Wasted Opportunity at Chatham House
Avoiding Second Party’s Questions.
On 14 April 2010, a seminar on political reform and democratic
institutions in Bahrain was held at the Royal Institute for International
Affairs, Chatham House, London. The event was organized by the Bahraini
Media and Information sector at the Ministry of Information. The
participants included a number of officials from the diplomatic
sector and media institutions, academics and research centres, in
addition to some British official bodies and Amnesty International.
Three Bahraini figures spoke during the seminar: the Second Vice-President
for the House of Representatives Dr. Salah Ali, Shura MP Diaa Al
Mosawi and the Editor-in-Chief of Akhbar Al Khaleej newspaper Anwar
Abdul Rahman. The seminar was chaired by Richard Muir from the University
of Durham.
The speakers highlighted the positive aspects of the reform project
in Bahrain since it began in 2000, as well as some human rights
related issues including women’s rights, freedom of expression and
relations with international organizations. The seminar provided
a comprehensive picture of the Bahraini experience and the reform
project, and was a positive effort aimed at highlighting the current
margin of political, religious and media freedoms available in the
country. However, presentation lacked suitable and impartial vocabulary
which would have made it more convincing and acceptable to the participants.
Also, discussing the positive aspects of the reforms is not sufficient,
as there are many questions in the minds of foreign observers with
regards to the political and human rights situation, which need
to be answered. These questions should have had the priority in
such a seminar, as its objective was not to paint a rosy picture
of Bahrain, nor to counter certain propaganda by emphasizing the
achievements of state, which are many. Rather, its aim was merely
to provide a clear picture of the reality in Bahrain in various
fields. This picture is a positive one, contrary to the rumours
claiming Bahrain’s political and human rights experience is still
incomplete and faces many obstacles and problems. This may be true,
but it is also a real and positive experience, and we are all learning
how to develop it. We refuse to deform this experience or present
it in a way that opposes reality, as this does not help us as Bahrainis.
Furthermore, foreign monitors will also reject any unrealistic portrait
of issues.
What the seminar really lacked was not an overview of Bahrain’s
achievements, however important. Chatham House is an elite centre,
and as such the participants in the seminar required more than just
a general presentation of Bahrain’s record in developing its political,
economic, judicial and human rights system. They are also not in
favour of a one-sided, stereotypical picture, and do not accept
propagandistic language. Even the most perfect of achievements could
not be marketed in such a language. In addition, the level, depth
and freedom of the debate should have been at the same level of
debates in the local media. It is illogical that we have become
less keen in discussing our issues when we are abroad than when
inside the country!
The foreign media is interested in exactly the same issues that
are being discussed in the local media. It would have been much
better if the panel had addressed some of these issues such as:
does the Press Law restrict freedom of expression? What about allegations
of torture, illegal detention and blocking internet websites which
westerners believe are political and human rights websites? Also,
questions about the true extent of the use of excessive force and
the reasons behind it as well as the issues of violence, the problem
of sectarian discrimination and restrictions of the activities of
human rights activists and institutions.
Moreover, there are also many political questions related to
the reform process, such as: is there political stability in the
country? Why is street violence continuing? Why has the reform process
reached a deadlock? Why has the Legislative Authority been described
as weak and restricted due to the existence of an appointed Shura
Council? And finally, why is there insufficient cooperation between
the Legislative and Executive authorities? These questions are of
particular interest to foreign public opinion, and have frequently
been raised in political and human rights reports and foreign media.
They should thus be discussed within the framework of the country’s
overall political change, and in a positive spirit of openness and
honesty. If these subjects were raised for discussion, people at
the receiving end would be better able to understand them and appreciate
the achievements that have taken place.