous steps taken by the
King during the reform project, such as cleaning prisons, returning
exiles and abolishing the State Security Law. Drazi also praised
the Government’s openness and its unprecedented expansion of freedom
of expression to the extent that a conference was held in Bahrain
to discuss a very sensitive issue (he was referring to the Human
Rights Watch conference on torture). He also said that it would
have been impossible to hold such a conference in the country 10
years ago. Drazi also praised the Ministry of Interior and its Minister
for his reform steps, and gave examples of his cooperation with
the Society, describing the relationship between the Society and
the Ministry as ‘good and improved’. He also pointed to the fact
that the security officials whose names were mentioned in the HRW
report have nothing to do with the issue of torture. The political
movement Wa’d was obviously displeased with these statements, so
the political pressure mounted on Drazi, pushing him to resign.
The duality of political and human rights affiliation as well
as the dominance of political societies over the human rights field,
have transformed human rights activism into merely a political tool.
This means that the visions of human rights societies have become
governed by politics, forcing activists to adopt specific opinion,
which they do not necessarily believe in. This also pushes them
to accept evaluations of the human rights situation based on a political
judgment. Not only does political polarization contribute in isolating
these societies, it also clashes with official and civil bodies.
We have early warned of the consequences of politicizing human
rights despite our awareness of the circumstances of democratic
change, and the relatively new experience of political and human
rights in the country. The negative results of connecting human
rights with political affiliation have now appeared, highlighted
not only by the experience of the Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS)
and the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, but also evident in the
experiences of many other human rights societies, who were busy
either in finding excuses for violations or denying that they ever
took place. The writer Sawsan Al Shair has equated both parties
by saying: (one group was unsuccessfully polished by the Government
and this group denies any allegations, whilst the other group believes
any allegations against the Government), (Al Watan 05/02/2010).
Saeed Al Hamad wrote that ‘the resignation of Drazi reflects
the predicament of the human rights and politics duality’ and that
Drazi ‘was its victim’. He continued by saying that the resignation
‘reflects the effect of this duality on anyone who is both a party
member and a human right activist, who should supposedly be independent
from any political influence. Most human rights societies suffer
from this particular problem’. We find this analysis both accurate
and correct. (Al Ayam 17/02/2010)
The Minister of Interior noticed this and commented on the crisis
of the BHRS by saying that it is necessary to work towards stripping
members of some civil societies (especially human rights societies)
of their political affiliations, so that their civil role is not
affected by a political one. (The Minister of Interior addressing
parliamentary committees, 15/02/2010).
We regret the resignation of Abdullah Drazi and we very much
hope that he will return to the human rights field, which needs
individuals like him. We are concerned that the new human rights
society Salam (which is in the process of being formed) will fall
into the same trap. We hope that the society will be established
in the near future, however we advise our brothers in both Al Wifaq
and Salam society to separate human rights and politics and call
upon political figures in Al Wifaq not to influence the activity
of their colleagues in Salam. This will weaken Salam and render
it useless in politics and becomes a mere media organ in political
conflicts. In order to achieve this separation, Salam’s founders
(be they members or leaders) should resign from their political
positions in Al Wifaq. Salam should also be financially independent
and place strict restrictions on their human rights performance
to avoid slipping into politics or becoming partial to its allies.
Finally, it should adhere to human rights standards so that its
establishment constitutes a real step in the development of Bahraini
human rights.