Bahrain: Parliamentary Elections and Human Rights Promotion
Bahrain is approaching the date for holding legislative elections
scheduled for 23 Oct 2010. It will be the third election since Bahrain
started the political reform ten years ago making Bahrain one of
the emerging democracies in the world. It is obvious that the next
parliamentary elections are of paramount importance in order to
strengthen democracy in Bahrain; handle conflict with the forces
of extremism and violence, which want to sabotage the political
process; as well as facing the regional negative tensions that are
reflected on the region and Bahrain. That is why elections are so
crucial for political stability in Bahrain.
There are two democratic experiences in the Gulf, the first is
the Kuwaiti experience, which started in the sixties of the last
century; and the other is the Bahraini experience, which was cut
off in the seventies and then resumed in 2000 through a reform project
championed by the King of Bahrain. It is clear that the Parliament
of Bahrain does not have the powers enjoyed by the Parliament of
Kuwait because the draft laws adopted by the House of Representatives
of Bahrain must also be approved by the appointed Shura Council
in order to be valid. However, this does not detract from the vital
role played by the Bahraini Parliament. However, there is need to
fully empower the Bahraini Parliament in order to keep up with the
ongoing political transition in Bahrain.
Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights recognized (the right of every citizen to take part in the
management of public affairs, and the right to elect or be elected).
Thus, the elections are an inherent right for every citizen to participate
in the management of state affairs. Elections must be based on objective
and reasonable criteria such as: ensuring the right of citizens
to participate in the management of public affairs; conducting periodic,
genuine and credible elections. Positive measures should be taken
to overcome specific difficulties such as illiteracy, language barriers,
poverty, or impediments to freedom of movement, which prevent persons
entitled to vote from exercising their rights effectively. Persons
entitled to vote must have a free choice of candidates; such electoral
participation cannot be realized without ensuring freedom of expression,
assembly and association. Hence, comes the importance of political
participation of all factions of society without exclusion. Elections
are the most important mechanisms for political reform particularly
when all political forces and segments of society are actively involved.
The need for the participation of al political societies
The upcoming Bahraini elections present a great opportunity to
promote the process of political reform and democratization, as
well as to identify the sizes of political and social forces and
their weights in the Bahraini society. They present an opportunity
to measure whether some political forces are declining or progressing
for their participation in the political process.
The elections is also an opportunity for the political forces
that boycotted the previous elections in measuring the extent of
their national commitments to the political process as a whole,
their willingness to contribute positively to the management of
public affairs of the country and take responsibility. This is a
human right guaranteed by Article 25 of the ICCPR referred to above.
The parliamentary elections in 2002 were boycotted by four political
societies namely: the Al-Wifaq Society, which is considered the
strongest political society in Bahrain; the National Democratic
Action, the National Democratic Alliance and the Islamic Action.
But all societies (except the Islamic Action) took a u-turn and
participated in the 2006 elections.
It must be recalled the importance of elections and the role
of political elites and their impact on the containment of sectarian,
tribal and ethnic tendencies in the Bahraini society, and should
not work to fuel them. Programmes of political societies should
be based on a comprehensive national basis, and away from sectarian
loyalty. The elections are the best peaceful means in the fight
against violent tendencies that usually affect members of communities
governed by oppressive regimes. Furthermore, the elections result
in producing means and mechanisms for monitoring and hold to account
officials as well as fighting corruption.
Role of civil society in the elections
To have a complete elections, it is necessary to strengthen the
political participation of all without exclusion, and promote participation
of all citizens in free and fair elections, which may require implementation
of several actions and activities by political societies and civil
society organizations such as round table seminars, conferences
and panel discussions involving political societies and representatives
of civil society and citizens to discuss ways and means to promote
a free and fair elections and how to engage everyone in it. Such
activities should aim to raise the awareness of citizens and civil
society institutions of international standards for free and fair
elections, and the role they can play in promoting participation
in elections, as well as to promote the concept of citizenship.
It is important to emphasize the concept of citizenship as the primary
source of rights and duties, and that there is no place for discrimination
between citizens on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, belief
and sect. In general, the electoral process should include the minimum
international standards for elections, which we will cover in the
next issue of this newsletter.
It is important to point to the need for civil society to play
a role in activating the dialogue on the mechanisms required for
holding credible parliamentary elections, as well as to its role
in urging the political forces and citizens to engage in the elections.
Civil society should also work to encourage the political forces
to promote youth participation in the electoral process at all stages,
and should work to raise awareness among young people about the
constitutional and international standards for free and fair elections
and the importance of participation.
The quota system between acceptance and rejection
Bahraini women have been able to develop women’s political participation
in the management of public affairs in Bahraini through the institutions
of local authorities and municipalities and involvement in civil
society organizations and voluntary institutions and national advisory
councils such as the Supreme Council for Women’s Affairs. But women
failed to access Parliament through elections for many reasons including
the culture of society, weak potential of women and lack of support
from political societies. Thus the idea of applying the quota system
was born to reserve seats in Parliament for women. The idea was
endorsed by the Women’s Federation and its affiliates but rejected
by the Supreme Council for Women’s Affairs.
Supporters of the quota system believe that the system is a procedure
to enhance the progress of women’s political participation through
the allocation of seats for women in either Parliament or the municipalities,
or a mechanism to address the marginalization of women in decision-making
bodies. The question remains about the extent to which the quota
system will help in promoting women’s representation in Parliament
of Bahrain. The Bahraini women participated for the first time in
the 2002 elections as candidates and voters but did not win any
seats. In the 2006 parliamentary elections there were 16 female
candidates but only one woman won a seat.
On the other hand, opponents of the quota system argue that the
Bahraini society must mature, culturally and politically, so that
it does not see the nomination and election of women a strange or
unfamiliar phenomenon, and that women themselves need to make efforts
to reach Parliament on equal footing with men without the need for
a special resolution or sympathy. Moreover, there is a difficulty
in making constitutional amendments acceptable to all and which
will enforce the quota system and give women the proportion of seats
in the House of Representatives (e.g. 30%).
Candidates must include human rights in their programs
There is need to include human rights in the programs of candidates
for the upcoming elections because this commitment will lead to
a greater political stability and respect for human rights, and
will work as a barrier against sectarian violence. The importance
of this commitment is that it makes MPs engaged in policy-making
that seeks to reform the human rights situation as a matter of high
priority in their agenda when they reach Parliament. This entails
a moral obligation on their part to fulfill the promises they made
during the campaign. Reform of legislation to conform to international
human rights instruments is the beginning of the right track towards
respect for human rights by institutions and executive bodies concerned.
It is the responsibility of civil society in Bahrain to put pressure
on all candidates for the inclusion of human rights in their programs.
Election monitoring
Monitoring the elections is an internal matter related to the
state. The State must therefore provide an appropriate environment
for national observers. The Transparency Society and the Bahrain
Human Rights Society participated in monitoring the last elections
in Bahrain, also participated in monitoring the elections in several
countries including Kuwait and Lebanon. It is important to mention
the availability of national expertise to accomplish this monitoring
work. But some countries have reservations against the presence
of foreign observers for elections, or even against the U.N. to
monitor the elections process. It is known that the U.N. has monitored
the electoral process in a number of countries in various regions,
particularly in countries with fragile democratic experiences especially
in the post-armed conflict and civil wars, or when the U.N. provides
assistance in the context of the process of building State institutions
(Bosnia and Herzegovina is an example). In general, the nature and
quality of assistance provided by the U.N. for the elections is
determined in light of the particular circumstances of the State
So far, the Bahraini government has a position against the presence
of foreign observers but has agreed to have local observers. Furthermore,
there seems to be no insistence from civil society to have foreign
observers for the elections. The experience of the last election
did not show fraud, which requires the presence of foreign observers.
However, the Bahraini Government should provide all assistance and
create conditions to help civil society organizations and local
observers to do their work. Such domestic monitoring task is essential
in order to give credibility to the electoral process. The monitoring
process should cover all stages of the elections including: the
preparations for the elections including the campaign period; registration
of voters; vote counting; results and follow-up.
The BHRM calls on the parties concerned to facilitate monitoring
the upcoming legislative and municipal elections, and to facilitate
the work of the observers to do their work to the fullest, in order
to ensure fair elections and to prevent interference by government
agencies. It also emphasizes the need to avoid any practices that
might cast doubt on the credibility and integrity of the elections.